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Chapter Two

The light coming from the window made her groan. Peeling her eyes open she was met with the presence of her mother, hands placed on her hips with a look Zara knew so well.

"Good Morning Mom," she said a yawn escaping her. The woman standing a few miles away from her took a slow step towards her.

"Morning huh? Do you know what the time is now?" the woman inquired. Zara roams her hand on the rumpled bed in search of her phone. She managed to land her hand on it almost on the verge of falling on the floor. As she unlocked the phone, her eyes widened seeing the time, she squeezed her eyes with the back of her palm, trying to make out what she just saw.

"What says the time?" The distance left between them was a mere inch.


"Cat got your tongue?"

"12:00 pm" Zara muttered her head cast down.

"Because your father always takes your side is that why you're behaving like this huh" Her Mom scolded her.

"I'm sorry Mom it won't happen again," she said her head still down.

"Better, now will you get out of the bed. If you misbehave you'll see the other side of me. Your father is not here to save you" Not waiting for her reply, she left the room. Zara heaved out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Her Mom can be scary sometimes. She will have to be careful, The one who also supports her acts isn't around to save her. She lazily got out of the bed and marched to the bathroom. As she switched on the shower, the hot water came in contact with her body, soothing every joint in her body. She spent much time in the bathroom than she intended to, she feels like staying in the shower all day.

She made sure the door is locked before changing her clothes, she can't afford Amir to enter the room while she's changing. They might share everything together, but he respects her privacy. After changing into a simple peach long sleeves slim gown that stopped mid-thigh she wore black leggings underneath and wrapped around a black veil on her hair as usual. Her favorite color. it doesn't matter how the clothe is, as far as it's black then she'll go for it.

"Why can't you do things fast. it's been forty minutes since I left your room" The moment she graces her presence downstairs her mom started.

"Its because I washed my hair" the woman didn't say anything further again. Knowing they've already eaten their breakfast, she walked slowly to the kitchen and started preparing pancakes for herself.

"Make sure you clean it up when you're done" Farah shouted through the living room.

"It's a must" she heard someone say from behind her. She rolled her eyes seeing who it was.

"I see the lazy girl just woke up now" he started plopping himself on the kitchen counter.

"Who caused it?"

"If you're talking about last night then don't blame me. You couldn't accept defeat" he shrugged reaching for the Nutella bottle set beside the flour mixture getting a smack from Zara in return.

"Back off, you know I've still not forgiven you about last night right" A chuckle escaped his lips remembering last night's event. After he finished teasing her to his heart contents calling her a loser and Zara saying she's not. They played another round again to prove who will be the loser, in which she lost again after bragging about her skills.

"It wasn't my fault, you failed on your own"

"Don't talk to me" she glared at him continuing mixing her flour.

"Okay I'm sorry, I won't call you a loser again" his playful tone now turn to normal. He likes teasing her but he doesn't like seeing her angry.

"I said I'm sorry you know we're best friends," he said again seeing no reaction from her.

"Okay let me just go back home since I'm not needed here anymore" Getting off the counter he started making his way to the door slowly with a smile on his face knowing you will stop him from leaving.


Two he counted with every step he takes.



I knew it he muttered turning around, he shows a weak face.

"Since you apologize then it's okay. You said it yourself that we are inseparable" she pouted. Amir can't help smiling at her action.

"Yes we are, now let me help you with the pancake," he said snatching the ladle from her hands.

"Wait, that is not the way to flip it"

"Watch me maybe I'm even better than you"

Farah watched the two from the door as they argue. She hopes the bond they share will stay forever. She was engrossed in watching the two when she heard the blaring of her phone from the living room. As she trekked in a fast pace, she slides the accept button.

"Assalamu Alaikum Sis Farah"

"Wa Alaikum salam Yasmin, how are you" Farah responded in a soft tone.

"I'm fine Sis" and then silence. Farah knew she's calling because of Amir so she decided to test her a bit.

"Are you missing your son already?" she teased.

"Missing who? I'm just calling to tell him that his dad wants him to meet him at his office. I tried calling his phone and he's not picking up" The left of her lips curved up.

"I knew it, it's all about him. he's there with his troublesome partner messing up my kitchen"

"They're a real troublemaker, I'm glad he's not around to disturb me." A sound of something fallen shot through the background. "I'm talking of Amir and another troublemaker is turning my house upside down, Siddiq"

"Siddiq is even better than Amir. Anyway, I will pass the information to you. Go check up on Siddiq"

"Alright, bye"


At Myrah's house

Myrah was seated on the couch waiting for her son's arrival. He told her to expect him within two hours and now it's almost past the time. She can't help being worried. She was about to call his number when she heard the door being opened followed by a tall figure.

