Chapter 3
The bell rings for lunch break and I sigh in gratitude and start to pack my books into my backpack. I adjust my overlarge glasses that threaten to slip down my nose and push it back. I know I should get a pair of new glasses but once again, my decision to get what I want is influenced by monetary factors and the reminder that I belong to the low class life.
"Dude." Makayla whispers behind me and I turn my head to look at my best friend with her strawberry blonde hairs and large bulgy emerald eyes I have gotten used to for the past ten years.
"Did you hear about the new hot transfer student?" Her eyes are twinkling as she asks and I almost roll my eyes at her.
Everyone has been talking about 'the new hot boy' for the whole of the day and I am not surprised that Makayla is one of them. She has a thing for hot popular boys.
"I thought you have a boyfriend, Kayla." I reply her and she scoffs and plays with her hair, twirling her finger around it. A habit of hers I have grown to know, whenever she has something to gossip about.
"Jacob and I broke up last night." She tells me and I manage a smile. This is the fifth time she is breaking up with him and they always end up coming back together.
"I'm serious, Hera." She says again as she notices my smile. "We are done this time around."
I still don't believe that.
"What happened between you two, though?" I turn my head away from her again to my desk and resume packing my books into my bag.
Makayla leaves her desk and moves to mine, sitting her butt on my table.
"Can you believe I caught that asshole checking out Maddy's ass at the canteen yesterday? He is such a prick."
I chuckle lightly this time and give her a look.
"That is not enough reason to break up with him, Kayla. Sometimes, you can be overly dramatic. Jacob is a sweet guy."
Makayla crosses her arms over her bosom and gives me a dont-you-dare-say-that kind of look.
"Says someone who has never been in a relationship her whole life."
Ouch. That stings.
"I may have never been in a relationship before, but I know more than you do about how relationship works, Kayla."
She raises a tease brow at me.
"Oh, really? Why don't you prove it and shoot your shot at Connor, then?"
I give an irritated look at the name she has mentioned.
"No, not Connor, please. He picks his nose at lunch."
"What about Sean, then?"
I shake my head vigorously. "Nope. He has an awful mouth odour."
"And Leonard?"
"Dude. Everyone knows Leonard goes for everything and anything under skirt. Even if a goat has a skirt on, he would totally do her."
"What about Shawn? He was literally all over you last year. Everyone knew he liked you. And you liked him too."
I shut my eyes briefly at the memory of Shawn. I had promised myself never to think about him after what happened last year at his sister's homecoming party.
"Kayla. Can you stop already?"
She sighs and peers intently into my eyes.
"Bro. You have to come clean and let me know if you prefer girls. I won't judge. I'm your best friend, for chrissake."
Makayla and my dad are literally the same. I laugh and finally zip my backpack before getting up from my seat.
"If I am into girls, you'd be the first person I date, Kayla. You are too pretty to be ignored."
This time she laughs and gets her butt off my table.
"You know, everyone is anticipating the field trip. I heard Shawn is planning on asking Brianna out when we get there."
My heart misses a skip again as she mentions his name. Is he really planning on asking Brianna out?
I shouldn't feel bad about it. Brianna is the cheerleader of the school team and He's the captain of the basketball team. They're both confident, lithe people. They fit for each other.
Plus, they're both from rich and wealthy families too.
"You know," Kayla continues talking as we walk out of the classroom and down the hall to our locker. "You should try to be more...open minded and get yourself a guy. What's going to happen to you at prom?"
I shrug and open my locker.
"I don't know. You'll be my prom date, maybe?"
Kayla gives me a disbeliveing look that I ignore.
"No can do, ma'am."
My eyes instantly catch the sight of Jacob advancing towards us, tall and average looking with neat brown hairs and a bag slung to his shoulder. Many times, I feel bad that he dates my best friend. Let's put it as...She is the fire and he is the water.
That is not to say that Kayla does not deserve better. I have known Kayla for years and can testify that behind that bad girl facade, is a sweet considerate human whom I would travel the entire world for.
Kayla's eyes meet his too and she turns to face him, a stern look on her face and her arms draped around her bosom.
"I told you to stay away from me, asshole." She tells him as soon as he is just a foot away.
"I know." Jacob nibbles on his bottom lip nervously as he speaks.
My heart sinks for him.
"Can we talk?" He adds, his eyes vulnerable and pathetic. "Please?"
Kayla gives him a once-over stare before sighing. "Fine." She turns to look at me. "Give me a sec, Hera. I'll meet you at the cafeteria."
I nod, feeling lightness in my chest. They're definitely going to get back together.
"Sure. Go ahead."
Kayla offers me a smile and rubs my hand before walking away with Jacob.
I sigh and look back to my locker as i return some books from my backpack into it.
I always know these two are inseparable. They will always get back together. Kayla and Jacob started dating last year as soon as she had broken up with Finn; her ex boyfriend. Unlike me, my best friend didn't find it hard getting into a relationship. It was just as easy as changing new clothes to her. I cannot imagine the same for me. I have tried to understand myself a couple of times and the reason why I am probably anti-love relationship and the conclusions I have come to make are two.
First, it is either I am hard to please and so, find it hard to pick what I like about a person or....
The second reason being that I am too lame and boring to be in a relationship.
Either way, I don't feel bad about that and I am perfectly comfortable being this way, until the heavens says when.
I shut my locker and turned to walk away but my shoulder makes contact with another hard broader one and I am instantly knocked off balance. I stagger and gasp as my body threatens to make contact with the ground but a strong pair of masculine hands shoot out and pins me towards him by the waist, stopping me from falling to the ground but not enough from stopping my glasses from slipping off my nose and hitting the ground with a shattering noise.
With panicked accelerated heart beat, I look at the person who is holding me through my now foggy vision and my heart slows down, feeling safe under his arms.
Even under my blurry, foggy eyesight, he looks like...a hot sexy demon.