5 years later

"And that was it for today, ladies and gentlemen. Before you leave feel free to have some coffee and pastry." I placed the papers on my desk and looked up again at the board of directors, who were mostly men. There were only two women in the room. Me and another lady in a red blazer whose name I forgot.

Today I had to give a presentation to the board of directors about the financial performance of my company's business units; entertainment, creative and account management.

"That was wonderful, Miss Vasilios. Your company keeps growing and I'm very impressed." Mr. Ashram said, giving me a warm smile. He was the one that gave me an internship in my second year at Harvard. "Your parents must be really proud of you."

I smiled back at him and nodded my head. "They are." I answered, looking once again around the room to all the satisfied faces before I spoke up:"I'm so sorry that I cannot stay any longer, I have another meeting to attend. Enjoy the rest of the day ladies and gents and don't forget to have some coffee and pastry before you leave."

I gave them a final nod before exiting the conference room where I had been since seven in the morning. I looked at my Swarovski watch and saw that I only had fifteen minutes left to go to the next meeting. I smoothed my blazer before I made my way to the elevator.

"Miss Vasilios, your car is waiting outside." Daphne, my personal assistant said. She suddenly popped out of nowhere and I had to take several steps back to not bump into her. She held a Starbucks coffee and a donut in her hand. "I brought you breakfast. I'm pretty sure you haven't had breakfast this morning."

She was right. I woke up at five in the morning to do the final touches on the presentation and then I had to rush to the company because the presentation started at 7:30. Now it was ten in the morning and I totally felt like shit. I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep and a relaxed morning. Since I graduated from Harvard it was the same routine every single day. Work, home, eat, sleep repeat.

"Thank you, Daphne." I grabbed the coffee and donut from her. She really is a life-saver in times like these. "I'll be back in my office at two in the afternoon."

She nodded her head at me and left.

I thought that she went back to her office, but instead I heard her heels clicking behind me again. "Wait, Miss Vasilios. Should I reschedule your appointment then?"

I gave her a confused look. "I have an appointment in the afternoon?"

"Yes." She opened her Louis Vuitton bag and fished out a small planner. "Lunch with Angelica at twelve." she read out loud and then looked up at me with raised eyebrows.

Shit. I facepalmed myself. How could I forget that? I have already cancelled our dinner date last week, if I will reschedule the lunch date she will be so pissed.

"What place did we agree on?" I asked, massaging my head softly. I felt a headache coming up. Oh dear god, when will I finally have some time for myself?

"The sushi place in Long Beach."

"That's a long drive from here, but I will be there. Don't cancel it."

Daphne nodded and scribbled something in her planner. "Good, I will call her later to remind her about it."

"Is there anything else?" I hope not. Please, tell me no.

Thank goodness she shook her head. "That was all."

"Good." I said curtly and hurried to the elevator. I will be late for this meeting If I don't hurry up. When I came outside the car was already waiting for me.

The driver opened the door for me and I stepped in. It was so hot outside and I was so relieved when I was finally in the car. I took a sip of my coffee as I watched the skyscrapers pass by.

This was the route I took every day to head to work and every day I cannot get enough of it. I found it so beautiful. It was very different from New York City where I had lived most of my life.

I still can't believe that I have made it so far. After I graduated Business Administration at Harvard University I immediately moved to California, despite what my parents had to say about it.

They wanted me to come back to New York, but I had my reasons why I never wanted to stay longer than a week in that state. I only went to New York for the holidays and stayed there for no longer than a week.

My parents and Milan had no idea why I didn't want to stay longer. They always complained that I was working too hard, but honestly, if I didn't I would not be here today.

Hard work and dedication made me into the person I am today.

In the past five years, I have tried to avoid the Billionaire Boys Club as much as I can when I was in New York, especially during the holidays. They always held a ball at the end of the year, but I always found an excuse to not show up. I did not want to have an encounter with Zane, the first boy who had broken my heart.

I thought that my anger would diminish as the years passed by, but deep down inside I still hate him so much. I could still not get over the fact that he chose her over me. He chose someone he only knew for four months over someone he knew for more than ten years.

That's when I realized that knowing a person forever does not mean they will stay by your side forever. And that's how I got trust issues.

Thank you so much, Zane.

His name had a bitter taste in my mouth. For me, he does not exist anymore and I try to avoid him at any cost. So far it has been a success.

