Chapter 4

Baek's POV

She has the most prettiest eyes I have ever seen. They are the most prettiest and mesmerizing shade of olive grey that pull me by the strings of my heart and cause me to stop and just...stare. Her eyes search around my face aimlessly and a small wrinkle appears on her forehead as if she is struggling to get a glimpse of my face.

Just when I am beginning to wonder if she is blind, the girl crouches down and searches her hand around for something. My own eyes analyse her action and catches sight of a pair of oval glasses just beside her and I stoop to the floor too, reaching for the glasses, only to see that it is broken already. I glance at her piteous state again as she runs a frustrated hand through her long wavy auburn brown hairs that fall to her face and I exhale in surrender. Usually, I wouldn't care the least about how pathetic she looks right how but those eyes....

I hold the glasses in my hand and play with it gently, my eyes fixated on it. The next second, the glasses have returned to its past self and as good as new.

"Hey. Let me help you." I move a little towards her, squatting directly in front of her and she waits patiently as I slip the glasses over her face. She blinks her eyes a few times as the glasses rest over her nose bridge and as her sight comes back, she takes in my sight for the first time, staring at me as if I am a complete stranger.

Uh...not that I am not.

"Uhm...hi?" I finally take the initiative to break the awkward moment even though I know fully well that I should just get going and be on my way already.

The girl ignores my friendly gesture and gets up instead. I mirror her action, straightening my frame until I am towering over her, our height difference very obvious.

"You know, you should watch where you're going next time." Her reply catches me off guard and a small frown crosses my face as I stare at her in total disbelief while trying to maintain my calm demeanor at the same time. And, don't tell me this is how humans say 'thank you'.

"You bumped into me, missy." Even though I can control my composure, I cannot control my mouth from uttering a reply.

"Oh, really?" She crosses a hand over her full bosom, looking poised and ready to defend and attack at the same time. "If you think that cute look of yours is a good excuse to be rude, arrogant and pompous, then you are very mistaken."

My eyes widen a little in amusement this time and the corners of my lips in a small smile that I know would kill her.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

She scoffs and stares at me like I am the most insane person she has ever met.

"You're so full of yourself, aren't you?"

"You are so ungrateful, aren't you?"

She scoffs sarcastically and eyes me terribly. "What should I be thankful for? That you almost knocked me to the floor?"

I chuckle and watch her small frame for a few seconds, wondering how someone can be both annoying and interesting at the same time.

"Are you usually this dramatic?" I finally ask. "Because it's the most cutest sight I've ever seen."

Her face seems to lessen of all tension for a second and I can see the warm blush on her cheeks before she switched back to her 'baddass' countenance the next moment, adjusting her glasses and stuck her nose into the air.


I laugh again and watch as she rolls her eyes and licks her bottom lips. My eyes travel to the luscious fullness of her lips and I gulp, feeling a sudden overwhelming thirst for the feel of those lips on mine. But I immediately mentally slap myself back to reality before my thoughts can wander further. It is an abomination for me to think this way about a mere human.

"You know what?" She gives me a final once-over glare. "I've had enough of you. Just go on and fuck yourself, you prick." She gets on her heels and walks past me, her shoulders brushing lightly against my hand, leaving behind her fresh-cut flowery fragrance. As her footsteps resound behind me, fading away lightly, I smile again go myself and make to move away but at that instance, I stop on my heels and pause. The moment with the girl replays in my head and her face clouds my vision. My heart suddenly aches in a way it had never done for hundreds of years and I feel my entire being weaken.

Because in my short moment of interaction with this stranger human girl, I had been so engrossed in the moment that I had missed to see what was on her forehead.

The timer. She is one of the nine students whose lives I would be taking in the next three days.

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