Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Why do you help me?


My eyes burned from the blinding sunlight that reflected in them, whereas when I tried to open them, so did my sight stay blurry. A tired exhale exited my lips, followed by a groan, as when I attempted to move my body, so did I feel my skin burn extensively that I stopped instantly to stare at the silver chains that wrapped around my abdomen and neck. The tightness of the chains around my neck prevented me from swallowing a gulp, as all I could do was only open my mouth like a thirsty dog.

My gaze rounded my environment, as with each time so did it feel as though my intestines were being pulled out of my stomach. It was easy for me to tell we were in deep forest and far away from the vampire kingdom. A forest which is know to be dangerous during the day even worse at night, which made me wonder where Mayilla was. I couldn’t beat the thought that crossed my mind, as I wondered if she left me tied up and left, perhaps as a manner of punishment for what I did to her, and yet, I wouldn’t blame her.

“Your grace…” My gaze shifted, as I stared at Mayilla at some lengths away from me, with a cloth which had contents I did not know of. “You’re awake,” I watched a smile took to her lips, as she now rushed to me. I tried to speak, but only a groan exited my lips, for to utter a word was impossible at my current condition. I recalled I told Mayilla to tie me tightly to the tree, yet, I didn’t mean for her to suffocate my lungs that it was a miracle my neck was not cut from my head already. “Oh my…I’m so sorry…I…I didn’t realize…I’ll untie you now.” Mayilla battled with her words, as she closer to me and pulled the silver chains away from my body, whereas my body fell to the ground in weakness once she did.

“Your grace!” Mayilla rushed to me while I fell to my knees.

“I’m fine…I’m just weak that’s all.” I told Mayilla, as I saw her hands wanting to raise me from the ground.

“I plucked some fruits, perhaps that would regain your strength for you to return to the palace.” Mayilla told me, as my gaze rose to meet hers, whereas she remained with a smile on her lips, and many thoughts rang through my head. Why was she gentle with me? Why did she save me? She could have left me to destroy my family, despite what I put her through, yet, she has been the one by my side ever since. Who was she and why did I feel our fate were connected?

“Why haven’t you left?” I asked Mayilla.

“I…I couldn’t. You were still tied and I…” My brows furrowed at her words which were incoherent. “We still had an agreement your grace, and I couldn’t leave knowing I didn’t keep my end.” Mayilla stated and my gaze continued on her. “You need to eat something your grace so you can have your strength.” Mayilla spoke, while I watched her pick the cloth which I now realized fruits stayed in.

“They wouldn’t do anything to me, what I need is quite different from the usual food.” I spoke, as I watched Mayila’s gaze go wide when realization of my words hit her.


“You don’t need to worry yourself Mayila, you have done enough for me already and you can leave if you want to.” I told Mayila sincerely, while her gaze came furrowed.

“But…i what about you, your grace? Won’t you need to hear what I have to tell you and return to the palace too?” Mayilla said, while my gaze moved away from her, and I managed to adjust my sitting so I could rest my back on the bark of the tree.

“I’m not returning to the palace.” I spoke.

“What?” Mayila spoke instantly. “Why…” My gaze rose to meet hers again.

“Because I can’t return to the palace Mayila, not until I have a solution to my condition, for if it weren’t for you I would have started a war of clans just like you said, that is if, I haven’t killed my family first.” I said, whereas a dry painful chuckle escaped my lips. Mayilla went silent, but with her gaze remained on me, and mine now away from hers, for my condition was my burden to bear and not anyone else. Perhaps my past life was a bad one and the heavens decided to curse me with such predicament, or perhaps it wasn’t at all and the heavens was just unfair towards me.

Either of the two, It was I who faced my burden and not the heavens, and if caution was not taken I would end up being the beast everyone believed me to be.

“Then we leave together. I would help you find a cure for your blood rage.” Mayila spoke and I my head snapped to her the instant.

“Why are you doing this Mayila? Who are you and why do you insist on helping a vampire whom has done nothing but brought you pain? Why do you do it?” I had to ask Mayila, as at that moment when I asked her, I wasn’t asking as a prince to a servant, but a helpless man to another creature.

“We had an agreement your grace and I will keep my end of it.” Mayila said.

“No Mayilla, tell what it is. Why do you help me?” I asked her while my gaze stayed solemn and stern at her, and I watched her go silent for a while.

“I…I don’t know. I don’t know your grace, perhaps I was meant to.” Mayila said, with her gaze locked with mine. “Perhaps I can’t leave you be to be on your own while you suffer a fate you know nothing of.” Mayila said, whereas my brows furrowed vividly at the depth of her words.

“And how do you know it is a fate which I know nothing of I suffer from?” I asked Mayila with my gaze stayed permanent on hers, while she remained silent, yet, what was certain was that there was more to the woman whom stood in front of me, and at that moment I knew Mayila’s fate and I had just begun.*

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