Chronicles of the Villainess all 62 chapters

  2. Route 0 - Prelude
  3. Route 0: The Villainess
  4. Route 0: Scarlet Aubrielle Elvoi
  5. Route 0: Arcana Twilight: Love Prevails Four Routes 1
  6. Route 0: Arcane Twilight: Love Prevails Four Routes 2
  7. Route 1: Inception
  8. Route 1: Flashbacks
  9. Route 1: Indifference
  10. Route 1: Preliminary Move
  11. Route 1: Benefits Is What Drives An Elvoi
  12. Route 1: Hunch
  13. Route 1: Preparations Part 1
  14. Route 1: Preparations Part 2
  15. Route 1: An Unexpected Appearance
  16. Route 1: An Unexpected Appearance Part 2
  17. Route 1: Preparations Part 3
  18. Route 1: Not A Bad Thing
  19. Route 1: A Visitor
  20. Route 1: The Unexpected Visitor
  21. Route 1: Resolve
  22. Route 1: Anticipation
  23. Route 1: Gladius
  24. Route 1: Tastes Like Home
  25. Route 1: Bandits and Ice Part 1
  26. Route 1: Bandits and Ice Part 2
  27. Route 1: Bandits and Ice Part 3
  28. Route 1: The Empire Part 1
  29. Route 1: Still With The Indifference
  30. Route 1: Unknown Dream Part 1
  31. Route 1: Unknown Dream Part 2
  32. Route 1: Similarities
  33. Route 1: THE DREAMS
  34. Route 1: THE DREAM 1.0
  35. Route 1: THE DREAM 2.0
  36. Route 1: THE DREAM 3.0
  37. Route 1: THE DREAM 4.0
  38. Route 1: THE DREAM 5.0
  39. Route 1: THE DREAM 6.0
  40. Route 1: THE DREAM 7.0
  41. Route 1: The DREAM 8.0
  42. Route 1: The Dream 9.0
  43. Route 1: The Story of the Emperor
  44. Route 1: The Story of the Emperor 1.0
  45. Route 1: The Story of the Emperor 2.0
  46. Route 1: The Story of the Emperor 3.0
  47. Route 1: The Story of the Emperor 4.0
  48. Route 1: The Story of the Emperor 5.0
  49. Route 1: Seems To Be A Distant Past (1)
  50. Route 1: Seems To Be A Distant Past (2)
  51. Route 1: Seems To Be A Distant Past (3)
  52. Route 1: Seems To Be A Distant Past (4)
  53. Route 1: Seems To Be A Distant Past (6)
  54. Route 1: Seems To be A Distant Past (7)
  55. Route 1: Seems To Be A Distant Past (8)
  56. Route 1: Seems To Be A Distant Past (9)
  57. Route 1: Seems To Be A Distant Past (10)
  58. Route 1: Some Fragments (1)
  59. Route 1: Some Fragments (2)
  60. Route 1: Some Fragments (3)
  61. Route 1: Some Fragments (4)
  62. Route 1: Some Fragments (5)