Read with BonusRead with Bonus


The girl he was with didn't even look anything like the one he brought earlier! He is definitely the person I want to avoid now!!!

Jill Malik P.O.V

"And then he brought me to the Eiffel tower and proposed!" Ximena squealed happily as she holds up her ring finger, showing me her engagement ring. A huge diamond rock, which probably must have cost a fortune.

"Congratulations!" I said happily. I was so genuinely happy for her since she and Blake were high school sweethearts. "When is the wedding?" I asked.

"I don't know yet, Blake wants to have it in December."

"Isn't that too early?" December is in a couple of months, I don't know if it will be enough to plan a millionaire's wedding. Blake Anderson was the son of the millionaire Damon and Catherine Anderson. When Damon and Catherine died a couple years ago in a car crash, Blake inherited everything from his parents. He also was the only heir of his dad's company Anderson enterprises.

"Yeah, but Blake told me he would make sure everything will be perfect and I don't need to worry. And by the way I want you to be my maid of honor." she took a bite of her Taco and then looked at me. "Why are you so quiet?"

If only she knew why I was so quiet. Seeing Flynn in his underwear is not something that I can forget easily, especially when he has a six pack and a V-line. He was shocked when he saw me. "I'm so sorry that you have to witness this!" he apologized, his face turning red from embarrassment. His little girl on the other hand, wasn't even a slightly bit embarrassed. Instead she was grinding herself on Flynn while he was trying to apologize to me. I didn't reply to his apology instead I hurriedly walked outside. I mean, what should I have said? Yes, it's okay I forgive you? If only that was so easy, his hot body is still taking up most space in my brain.

"Hey! Earth to Jill!" Ximena snapped her fingers in my face.

I shook my head and smiled sheepishly at her. "Sorry, I was zoning out."

"Did something happen at the party that you haven't told me about?" she asked lifting her eyebrows.

I shook my head. "Nope." I lied and tried to conceal it with a fake smile. I can't possibly tell her that I saw her brother in his underwear with this girl making out in the restroom of GoldBar. She would freak out.

"Anyways what do you think of the liquid lipsticks?" I asked instead.

"They are nice, but I wish they we---," The moment Ximena started talking again, I zoned out.


"No way!" Reina shouted as she covered her mouth with her hands. Her face was beet red and her eyes were so wide, I was afraid they would fall off.


When I came home from work Reina was already waiting for me on the living room couch with a bottle of wine in her hand. I knew from the moment I walked in that it would be story time night.

"I want you to tell me everything what happened at the party in details." she said emphasizing the word details.

I sighed and roll my eyes for the hundredth time. "I didn't saw him naked." I said once again. "He wore his boxer’s shorts or underwear, whatever you call them."

Reina didn't like it when I said that I saw Flynn in his underwear. "It is boxers shorts for boys and underwear for girls." she said in a matter-of-fact tone. I know that it didn't matter and that girls also wear boxer shorts - especially when they are on their period- because it's more comfortable. But Reina is being Reina and she can be really weird sometimes

"The fact is that you saw him almost naked." Reina squeaked, "Meu Deus was he big?"

My eyes widened instantly at her question. "Reina! How should I know, I wasn't the one that was with him in the stall."

"I know." she chuckled, taking a sip of her wine. "What I mean is, it probably must have shown right. Through the thin fabric of his boxers? Like a huge bubble? Do you know---?"

"Reina!" I interjected her with a horrified expression. I was trying to erase the whole bathroom incident from my brains, but she is not helping.

"No, no, you should tell me."

I took a deep breath before answering her question. "Yes, he was huge, if that answers your question."

Her eyes widened once again at my answer. "Meu Deus, can you imagine how great a night would be with him? If he would ask me for a one night stand, I wouldn't decline."

"Ew, now you sound like a hoe."

She laughed. "Oh stop it; you're not a goody two shoe either."

Reina was right. I wasn't a goody two shoe either.

"Do you still think about him?" she asked curiously. I nodded my head, sadness making its way to my face.

"It was just a one night stand, but it felt so good and so right. It's been six years and I still. I still can feel his touch. Is that weird?" I asked sadly, staring at my hands. My heart felt once again empty. Every time I think about it I have this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Reina shook her head and patted me softly on my shoulder. "It's not weird Jill; I guess you fell in love with him during that one night stand. It's a shame you can't remember who he is."

"In love?" I asked astonished. "Can it be? Is it possible to fall in love during a one night stand?”

I let out a heavy frustrated sigh.

"I was drunk and I blacked out and when I woke up he wasn't there anymore. Also the necklace that had my parent’s picture in it was gone. I bet it got stuck on his shirt or something. I wish I knew who he was, because as much as I can remember about that one night stand is that we didn't just fucked, we made love."

"If only you weren't so drunk or didn't black out, maybe we could still find him. But based on what we know now it's like looking for a needle in a haystack."

I sighed heavily, what she said was true. If only.


This was heaven of bikinis. Pink bikinis, purple bikinis, off the shoulder bikinis, name it and you can find it at Victoria's Secret. I was wandering through the aisles of bikinis, trying to choose one.

Last night Ximena called me and said that she would pick me up on Saturday to go to her brother's yacht. "It will be so much fun and bring a bikini." she had said before ending the call.

