Read with BonusRead with Bonus

What is your name?


The Banquet went on peacefully, whereas King Atterion had just finished giving his welcoming speech to the Royals, while I only stood beside Prince Tegan’s side ever since, for even when the wine was served, prince Tegan was the only one given, one which clearly stated of my rank in the room. Not that I expected to be served one in the first instance.

“I see your little pet is still by your side,” My attention drove to that of Prince Lysander upon he arrival with a woman by his side, whom I presumed to be his feeder. It was clearly evident that she was his feeder, for even if the lilac dress she wore was beautiful, her health said otherwise. Her collar bone stayed protruded that one would assume she fasted her whole life. Instantly, pity grossed my face, as even with the makeup applied on her, it only showcased the deterioration of her health and also the horrors which I imagined she must be facing by serving a man such as Prince Lysander.

“At least mine still looks like a human which she should,” Prince Tegan spoke and I felt bad for Prince Lysander’s feeder at his words. I knew it was a comeback at Prince Lysander, yet, it didn’t affect only him.

“Wait for me elsewhere,” Prince Lysander spoke to his feeder, whereas his gaze remained on Prince Tegan. As though she prayed for Prince Lysander’s words, his feeder left immediately after his words, leaving him to be with i and Prince Tegan. “I’m surprised you still have your head. I guess the king is weak when it comes to his sons..”

“Lysander!” Prince Tegan’s voice came high, that the royals whom were beside us, turned to face us instantly. “Watch your tone or it won’t be my head Father takes first.” Prince Tegan said with his gaze hard as a rock on Prince Lysander. Prince Lysander let out a mischievous chuckle, whereas his gaze remained sinister at us.

“That is if your predicament doesn’t disgrace him first in the eyes of many.” Prince Lysander spoke, as with his words came a double meaning which anyone would catch a whiff of. I watched Prince Tegan’s gaze furrow as he also realized there was more to what Prince Lysander said.

“Prince Lysander,” My attention drove away from the ongoing conversation, as they stopped on a man who looked vaguely familiar that called for Prince Lysander.

“Prince Lucien. I see you came.” Prince Lysander spoke to the man, whereas when his gaze passed me I took my gaze away, yet, I couldn’t quite place where his familiarity came from.

“Oh yes I did.” The one who is called Prince Lucien spoke.

“Good. I was just telling your brother how proud the king will be to have his children honor his invitation.” Prince Lysander spoke and my gaze went wide with wonders of realization.

So he was Prince Tegan’s brother? No wonder he looked familiar, as there was a resemblance between the two, as instead of Prince Lucien to have green eyes like Prince Tegan, his was brown, along with a beard which he kept.

“I see. He is indeed.” Prince Lucien said, as it was evident for me to read the aura that roamed between the three, as each of them spoke in parables to the other. My gaze stared at Prince Lucien, as he was also handsome just like Prince Tegan, yet, there was a certain aura Prince Tegan gave that I couldn’t find in the brother.

“I will take my leave then. Welcome home Lucien,” Prince Lysander spoke, whereas even still his gaze stayed sinister and I knew that that evils lived in that man, for he was as cunning as a snake.

“I see you two still do not get along.” Prince Lucien spoke as he now turned to Prince Tegan.

“Maybe if you stayed more at the palace you would know the reason.” Prince Tegan said and I found his response to be harsh. Prince Lucien remained silent, whereas he only nodded his head.

“Fair I guess, yet, I would still make the same decision again Tegan.” Prince Lucien said.

“I guess it is easy for you to abandon family or in your case be absent for a while. And yet, if we all did the same, who would look after Father?” Prince Tegan spoke to his brother.

“There are things you do not understand Tegan, one which you will one day.” Prince Lucien responded, as each of his words came calm and collected. Prince Tegan do not respond after his words, as he only sipped the wine in his glass. “I presume this must be your feeder,” Prince Lucien spoke as my gaze met with his. “What is your name?” He asked me.

“Mayilla, your grace.” I answered.

“Never heard that one before. Where are you…” My attention refuted away from Prince Lucien’s words, as from beside Prince Tegan where I stayed, so did I begin hearing the sound of groans. “I asked you a question,” Prince Lucien spoke again, as that took my attention away from Prince Tegan again.

“My apologies your grace…I’m from…um…”

“Mayilla…”My attention moved away again, as this time it was Prince Tegan who called me. My gaze watched Prince Tegan, as I noticed his inconvenience, while his head bowed down, and his neck twitched the next second.

“Your grace,” I called Prince Tegan.

“Tegan, are you alright?” Prince Lucien whom also seemed to notice his brother’s changes spoke.

“Yes, I’m fine.” And suddenly Prince Tegan rose his head as though I didn’t just see his neck twitching. “If you will excuse me,” Prince Tegan said before his gaze now faced me. “Come with me Mayilla.” Prince Tegan said, as he didn’t give me room to respond before he began walking out. I followed behind Prince Tegan, as with each of the step he took, so did it comprise of him stopping the next second, until the time where he almost lost his balance, and I held unto him.

“Are you alright, your grace?” I asked Prince Tegan as It began to become evident that something was wrong with him. Prince Tegan doesn’t respond to my words, rather groans were what erupted his lips, as it seemed as though he began fighting something within himself and that was when suspicion began clouding my mind.

“Run Mayilla… run far away.” Prince Tegan spoke, as I realized his blood rage was on the surface.

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