Chapter 6

Baek's POV

Even though it is already night time, I am still seated inside the coffee shop, legs crossed and flipping through the pages of a magazine I had picked from the shelves earlier.

All the customers had left a while ago. Well, all except for me. When I raise my head to look at Hera's direction, I see her friend kiss Hera goodnight on the cheek.

I know her name is Hera because I heard her friend call her that earlier. Nice name, if I must say.

"You take care, sweetheart." She says to Hera before leaning in and whispering something into her ears. I am tempted to use my powers to hear her whisper but I stop myself from doing that.

It is wrong to abuse my power as a deity.

A few seconds later, Makayla pulls away again and steals a glance at me before giving Hera one last mischievous smile before leaving the cafe.

"We're closed." Hera announces after her friend leaves. Since there is no one else in the cafe except for the both of us, I know she was referring to me.

Sighing, I finally get up from my seat and return the magazine back to its shelf. With my hands deep in my pocket, I head for the door. I did not move and waited outside instead.

A short while later, she shuts the door and keeps the key in her cute tote bag. She steps out of the cafe to leave but as her eyes meet with mine again, she startles for a second. Probably because she didn't expect to see me still standing here again.

I maintain my poise and do not break a single smile as I watch her struggle to compose herself again.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

"I was waiting for you."

She looks a bit surprised. Well, she ought to be. I'd be surprised if she wasn't.

"You were waiting for me? Why?"

"It's dangerous for a teenage girl to be walking home all by herself and by this time of the night. I'll walk you home."

I lend her my hand, hoping she'd take it. Instead, she rolls her eyes behind those large cute glasses of hers.

"Quit being dramatic. I walk home alone almost all the time."

"Almost all the time?" Now I am genuinely worried for her. "Why?"

"Forget it. You don't need to act like you care, you know, jerkface."

"Me? A jerkface?"


She flips her hair to my face and turns to leave but as soon as she moves a few feets past me, a dog begins to bark loudly. She summons courage and takes a few slow steps forward but before she could take another, the animal started to its heels towards her.

It is amusing how she runs back to me and hides herself behind my body to use me as a human shield from the animal.

"Oh, my God! It's gonna kill us! We're so dead!" She screamed behind me.

As the crazy dog rushed towards me, I let out a bored sigh.

"Here we go."

I lock gaze with the dog and my eyes go bright blue for a second. The dog freezes upon seeing the new color of my eyes. It shrieks in horror and scuttles back down the street. My eyes return to normal again.

"It's gone." She sounds surprised and in disbelief. "How'd it just go like that?"

"Why?" I ask her as she finally steps out from behind me. "You want it to stay?"

"Of course not. I was just surprised. That's all."

"So…?" I ask her. "Do you still want to walk home alone?"

She clears her throat and adjusts her big dorky glasses.

"Fine. I'll let you tag along."

I smile and deepen my hands in my pockets again.

"A wise decision. Let's go then."

She sighs and starts walking. We walk beside each other in silence for a couple of minutes before I break the silence again.

"We should hold hands. Don't you think so?" I tease her on purpose. Although it still wouldn't be a bad idea to feel her feminine hands. How soft could they be

I am surprised at how curious and invested I am about this dorky human girl whose company I seem to be oddly enjoying.

Her adorable eyes pair into mine. There is a puzzled look in hers.


"Because that's what humans do. Isn't it?"

"Haha, very funny. What are you then? An alien?" She looks away.

"What if I am one?"

"I'll kick you in the ass."

I laugh a little.

"You don't have to be grumpy all the time, you know."

"I am not grumpy." She defends herself.

I shrug in surrender. "If you say so."

After walking in silence for another couple of minutes, she breaks the silence this time.

"So…, what's your name?"


"Nice name. Where do you come from? Like, where you used to stay before you transferred to our school."

I stare at her now curious eyes patiently waiting for an answer.

"What if I tell you I am not of your world? My world is far from here".

She nods her head, pretending to believe me. It is a funny expression.

"And what's this world of yours like?"

"My world is divided into three parts: Hope, Destiny and the one in between Destruction."

She keeps her eyes on me. "And what part of this mythical world are you from?"

"Destruction. The grim reaper's."

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