After homecoming night five years ago now almost six, I did not talk to him ever again. I changed high school, much to Angelica's disappointment. My parents had no idea why I wanted to change high school, but they still let me without questioning it further. I went from Stuyvesant High School to Manhattan High School for girls.

Milan also found it weird that I didn't want to go to the billionaire boys club anymore. I came up with a lie and told him that the current High school I was in was drowning us in homework and tests. He totally did not buy it, but he didn't push it any further either.

"Miss, we have arrived." The driver stepped out of the car and helped me get out. I entered the big building and walked straight to the conference room that was on the twentieth floor.

I know this building as the back of my hand because I come here very often for meetings and presentations.

When I entered the conference room everyone was already seated and waiting for me. I took a deep breath and started the meeting.

After what seemed like forever, the meeting finally ended. I rushed outside because I was already fifteen minutes late for my lunch date with Angelica.

Angelica studied Hospitality Management at the California State University. It was her second year and she was enjoying it so far. The only problem for her was the long-distance relationship she had with Axel, her boyfriend since High School.

He was in New York and she was in California, but since both of them came from wealthy families it was easy to see each other often.

When I arrived at the Sushi Place, Angelica was already waiting for me. In her flowery pink dress, she sat in a corner tapping furiously away on her phone. Probably composing a message for me.

"If that isn't Miss Vasilios." She said sarcastically, putting her phone down as I sat down in front of her. "Don't tell me it was traffic."

I chuckled because I used that excuse so many times that it became a habit to say it whenever I was late. "Late meeting," I told her honestly. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in so long."

"And that is totally my fault because I canceled dinner last week."

"Angel." I groaned out exhaustedly, placing my bag next to me. "It's not easy to be a CEO of a fast-growing company."

"I know," She sighed,"But you also need to take time off for yourself. When was the last time you called your parents or Milan?"

"Err... Two weeks ago?" I said unsure, biting my bottom lip because I'm pretty sure it has been more than two weeks.

Angelica looked me dead in the eyes. "Really Amari? You haven't called them in a month. I mean they know that you are really busy, but they are worried about your health."

"I'm fine, honestly. I will call them tonight." If I don't forget.

"You better, because they have very exciting news for you." Angelica's eyes lit up as she said that. The happiness in her voice was evident and it was making me nervous.

"What news?" I questioned suspiciously as I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Before I forget," Angelica took out an envelope out of her Gucci bag. "Here. This is your invitation. Your parents sent it with me when I visited Alex two days ago."

"Invitation? Is it their wedding anniversary?" I stared at the beautiful gold envelope in my hand.

"Open it." Angelica said impatiently.

I opened it and read what was written on it.

With great pleasure

Yasmin Shadid and Milan Vasilios

invite you

to join them at the celebration

of their marriage.....

I didn't even bother to read further. My eyes widened and I looked shocked at Angelica. "My brother is getting married to Yasmin? When was the engagement?" How did I not know?!

"Yes, and the engagement was two months ago. Your mom told you about it."

"She did not."

"She did!" Angelica almost yelled. "You messaged me the news the same night when your mom told you that your brother was engaged, remember?"

I stayed silent for a while, trying to remember what had happened the past few months. Then I facepalmed myself. Of course. That one night Mom called me in the middle of the night to tell me that Milan had popped the question.

I remembered texting Angelica immediately after the call.

"Oh yeah, now I remember." I answered sheepishly fiddling with the invitation card in my hand.

"You really need to take some time off work."

I waved my hand in dismissal at her. "I just... forgot."

"How can you forget your own brother's engagement?! Anyway, that is not the point. You will have to be in New York next month for two weeks."

"Two weeks?!" I yelled out bewildered. She knew that I did not like to stay in New York for more than a week. "Why?"

"If you have not realized, the wedding is held in New York." Angelica answered, rolling her eyes at me.

"I read that."

"And Yasmin wants you to be her bridesmaid." She said grinning. "But... that's not the best part." The cheerfulness in her voice makes me even more suspicious than I already am. I know that what she's about to say next will be bad, because Angelica's definition of best is bad in my dictionary. " The best part is that...Zane is going to be one of the groomsmen. And guess who he is going to walk down the aisle with?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me. "This is going to be so exciting." she mumbled softly under her breath.

No, don't tell me. Please tell me it is Savannah. Is he still with her by the way?

I gulped anxiously before I stuttered out. "W..Who?"

Angelica's smile turned wider. "You, silly!"


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