"Fawwaz" she started, her face broke into a smile.


Myrah embraces her son in a bone-crushing hug. She missed her son.

"Welcome home," she said pulling apart "I was waiting for you since as you told me you'll arrive within two hours" She had to look up while talking to him as he's way taller than her.

"Yes, I stopped by Dad's office, he called me that he wants to see me urgently" he explained dropping his duffel bag on the couch. His mom squeezed her eyes in fake anger. "So he's the first to see you" she muttered sarcastically. Fawwaz noticed his mom's change of mood. She's right, his father couldn't wait to see him so he used office emergency as an excuse. His parent loves him so much, he wouldn't want anything to happen to her. Their happiness matter to him so much.

He held her hands. "Mom, I know you love me but you know..." he trailed off. Myrah raised her brows in question.

"I know what?" she question.

"Father and son bond" the next thing he felt is a smack on his arm.

"Silly boy. Let him come back, I'll deal with him for meeting you before me. Now go and freshen up, I've prepared your favorite dish"

"Alright Mom" grabbing his bag, he sprinted up. Myrah watched her son's disappearing figure. Fawwaz is their only son. Her prayers always is to protect her family.


At Marwan's office

Amir went over to his father's office to see him as he requested. He greeted the people he came across on his way to the third floor where his father's office is located.

"Assalamu Alaikum," he said pushing the door open. He was met with his father's eyes glued to the desktop screen.

"Good day Dad" he started making his presence know and also sitting down on the seat facing him.

"How are you son?"

"I'm fine Dad, Mom called that you want to see me," he said calmly. Amir can be a troublemaker but he respects his parents.

"Yes, I want you to start working at the hotel and before then, you need to know a few things about the hotel. Here" Marwan handed him a file.

"It contains every detail of our hotel. You're the sole heir of the family, and we don't know what will happen in the future so it's better for you to start from now" Amir listened to his father explaining the things he needed to know.

"Take your time and go through them slowly. There's an upcoming meeting next month with the shareholders so I'll introduce you as the managing director, and believe me when I say being a CEO is not an easy job, you'll understand when you reach the stage."

"Insha Allah Dad. I won't let you down".

"I have full faith in you"


"Thank you for trusting us. we'll make sure your package arrive within 2-3 business day" Farah ended the call feeling some sort of relief. One project down.

"What are you all smiling about?" Jawad asked, with a laptop laid on his lap.

"Oh, do you remember the lady I met on the day of that program 'Business showcase" Jawad nodded his head in answer.

"She wants to buy one of my piece" a chuckle made it way out of her lips.

"Is that why you're so happy?" her smile suddenly died down.

"Why won't I be. talking of it, don't you think it's high time Zara start working"

"It's left for her if she wants to start working or further her studies more" Jawad answered slowly while tapping away on his laptop.

Zara was laying on her bed chatting with Manal, when a knock emerged from her door, followed by her mom's face.

"Come down, your dad wants to speak to you" She closed the door again without waiting for Zara's reply. Her brows furrow in confusion, hoping all is well. Getting off the bed, she readjusts the veil on her head as she glided downstairs. Taking the empty seat facing her parent, she fidgets with her finger, what she always does whenever she's shy or nervous.

"I and your mom have discussed about you. Since you've now finished college, it's high time you start working or further your studies as you can see Amir is taking over his father's company the same goes for Fawwaz. So the choice is left for you. If you want to work in the company fine and if you want to work somewhere else then" Zara never thought of where she's going to work. Though she has a thing for baking and even thought of opening up a bakery someday, Maybe it's high time she chases her dreams.

"Dad, Mom, I know you did a lot to us Me and Majeed and took care of us the way a parent should, and I'll always put you in my prayers. My dream is to open up a bakery one day, where I can help the less privileged and the people who can't afford the money to buy food. " Farah watched her daughter in surprise, she didn't know the girl still have the dream to open up a bakery as she always tells her.

"Wow, I didn't know my daughter is intelligent like this" Her father said with a smile.

"She inherits it from me," Farah said proudly.

"No, she inherits it from her father" Zara watched as her parent argue. They can spend the whole day arguing. she cleared her voice indicating she's still sitting in front of them.

"If that's what you want then we have no problem with that right wife?" he glanced at his wife.

"Yes dear, since your motive is to help the people in need then we'll support your decision"

"Thank you Mom"

"Thank you, Dad. I'll try my best Insha Allah"

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