Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

"My name is Helios," his voice was smooth like it was talking to air.

"I'm-" I was cut off by my words when he suddenly speaks up, I guess he was not rude at all and note the sarcasm.

"I know who you are already the moment you took your step here, I know who you are," he said that she nearly wanted to smack him up, he got a big air in his head, she must tell. Ysabella rolled her eyes and turn around and look at the people busy on what they are doing completely ignoring the names Helios in her back, she can sense that he was not moving and no plans to get out of her room.

"So are you enjoying your stay here dear?" he asked and she was not pleased on the way he asked her.

"I was, not until you showed up," she snaps making him chortle which she finds it sexy, annoyingly sexy.

"You are mean dear, don't be like that it doesn't suit you," he said making his walk to her direction. She can't feel her feet to walk away before he nears her.

"What do you want and why are you here in my room? Are you a trespasser here? I can call a soldier to escort you the way out," she muttered and he can't help himself but smile.

'What's with this man why is he keeps smiling, laughing and everything, do I look funny?' she thought and she wanted to look at the mirror and see herself but she urges herself not to.

"Go on, call them," he challenged and just looking calm.

Ysabella sighed and hold her temper, this man is getting in her nerves that well in fact she just met him a few minutes by now. She wanted to rip herself off and slap, losing her patience this was the first time she felt this way and she doesn't even know why. She holds the back of her dress searching for something and then it struck her, her o tanto is missing, and how idiot of her to realize that her weapon was missing.

'Where is my blade?' she thought, cursing herself for being such a careless woman.

"Looking for something?" he said and a playful smile crossed his lips, those whimsical smile that getting hit of annoyance in her nerves. This man is testing her.

"Just tell me why you are here, you're not yet answering my question," she gritted her teeth but remains her composure she must stay calm, she should not let him how annoyed she is right now.

"Nothing just checking on you, is that bad?" he answered and he looks at her with such amusement.

Ysabella was still twitching in her place, not knowing where her weapon was, she roamed around her eyes looking for anything until her eyes again landed on the smiling man holding what she was looking for, her o tanto. A sly smile was on his lips as he was holding her small weapon.

"Is this what you're looking for huh my dear? Don't stress yourself you could at least asked if someone sees it you know, you're tiring yourself, my dear," he chuckled, Ysabella quickly runs to his direction and snatch away her blade from his hand. He was so tall that can't barely reach his hand, for pete's sake she was too short for him. And she can hear him laugh.

'Damn you,' she hissed under her breath and she took a target that could kill a man for many hours. She kicked hard his treasure which causes him to groan hard and finally she had snatched away her o tanto from him.

He closes his eyes penetrating the pain she had caused him but as soon as Ysabella gets her blade she distances herself and feels guilty about what she had done to him. She leans forward and they were just an inch to the face of each other, she could almost smell his minty breath.

"Sorry, I am so sorry please forgive me. If you just had given my blade back this would have not happened, please are you okay, do I need to call someone for help? Wait here okay?" she rattled and started panicking, she didn't know what to do and what to tell if she asked for help, she will be embarrassed, God what did she had done.

She was starting to sweat, beads of sweats when she heard someone laugh, laugh coming from him.

He was laughing and holding his stomach, he was bursting.

"W-what?" she looks puzzled.

'Why is he laughing and why is he not in pain. Is putting cracks in here? Is he making me a fool?' she thought and her hands clench forming into a fist, her knuckles turn to white.

The laughter evaporated from his eyes. His usual warmth gone faster than summer rain. Indeed even his focus was somewhere on the window behind me as if I had become invisible to him, there was something in his eyes as he was looking behind me, I wanted to look back to see what it was but I can't even move a muscle.

When he turned at last to face her there was no trace of pain, not in his eyes or track marks on his reddening face. His eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard.

'Is he somehow a bipolar person? Just a minute he was in pain and then laughing and then his eyes were now different. This man is scary,' she thought to herself looking at him. Puzzled about whose in front of her.

Suddenly they heard heavy steps and it looks like it is coming now to their direction. A soldier was rushing and catching his breath as soon as he steps in the room, the door was open for he didn't even bother to close it from the start.

"King Helios, the Prince wanted to talk to you," the soldier stated as he bows his head. Ysabella went pale as soon as she heard those words, she wanted to disappear from where she stands, she was talking to the King all along and yet she had the urge to attack him and kick his precious thing.

"I guess this is a goodbye conversation my dear, I'll see you again, you'll see," he said and his deep piercing eyes swallowed her whole personality. He smoothly turns his heels and the soldier let him walk first before closing the door leaving her alone.

First a prince and now a king.

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