Read with BonusRead with Bonus


The Twins

I decided to stay locked in my room for the rest of the day despite the protests from the gang at the door asking me to come out or let them in, but I just need some time to myself to settle in and figure out what to say to Titan. I don't want to be in a relationship right now, not this serious with a guy I just met anyway.

I wake up Sunday morning feeling a little better and thinking maybe I overreacted, I look at the clock and decide to get ready and go down for brekfast much to my stomachs relief I havnt eaten since yesterday morning.

I throw on some nude joggers and matching cropped hoodie, my white training shoes and make my hair look somewhat presentable in a neat, high ponytail. As I am heading down the hall Titan spots me and makes a bee line for me. "Rach is on her way up to your room, I'll come wait with you I was just heading over to apologise for yesterday, I don't know what came over me." He says in a genuine tone throwing his arm casually around my shoulders.

I glance up to look in his face to try and gage what he's feeling, his face is blank and void of emotion. We walk back to my room the silence hanging over us. I was riled up to give him a piece of my mind and here he is apologising, now I don't know what to say.

He heads to the bathroom and closes the door, it opens minutes later and he shouts me in to him. "Do you have a hand towel please?" He asks as I get to the door.

"Yes, in the drawer, here I'll get you one." I say as I bend to open the drawer.

The adjoining door opens and the most god looking guy comes walking in clad In just a pair of boxer shorts. I realise I'm staring and go to stand up straight when another guy just as sexy walks through the door again clad in just underwear. These guys are hot and I mean hot like im burning up and theyre on fire hot! They're like a mirror image of each other too, They have to be identical twins. They are really tall, got to be at least 6ft 11 and my word when I say these guys are as chiseled as a sculpture, They both have 'just woke up' looking dark brown hair short on the back and sides, long and wavy on the top. My mouth goes dry but before my brain can catch up they both grab an arm each, within a flash Titan is behind me grabbing me around the waist and trying to pull me away. The boys let out a growl aimed at Titan, yes a growl. And say "mine" in unison.

Titan let's go immediately, bows his head and storms out of the bathroom leaving me stood with these two now scary looking hotties just looking between each other. I try to pull my wrists away but their grips tighten and they let out another low growl.

"I..I'm s..s..sorry I should have locked the door.. can you both let go please?" I manage to stutter out.

They make no effort to loosen their grip, they just stand staring their mesmerising eyes glued to me. "Please? Yous are kind of hurting me." They let go immediately at my plea.

I turn to scurry away and run right in to Rach. I look at her a pleading look on my face.

"Go wait in the bedroom Cici I'll be in in a minute." She barks not taking her eyes off the two men standing in my bathroom.

I sit on my bed wondering why Titan just left me in there, he looked like he couldnt stay not that he wouldnt, he seemed sad, i think i cant really tell his gorgeous face always looks the same.

Someone pulls me in to a pool and he goes in to a rage, 2 guys grab me in my bathroom and he leaves me. What on earth was that growling about from them all? Titan walks over to me I hadn't seen him sat on the sofa, he sits next to me and just simply says 'I'm sorry i really did like you' he kisses my cheek softly, gets up and walks out leaving me alone on my bed.

"Your going to scare her, shit with Titan being all over her from the word go..." I hear Rach say.

"Titan what? I'll kill him for touching what's mine" I hear a male voice reply.

What the hell is this? I think to myself.

"Calm down Alpha, he didn't know she was yours, you weren't here to claim her remember." Rach replies I think she's sticking up for Titan but what am I a toy? I'm a nearly 17 year old girl I'm noones property. I'm getting angry just hearing this conversation.

"She doesn't seem to know about us so just get your shit together and try talking to her first, then, when you get to know her we can tell her about our world. Going in there grabbing her and mating and marking her would just make her reject you both." Rach says now pleading.

"Its taking everything in me not to run to her right now, how am I supposed to be anywhere near her and not make her mine?" One male voice gruffly replies.

