I opened the door to my apartment and threw the keys in the bowl on the table next to the door. I switched on the lights and immediately stripped out of my clothes. It was my habit to do so since I have been living alone for so long. Coming home to an empty and quiet apartment was a blissful feeling after being surrounded by people the entire day.

The peaceful silence that met me when I entered my apartment soon got interrupted by the blaring of my phone. I groaned internally as I picked up my bag and rummaged through the content. In the process of doing that, my hand caught something sticky and when I pulled out it was chewed gum that I forgot to throw away. I looked disgusted at it as I immediately wiped my hand on a tissue paper.

When I finally found my phone I slid my finger across the screen and tapped on loud loudspeaker. The caller ID showed that it was mommy dearest.

Mom - Amari

Amari?! Finally, after twenty-five missed calls. Vasilios, your daughter finally picked up her phone! Where have you been?!!

Sorry, mom. I was quite busy at that time.

Nonsense. You don't even have time for your own family. Did you get the invitation?

As I already said, I'm sorry. I uhm... got the invitation.

You did? Are you excited? Your brother is getting married! I cannot wait until it's your turn!

I am excited!

You don't sound like it.

Yayyy. I am sooo excited!

Oh goodness, that was so bad. What's the matter, Amari? You think I haven't noticed that you never stay longer than one week in New York. Is that the problem?

Yes, mom. That's exactly the problem.

Sucks to be you then, because you will have to stay for one month. It's an order from me and your dad!

One month! But Angelica told me two weeks!

That was before. But now it's one month. I want my family together. Plus there's going to be a lot of potential candidates for you here. You need time to get to know them!

Mom, I have a company to run in California. And I'm not thinking of marrying anybody anytime soon. You will have to wait for another twenty years.

Twenty years?! Goodness gracious, I will be cold in my grave by then! And Running a company? That's not an excuse. Your dad runs a company too and it's not hard to get a month off. You will be coming!


It's not up for discussion, Amari. Your father is very proud, but also very disappointed in you.

Why? What did I even do?

You're very successful and he couldn't be any more proud, but you haven't spent a lot of time with us. Which he is very disappointed about.

Can I talk to him?

He's burning...I mean cooking in the kitchen. Call later if you want.

About the wedding. I still do not want to stay for an entire month in New York.

Can you at least tell me why?

No mom, I have my reasons. It's not about family. It's different.

Different as in Zane-different?


You two are not on good terms, aren't you?

Who told you?

No one told me. I just know!

No, we are not on good terms. But I don't want to talk about it.

Is he the reason why you never want to stay longer than one week in New York?

Ye..No! Mom, I have to go now. Talk to you later.

Love you! And call more often, will you?

Love you too! And yes I will!

That was right on time. I almost told mom the reason why I didn't want to be in New York for too long. I didn't want to jeopardize the relationship they had with the Shaw family just because of some petty drama between their son and I. Knowing my dad after he hears the reason why Zane and I aren't friends anymore, he will do anything in his power to tear down the Shaw family.

I know it because I have seen it happen before my eyes numerous times with other families. Dad was a caring and loving husband and father, but when he was in his office he turned into a ruthless businessman.

I grabbed my clothes from the floor and walked towards my queen size bedroom. My bedroom is my favorite place out of this whole apartment. It had floor-to-ceiling windows, a glossy marble floor with a white fluffy rug, the walls had a beautiful pale sandy fawn color, and the huge chandelier in the middle of the ceiling provided just enough light for the whole room.

I threw my clothes on the pile of other clothes on the black chair in the corner of the room. If I will ever have time I will fold and put them in my closet which was also a mess like the rest of the apartment. The only clean spot in this whole apartment was my bed.

Walking into my bathroom and almost tripping on an empty shampoo bottle I watched myself in the mirror. My slumped shoulders and black circles under my eyes were all pointers to my lack of sleep.

Opening the steel tap of the marble sink I lowered my body and splashed water on my face to wash away my tiredness. After doing that four times I finally stood up straight and blindly reached out for the towel.

Slowly dabbing my face I walked out of the bathroom, making my way towards the kitchen. Dishes from last night, and the past two weeks, were greeting me from the sink as I stepped foot into my messy kitchen.

A slice of cheese and an empty milk container stared at me from the floor. I grunted as I threw the towel on the kitchen counter and squatted down to pick up the nasty slice of cheese that was now coated with fungus and the empty milk container that smelled like rotten eggs. I gagged at the smell and the urge to vomit all over the floor was becoming a possibility.

After I dumped the cheese and milk container into the trashcan I washed my hands with soap and dried it on the clean tablecloth.

It was time for me to hire a maid because this was getting out of hand.

My apartment was slowly becoming a dump and it's not like I have the time to clean it up. Most days, including Sundays, I was at the company till late at night or early in the morning.

My phone rang from somewhere in the apartment. I cursed loudly as I ran like a maniac searching for that bloody thing. Finally, after the second ring, I found it in between my thong and bra.

The caller id showed Millie Billie. I hesitated before sliding my finger across the screen. I haven't talked to him or Yasmin in so long, so he would most likely yell at me like the big brother he is.

Milan - Amari

Oh my god! Yasmin, the bloody witch of my sister finally picked up! Hey Amari!

Hello Millie Billie.

When will you stop calling me that? I hate you, you know!

When you will stop calling me a bloody witch and I love you too. What's the reason behind the call?

I miss you, alright! You haven't called anyone for a month! Are you crazy?

No, I'm not crazy. I'm just busy with work. You out of everyone should know that.

At least I make time for my family. Anyways have you received the invitation?

Yes. I'm disappointed.

What? Why?

I don't want to walk down the aisle with Zane! Who even came up with that idea?

But he's your boyfriend and I came up with it! Geez Amari, why so much venom in your voice? What happened between the two of you?

He's not my boyfriend. Stop saying that. I have all the right to be venomous towards him.

Damn...What happened to the two of you? You never told me.

I'm pretty sure he told you.

He didn't. He said you two are on good terms. That's why I chose you two to walk together.

Good terms his ass. Can you ask Yasmin if I can change partners?

............She said no. She already ordered the dresses and tuxedos.

What?! How does she even know my size? Are you two crazy?

Angelica told her. And yes, we are crazy in love.

....I have to go now.

I angrily ended the call and threw my phone on the couch. This is going to be a disaster. A hoax.

My dress was already ordered. I did not have a choice any more than to walk down the aisle with the person I had successfully avoided for five years. One month in New York is enough time for Zane to crawl his way back into my heart.

I did everything in my power to stay away from him, to protect myself from further heartbreak. Now, I can already see everything burn into ashes. I plopped down on the couch and stretched my legs out as I let out a long frustrated groan.

My phone screen flashed again twice. I picked it up and saw it was a text message from Milan.

You don't have a choice, Amari. I will see you next month in New York. Whatever problem you have with Zane, you better fix it. Don't ruin my wedding, lil sis, or I will do the same to yours. Love you and call more often!!

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