Chapter 7


“What do you mean we are being attacked by trolls? How did they get past the barriers?”

“I don’t know Alpha, the entire place is under siege, the men are fighting them off but they are making their way towards the houses.”

Turning to my mother, mum, please stay here with Carlisle, keep her safe, I’ll be back. If anything happens, please take her and Arabella into the safe room and wait for me. Aurora, bring my sister here, drag her if you have to.”

“Yes Alpha” she says as she races out of the room.

I kiss my mother’s forehead and squeeze her hand. I'm about to leave but I turn back and kiss Carlisle’s forehead too, leaving my lips there for a little longer as if to reassure her, “I’ll be back, okay?”

She smiles in response and I leave with a spring in my step, her smile is so beautiful, it almost blinded me.

Racing out of my home, I tear off my clothes and shift into my wolf form, to aid me get to the barrier faster, I howl to alert my men of my approach and I get howls back, I pick up Kieran’s howl, it sounds distressed and I turn towards the direction it’s coming from, my beta is battling a troll that looks 5 times his side, I jump and land on the back of the troll, using my paws to leave scratch marks on it, and biting a piece of its shoulder off, “gah!!!” It lets out a scream and tries to use its arms to swat me off his back, jumping down, I draw back and jump back on it again, grabbing onto the trolls hair, the trolls I have come in contact with are always tiny but the ones we seem to be under attack from are giant, ugly trolls.

Grabbing onto it’s hair with my teeth, I draw back and use my pills to snap its neck, jumping off in time for it to drop on the ground, lifeless. I shift my gaze to my Beta who has shifted to his human form and is panting in exhaustion, shifting too, I drop in front of him, “are you okay”

“Yes, Alpha. There are 6 of them, we’ve been able to kill two, with this, that’s three, the men are fighting off another two but one is missing, we cannot find it.”

“Can you find it? They are big and hard to miss”

“Yes Damon but this troll is in control of magic of some sort, I think they all are because they just materialized in front of the barrier, it’s not broken but they are here, what if they have powers that allow them to enter the living areas without being noticed?”

“That means the last troll is probably somewhere in the residential area? Shit, the women are not safe, we have to go back, right now, let’s help the man with the other trolls and fall back into the living areas.”

“Yes Alpha.”


After Damon leaves, Aurora rushes back into the room with Arabella and we all huddle ourselves to the bed to wait, making sure to lock the door. I can feel Emerald shaking and I cover my hands with hers, like Damon had done earlier, “I’m sure it’ll be fine, Damon doesn’t seem like he’d be easy to defeat”

She squeezes my hand back and smiles at me, “I truly hope he isn’t, I can’t lose him like I lost his father.”

“You won’t.” I’m about to ask her if troll attacks are something common here when the door starts to shake, standing up quickly, I grab the hands of Emerald and Arabella and stand in front of them, as if to protect them, the door finally gives and a big, ugly, giant that has to bend its head to get into the room walks in and grins at the sight of us, walking closer, it stretches its hand at me “well hello there little one, it is nice to finally meet you.”

“Meet me? I don’t know you.”

“Oh, but you do, you’ll see very soon that you do, now come here quickly, we have to leave, don’t want to be too late”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

Throwing its head back and showing it’s brown teeth as if it’s stopping itself from chuckling, “you can either come with me calmly or I carry you and in the process harm the people you seem to want to protect, the choice is yours. Not really but I will allow you to think it is.”

Staring at Emerald and Arabella who seem frozen in horror, I quickly try to calculate the chances of us running from this monster and decide it’s very slim, using my finger tips to press my palm, I check to see if my magic is back, feeling it rush through me, I think of location spell that’ll allow me be found if I am taken and take a step forward to the troll before I am pulled back my Emerald, “don’t do it, let’s just wait till Damon comes, he should be here soon”

“I want to wait but I don’t want you to get hurt because of me.”

“You are Luna now, you must protect yourself first.”

“I will but not this way.”

Walking towards the troll, I give it my right hands, less than 5 seconds after placing my hands on its hands, I feel myself swirling, as though I’m in an hurricane, I clown my eyes to fight against the feeling and when it finally calms, I open my eyes and find myself once again, in the woods, staring at another barrier. “Fuck.”

Drawing me forward, the troll grabs my hand and pulls me into the background, the scream I let out is lost in the darkness of the magic that the barrier was built with.

Saying a prayer to every god and goddess, I ask that my locator spell works and Damon is able to find me.

Opening my eyes once again as I feel us settle on ground, I study my surroundings, we are surrounding my huge houses built with rocks and a few little ones scattered in their middle, more monsters looking like this one roam the area, I’m lost in my inspection I don’t immediately feel the troll pulling me towards one of the bigger buildings.

As we step into the building, I let out a gasp, I would have never imagined it but it is actually beautiful. We are in a large hallway, painted white and with golden touches in certain places, the entire place is surrounded with white and yellow peonies, giving it a divine smell, I’m pulled into a bright room with the same color and flowers, except these flowers are roses, I’m so lost in my admiration of the building, I don’t immediately notice how quiet everything got when I walked in, lifting my head up, I gasp at the sight before me, there are people, with skin as dark as mine and white hair, just like mine, surrounding what looks like a woman on a throne, as though in a trance, I walk forward, the crowd of people surrounding the throne path to allow me walk freely, right there, seated on the throne is a woman with tears in her eyes, her hair is so white, it is almost colorless, as I get closer to her, the scent that I remembered as a child wafts to my nostrils, I choke on a sob, “mum?”

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