2. Unseen attention 1
Recap of the last chapter .
"What's the catch and where do I fit in here?" I asked.
"He wants to marry the woman he was bethroted to." She said and I looked at her.
"Don't tell me…" I began.
"You are bethroted to Damon, the alpha wolf and you have to marry him" mum said and looked at me.
"What in the world" I yelled.
"Am sorry." She tried to say.
"Mum, yes I know that I am bethroted to that cold alpha wolf but how can you just make a decision without asking me?" I inquired.
"It also came as the only way out. You don't want your dad to loose the company now, do you?" Mum asked.
"I don't care, I just want to be free for a long time in my life." I replied and stormed out of the room fiercely.
Ronnie's POV
"Hey, Ron, pass me the soap." My mum said to me.
"Roger that. Dufetty duff. On soap coming right up." I said and handed the soap to her in a dramatic way.
"Can you use actual words people understand?" Mum complained.
"Jeez. Sorry to burst your bubble a, but I can't. That's the only language I understand" I replied.
Mum just rolled her eyes at me and continued washing.
"We seem to get a lot of customers today. Which Is a good thing of course." She said.
We do laundry work since we're not so rich. I try to help my mum in the little way I can. I work at a thrift store which only opens on weekends so I spend most of my time with my mum, helping her with the laudry work.
Like most girls, my mum is my best friend. I always wish we were rich but I'd never envy anybody for that and I think that's what makes me stand out among my friends.
"Ronnie, look at that bag on Willow's arm. Isn't it cute? I wish I had something like that." Remona would whine.
"The bag looks cute but I don't wish to have what I can't really afford." I would say.
"I envy her. Don't you." She would say.
"Why would I envy her? Yes, she's rich and all but we all breath same air and stuffs. Nah, there's nothing to envy." I would always say.
Since dad died, owong to a disagreement between wolves, mum and I had to work extra hard because he was the breadwinner of the family while mum was just a housewife.
I went to the community high school and barged up at the top which earned me a scholarship to college. It was the best college in New York and I made lots of friends there though.
"Mum." I began
"Yes Ron" she replied.
"How would you like to live in a big mansion. Don't you wish to be rich?" I asked.
"If that was possible then I would really like that" she said dreaminly.
I looked at her and laughed.
"Mum I said how would you like to. Not imagine. " I laughed and my mum's cheek turned a shade of red and I realized she was blushing. It was a funny sight though.
She soon regained herself and looked at me seriously.
"Ron, I am your mother. Don't fool around with me." She said.
I raised my hands up in Surrender. "Ok ma'am. But you blushed though." I said.
Just then, a car parked in front of the shed and a man came out with clothes on his hands.
"Mum,isn't that Mr Julius, your best customer?" I asked.
"Yes that's him." My mum replied.
"Why does he look angry coming towards here" I asked noticing his gestures.
"Why would he be angry" mum asked.
"It's left for us to find out" I said and we patiently waited for him to reach us.
"Just what are these?" He asked flinging the clothes towards us.
I picked up the clothes with modest decency.
"What may be the problem, Mr Julius?" My mum asked.
"Don't ask me that damn question Bianca. Just take a look at my clothes." He said.
I unfolded the clothes and saw nothing on it.
"But there's nothing on it sir Julius." I said.
"How could you say such." He yelled angry.
He snatched the clothes from me and showed a little black dot on the white shirt.
"Now tell me if this is invisible to you." He said.
My mum looked at it amusingly but composed herself. "Mr Julius, I am so sorry about this and if you could leave it here,I'd make sure to remove that terrible stain from it." She offered.
"I brought this in here to get washed and ironed and this is what I get." He said.
"Sorry sir, we'd take responsibility if it happens again." I said.
"Yeah, no need because after this, am not coming to do anything here again." He said and stomps off leaving the clothes with us.
The minute he left, mum started laughing.
"Mum is loosing a customer funny?" I asked.
"No no dear,we didn't loose him. He'd come back same way that he went." Mum said and smiled
"How do you know that and how are you so sure?" I asked suspiciously.
"That's how he is, he always does that and blame me for it. It's just his way of coming here too often." She explained.
" And why would he want to come here too often?" I asked.
"Isn't it obvious, he's trying to woo me. He thinks that is how to woo a woman. What do you think?" She smiled.
"So what you're trying to say is he has a crush on you." I asked.
"Yes." She replied.
" I'd rather hug a pole than have that fatty pot belly as my father." I laughed.
"Am glad you and I both agree on this." She said nd we both laughed.
Mum always has many men coming here. Mum is part of the reason we have lots of customers. She is indeed pretty even in her mid fourties.
She's blonde with curly locks. She has a smooth skin that doesn't reflect the hard times we've gone through. Pouty lips with sharp blue eyes. Her body is like a body of a goddess. Sometimes, I even wonder if she's my real mum because compared to me, we're opposite in looks.
I have black straight hair with full lips, green eyes and I definitely don't have a body of a goddess. Although I have a pretty side of me. Straight long legs that sends guys flying towards me. Smooth skin that reflect in sunlight and beautiful sets of teeth.
Mum and I are both beautiful if I were to be honest.
"Mum, why don't you want to even go for a date. Don't you think it's high time you go for at least one?" I asked hoping she'd agree but I know what she was gonna say.
"We are both living fine now ok. So what's the need of having someone in my life when you're already a grown lovely lady" she said.
"Jeez,mum not again" I said.
"That question is supposed to be for you, Young lady. Why haven't you gone on a date for the past two years?" She asked me, obviously wanting to change the topic
"Mum you're fooling no one." I laughed.
"What did I do?" She asked.
"If you ever want to go for a date, Mr Julius is definitely out of your laegue." I said and she smiled.
We were still talking about why my mum isn't gonna go out on a date with Mr Julius when I started walking outside to throw the dirty water on the ground. I was laughing while I splashed the water. At that same moment someone shoes came in view and I saw it late.
"Oh shoot" I said as the water splashed him on his shoes.