Number 3

I nervously tapped my fingers against my thighs as I sat in my room. Now that night had fallen, I had to get out before they carried out their plan.

I stood up and put on an enormous hoodie. I zipped up the hood and picked up my backpack. I kept my head down as I moved through the hallways because I didn't want anyone to recognize me. I didn't want to risk anything. Anywhere maybe Ray and his friends.

Nobody would oppose their attempt to forcibly remove me because no one gave a damn about the loser or the lonesome. They didn't even bother to blink an eye toward me.

Without anyone noticing, I snuck outdoors. I heard someone conversing not too far from where I was as I walked further down the path to enter the woods.

I crept behind a tree to see who was there and peered out.

Why is he taking so long? I overheard a hurried voice say, followed by a puff of smoke from the speaker.

Who knows, a different voice responded. Ray. With his buddies, he was present.

I then heard shouting as I heard approaching footsteps. They were referring to me.

"Where's she at? Ray questioned in a hurry.

"We searched all around. Someone said, "She is not at home.

She is nearby somewhere. Disperse and find her. Ray commanded, "We'll meet back up at the cabin," and everyone scattered in various directions.

I fled as soon as they vanished since it relied on my life in this instance. Because if they ever achieved their goal, I would be even more lifeless on the inside than I already was.

I moved through the woods as quickly as my legs could. I could hear the nocturnal animals, including owls, wolves, and other noises I couldn't identify. I was motivated to keep moving forward by my fear of the woods and my greater fear of being discovered.

I must have been moving at a fast pace for several hours. I had already escaped the pack's boundaries and ran in an arbitrary direction.

I had no notion what lurked in the darkness because I had never ventured outside the pack's boundaries. The kind of wolves that resided in the uncharted land was described in legends. The rogues killed my mother years ago, so I've already had my run-in with them.

I tried to keep as quiet as possible so as not to attract any unwanted notice. The rogues were violent werewolves who would murder without provocation. They frequently caused problems. They had no one to rely on because they weren't loyal to anyone.

They were expelled from the pack for a variety of reasons, including their inability to obey commands and attempts to overthrow their alpha.

I had become a rebel. Even though I was innocent, I was suddenly seen as a threat, and anyone who came across me would not think twice about killing me.

I spent a very long time walking and running. The darkness was slowly dissipating, and the light was gradually taking its place, so I knew it was now morning.

I heard a person cry, "There's one over here."

I halted my motion and started looking for a hiding place. I looked around and realized I was in the midst of this area, with nowhere to hide.

An authoritative male voice shouted, "Don't make any sudden moves," and was followed by a growl.

I stopped in place, my eyes wide with terror. A large brown wolf was coming my way. I held onto my bag's straps and kept an eye on it as it moved.

As it made a circle around me, it radiated strength and authority. It abruptly stopped in front of me and showed its teeth. Its eyes were a stunning ocean blue, and they spellbound me.

I felt as though I were under a spell. He also looked back into my brown eyes as the world around us vanished. His look became even more intense, and I could hear something reverberating in my head. I couldn't do it.

Under his gaze, I felt all warm and fuzzy. He kept staring at me, which made my spine tingle. I couldn't help but smile at the wolf's beautiful head tilt as it happened.

I got attacked by the wolf, which made me fall to the ground backward. The wolf had quickly changed into a guy, a very naked man who was standing on top of me.

I was too embarrassed to look anywhere else, so I forced my eyes to focus on his face while I blushed hysterically.

He was gorgeous. I could get lost in his eyes, which had an oceanic quality when I stared at them for a while. On top of his head, his silky black hair was a jumble, with a few loose strands hanging on his forehead.

He frowned at me with a lovely grin as his long lashes fluttered on his cheek. He had thick lips, high cheekbones, and a clean jawline. Overall, he was flawless.

He briefly closed his eyes, a groan from his lips as I raised my hand to run through his hair because I had been dying to do so. His eyes had a gold rim when he opened them again.

The one word, four letters, that he said after opening his mouth altered my life.

'MINE,' he yelled.

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