Read with BonusRead with Bonus

How do you even cope with him?

~Mayilla ~

The palace was filled with flowers at every corners of it, where as every maid was on duty and busy with something or the other while they prepared the palace for the Decade Banquet or so I had come to know would host the entire elite members of each clan. One would hardly recognize the vampires palace, as it held a sight full of colors and liveliness, one which brought a smile to my face as I walked past each quarters.

The question should be, how I was able to leave Prince Tegan’s quarters, for ever since I had arrived there, I wasn’t granted permission to leave, yet these days it seemed Prince Tegan began to give me a little freedom. The reason I did not know yet.

Ever since Prince Lysander’s last visit to Prince Tegan’s quarters, I did notice some changes from Prince Tegan, as I couldn’t tell if they were good or bad, but what I knew for sure was that, something happened that day. His attitude towards me still remained cold and terrifying, yet, Lenient. Which of course I did prefer, as I was finally able to see beyond the walls of his quarters, for the palace was much finer than I thought.

As though I was useless, for I only wondered around, not doing anything and once again I was reminded that I was nothing more than a feeder, hence, I was not permitted to do any other thing asides that. Which brought me to believe there was something else Prince Tegan was planning, which I had many reasons to have thought so, for one, he didn’t feed from me, which of course was for the best. Two, he knew I was more than what I said, yet, he neither questioned me nor do I believe he informed anyone else about it, Perhaps the king. Three, his leniency towards me when I believed he should be harsh for I provided him nothing, yet, he kept me alive.

Was I to believe what he planned to be good? That I couldn’t tell, one which disturbed me gravely.

“Mayilla,” My attention drove away from my thoughts, as I turned to sight Sheila coming my way. “Thank the heavens…I caught up with you,” Sheila spoke as I watched her breathe heavily.

“Perhaps, were you running to reach me?” I asked Sheila while a chuckle escaped my lips at her continuous pants.

“Obviously.” Sheila said, while a smile made its way to her lips. Sheila was a maid at Prince Tegan’s quarters, as she and I got to know each other from my usual wandering in the quarters, until I got lost one day and she showed me my way, for ever since then Sheila had made sure to always visit me daily. “Where are you headed?” Sheila asked me. “Let me guess, you’re wandering around again,” Sheila spoke, whereas her words came as a statement than a question.

“You seem to have known me well.” I said which caused Sheila to laugh.

“I wish I could trade places, just for a day. The work is so hectic,” Sheila complained as she rested a hand on hip. “And yet, I do not think I would want to know what it felt like to have your blood sucked out of your body,” Sheila added, as there was no way I planned on telling her that Prince Tegan had never drank my blood before. “I heard it hurts more than childbirth. Does it hurt?” Sheila asked me with her gaze vivid on me, whereas I could not maintain them, for I had no response.

“We shouldn’t be speaking about something as such here,” I made an attempt to change our conversation.

“Oh my apologies, let’s go somewhere more private,” Sheila said, as my gaze went livid at her words, yet, I couldn’t say a word as she dragged me away from open sights, and into a more secluded corner. “So tell me, how does it feel?” Sheila asked again.

“Well…I…” Words seemed to fail me, as I had nothing to say because I had never experienced it myself, yet, how could I tell her such. “It’s normal.” I said, and Sheila gave me a raised brow to let me know my response was not enough. “It does not hurt at all…maybe just the first bite, but as long as they are not trying to drain your whole blood, it doesn’t hurt much.” I lied effortlessly, as I wondered to myself where such brave lie came from.

“I see.” Sheila nodded her head, as though she had just discovered something new with a finger rested on her chin. “But, I hardly see you go into Prince Tegan’s room,” Sheila mentioned again.

“You hardly see me Sheila, doesn’t mean I do not go in there.” I lied again.

“Not just me, most of the maids said it too.” Sheila added, whereas a gulp made its way down my throat.

“That’s because… Prince Tegan feeds mostly at night.” I spoke. It was hard to have kept searching for lies one after the other, yet, I had to for I could not let anyone know the secret between Prince Tegan and I.

“Oh, that makes sense. We all know he is quite different from the other princes.” Sheila mentioned. “How do you even cope with him? I shiver wherever I pass by his side. He is known to be extremely ruthless and I pity myself for working under him, if it was left to me to pick, I would never have wanted to serve under him. Never!” Sheila emphasized her words, and I began to feel a sort of offense towards them, yet, I began to relate to her words when I recalled the day he killed Elena.

I remained silent despite Sheila’s rants, as they only recalled me to revisit the day Elena died and how much of my fault was in her death, and guilt began to choke my lungs.

“Are you alright, Mayilla?” Sheila asked me with her hand on my arm, as I presumed my face began to go pale.

“I’m…I’m fine.” I said along with a nod from my head. “Prince Tegan isn’t want he seems to be. He is not as bad as you think he is.” My words shocked me, as I began to defend a prince whom I could have sworn I would kill if I was given a sword to my hand, yet, from my stay of a few months, I began to see that there was more to Prince Tegan than he portrayed.

“You get special treatment Mayilla, because you are his feeder. When I tell you Prince Tegan is cruel, you should believe me.” Sheila insisted, as my gaze only met with hers, yet, I couldn’t speak a word after that, for if only they knew the pain he felt from within, the battle he fought with himself everyday, and the borrowed time he lived on, they wouldn’t speak of such.

Sheila and I left the secluded corner we stayed in, as we went back to Prince Tegan’s quarters together, which also became our own too for we lived there, and as soon as we got there, I was approached by a guard.

“The prince requests for your presence.” The vampire guard told me, whereas Sheila waved me her goodbye and I followed him. We stopped at a room in the quarters, for even if I had not been in it before, I definitely knew whom it belonged to. Prince Tegan. The guard whom didn’t say anything else, but dropped me off, left, as I debated if I would indeed go in or not.

“Come In,” I heard Prince Tegan’s voice echoed outside, as even if I didn’t knock, he seemed to have known I was there. I pushed open the door to the room, as my gaze scanned the entire of the room, noticing every paint in it to be black, whereas the bed was a grey color of a king sized bed. The room could be divided into four times my own given to me in the quarters, as it looked like a whole house on its own. My gaze sighted Prince Tegan, whom stayed at the very end of the room, while he stared from his window, as from what I saw, the view was also magnificent, with filled flowers, while birds sang their songs and played in it.

“Mayilla,” My name erupted form Prince Tegan’s lips, as he now turned to me. His gaze different from his usual coldness which I always saw, as this time they held a softness I had never seen before. “I will accept your proposal.” My gaze went wide in shock and stun that I believed my ears heard wrong.

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