"Me too brother" comes another voice

"Well you guys need to calm down she's human for goddess sakes you are acting like horny teens right now not future Alpha's. Pull your shit together, I'll introduce you at brekfast." Rach says and I hear her walking towards the door, future Alpha? I'm human? What else would I be? I feign ignorance as Rach comes storming out of the bathroom slamming the door.

"Come on, I need to eat let's go meet the guys." Rach says and starts to pull me out of the room, I ask her the questions I asked myself and am met with half assed answers and 'I'll tell you another time hun, just don't worry.'

Don't worry!! Is she kidding? She's just been arguing with two hot gods about not claiming me and me being theirs like I'm property and she doesn't seem to want to acknowledge that just happened.

I realise I'm not getting anywhere but I am hungry so I continue on my way to the cantene I walk infront of Rach and grab myself an egg and sausage muffin, coffee and a water. I make my way to the others who are already at the table, they all seem to be looking at me as if I have two heads. Kay is the first to speak, "We missed you yesterday girl, how are you doing?"

"I'm good I was just tired and a little overwhelmed, it was alot for my first two days and I just needed time to get my head around things." I reply honestly, Titan is sitting in the spot he was originally sat in on the first day leaving a couple seats empty either side of me.

We involve ourselves in chit chat and the group tells me all about my classes and teachers I have tomorrow, in all honesty I'd welcome scheduled classes right now to not have to pretend I'm OK and give me something to concentrate on other than the unanswered questions floating around in my head.

Rach comes to the table and sits a seat away from me leaving one empty either side, I give her a quizzical look. Before I can shuffle up to her a tray is placed either side of me and the men from my bathroom this morning take the seats.

Shit! How do I move away without seeming rude, I still feel a bit on edge after this morning, not mentioning the fact they seem to think I belong to them.

"Cici, these are the twins, Aries and Ajax." Rach introduces I look to both in turn and smile quickly going back to my food. "Hi" I say in a quiet voice.

The one on my left starts to speak, "Sorry about this morning not a good first impression."

"Yes me too I apologise we got off on the wrong foot. Nice to meet you Cici?" The other one questions, I've no idea what name goes to what hunk, Rach just said their names, didn't say which one was which and I don't want to ask.

They obviously caught on to my confusion as the first places his hand on my thigh and says, "I'm Ajax, he's Aries." His hand feels warm on my thigh and strangely not entirely unwelcome. I glance at Titan wondering what has changed, he just gives me a very slight smile and goes back to his food.

Ajax didn't remove his hand from my thigh, I ignored it just like I had Titans until another hand rested on my other thigh dangerously high up, my breathe hitched. what the hell is with the men here is it normal just to sit and hold someone's leg?

"How are you finding High Moon?" Ajax asks,

I think for a minute and reply "Um I really like it here actually. Apart from all the men seem possesive and weird." i giggle hoping they would move their hands but they keep them firmly placed. Along with the group I tell them all about my first day, about the sleepover, I get to the part about getting in bed

"I was tired so I climbed in and ended up wrapped up in Rach and Titan"

Everyone let's out a little giggle thinking of me being stuck in between all of them in my bed. Not the twins though they let out a low dangerous growl, almost animalistic and Titan gets up to leave the table. I jump up to follow him I want to know what's happening, what's changed.

I chase Titan down and stop him just as he's getting in to the lift, I decide to head back to my room and I jump in with him.

"Titan, what the hell is going on? You went from brooding and protective to distant in seconds. Once those twins showed up the whole dynamics changed and I want to know why! You kissed me, now you'll hardly look at me. What is it?" I ask him nearly begging for answers.

"Cierra, I like you I really do but I didn't know this would happen with them and now I can't even try to fight my corner, they're great guys, lucky...but great guys. Give them both a chance." He says his chocolate eyes a little lighter and glassier than usual.

"you mean date both twins? No thanks." I snort back.

The lift pinged open on our floor and he walked out quickly leaving me behind

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