That's why I'm currently wandering like a lost puppy in here. One of the workers came to ask me for the fifth time if I needed help. I didn't need help. I know my size, I know my color, I know what I want, it's just that I like to wander around and compare the one bikini to the other. See which one is less revealing or less expensive.

Suddenly my eyes fell on a black bikini. It was plain, simple, and black.

I love it.

I grabbed it from the rack and walked to the cashier. "Is this the only item miss?" she asked, looking at me from under her thick eyelashes. It was definitely fake; you could see the glue when she looked down even though she tried to hide it with a thick coat of eyeliner. "That would be $40."

She put the bikini in a bag and handed it to me. Damn, 40 bucks for a plain black bikini.

"Thank you so much for shopping here, have a great day....Next!" she yelled at the customer behind me.

I turned around and that's when my eyes and mouth turned wide open in an expression of stunned surprise. Behind me stood no other then Flynn Vasilios with a stick thin red haired girl who wasn't Zoe or bathroom girl.

"Jill..." He said surprised, shifting uncomfortably on his feet. Wow, he did remember my name and I wasn't even one of his regulars. "Who is that babe?" the stick thin girl asked. For a small body, she does have a really high pitched voice. She didn't look young, the plastic surgery made her look young. Or maybe she was young, but the plastic surgery made her look old. I don't know which one it is, but it should be either one.

"This...this...uhm." Flynn bit his lips and had trouble to explain. Why did he had trouble to explain who I was? I am literally a no one to him.

"This is my girlfriend." he suddenly blurted out.

"What?!" me and the girl both yelled out in unison.

Jill Malik P.O.V

Anger boiled deep in my system, as hot as lava...


the hell was that?!" I yelled out at Flynn once he dragged me out of Victoria's secret, away from the seething redhead. I know redheads were hot tempered, but that girl was on a whole other level of being hot tempered.

We were in the middle of the sidewalk in busy New York City and people who passed us gave us strange looks. "Can you please calm down." he hushed as he ran his hand through his hair three times, before he fixed his eyes back on me. Deep ocean blue eyes, the kind of eyes that you could get lost in.

"No, no, no!" I stopped in my tracks and he let out a loud frustrated groan.

"We can talk, but just not here." he hissed, as he held me firmly on my arm and continued to walk.

"We will talk here! I don't care!" I seethed as I narrowed my eyes angrily at him.

He threw his hands in the air out of frustration and snapped: "Fine you want to talk? Let's talk!"

"What the hell was that inside of Victoria's secret with that redhead?! Now I'm kicked out of that store thanks to you!" I was infuriated about what happened. I have never been kicked out of a store and then Flynn comes along and manages to do that in less than ten minutes.

After Flynn claimed that I was his girlfriend, redhead started to go crazy. She threw the red corset she had in her hand in my face while calling me all the synonyms of the word bitch. In simple words, she was causing a scene, which led to us being kicked out of the store.

"Will you please calm the fuck down?!" he snapped, and muttered under his breath loud enough for me to hear: "If one hot tempered redhead wasn't enough, karma had given me another one to deal with and you're not even a redhead."

My face turned red as I was getting furious at what he just said. This guy really knows how to push my buttons I didn’t even know exist.

"What did you just say?!" I snarled giving him a death stare.

"I said calm down! You look like you're about to explode!"

"I am about to explode, if you're not telling me now what was going on in there!"

He let out a deep breath. "Do you really want me to say it here? In the middle of the sidewalk?"

"Yes! I don't think it can get any worse than what had happened in Victoria's secret."

What can get any worse than being kicked out of Victoria's Secret?

"She was the worse one night stand I had ever had and I needed to get rid of her!" After those words left his mouth, all the people that were passing by, stared at us wide eyed.

"You know what?" I massaged my temples as I closed my eyes for a second, this guy is unbelievable. "Let's go to the coffee shop across the street and talk."

He smirked. “Good, I thought you'd never ask."


"Now, explain." I said, looking at the hot specimen in front of me. We had just ordered our coffee and settled down in the corner of the coffee shop, away from the bustle. Now that I was sitting across him on eye level I had a better look at his face. He was even more handsome from close up. His face, something about him looks oddly familiar. I just can’t seem to remember if I have met him before.

"Are you done checking me out?" he asked amused, a smile twitching at the corner of his lips.

"Are you done being cocky?" I retorted.

He chuckled and said: "Always have answers ready for everything huh?"

"What can I say? Now, let's talk about what we actually came here for."

He looked down at his coffee mug and started to talk. "Last night I invited Pamela, the redhead, for a one night stand. She wore her red corset that her boyfriend bought for her and I accidentally tore it apart. Needless to say I had to buy her a new one. She persisted that I needed to go with her to buy it or she would cause a scene in my company. And that's the last thing that I want, I don't want all my employees to know that their boss is going around tearing girl's corsets apart. So I decided to go with her."

He looked up at me, waiting for my response.

"That still didn't answer my question."

"What was your question again?" he asked again. I rolled my eyes at him. Does he suffer from memory loss or something?

"I asked, why did you have to lie to that redhead that I’m your girlfriend?"

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