CHAPTER 2 The Vampire King, the Eldest and the Duke
The Duke
Northeastern China near the Black Dragon River
I heard a gentle knock on my office door. It opened and the butler of the estate walked in.
"Sir, the Master has called for you," the butler said.
I took off my reading glasses and rubbed my eyes. I have been going over several documents and books doing some research. The seer had seen the signs scattered across the heavens and although she gave her interpretation of these signs, I decided to translate the signs through research.
"Did he say why he wanted to see me?" I asked, standing up from my desk and putting on the jacket of my suit. I straightened my tie in an attempt to make myself look presentable for the Eldest.
"He said it is regarding the Enchantress as well as the daughter of Lupa," he answered curtly. He gestured for me to exit my office and follow him to the chambers of the Eldest.
I followed him quietly through the halls of the dank castle. Even if I have memorized every part of this castle as well as all of its paintings and tapestries hung along every wall, it was protocol to follow the servants in case an assassin had entered the premises. Before crossing another hallway, the butler would stop and check if an intruder was lurking. As we stopped at an intersection, I gazed upon an old painting of the old gods and goddesses who roamed this earth as well as another across from it. This particular painting was that of the golden-eyed woman who had mated with a wolf.
"Sir, this way please," the butler said. I tore my gaze away from the painting and saw he was now several paces ahead of me. I nodded my head and rushed towards him, narrowing the gap between us.
Unlike the wolves who were allowed to freely socialize with the humans, we have kept hidden which was hugely due to our very nature. The sun does not take kindly to our kind, something we envy amongst the wolves. Even with sunscreen, we did not stay long under the heat of the sun.
For centuries, we have continued to purge ourselves of the wolves who have been the very obstacle in proclaiming our dominion over humans. However, the diety of the wolves, the Moon Goddess, has been very clever.
Long ago, when the earth's land masses were still one, those before us were almost victorious in ridding the land of every wolf. While the wolves were in a power struggle amongst themselves, our kind took advantage of the situation and began killing the unsuspecting wolves one by one. My kind were on their approach to kill the golden-eyed wolf when the ice began to thaw and the earth beneath their feet moved. The separation had seemingly created enough chaos and distance for the golden-eyed wolf to disappear...or so our historians claim.
Thus, we waited, for time was always on our side. We waited for any sign of the golden-eyed wolf. Centuries passed, until finally, we heard of a priestess with golden eyes named Adella, the birth of a monster who called himself The Rogue Lord, and the prophecy of the wolf who will bring about the destruction of this so-called Rogue Lord. We have made sure to keep track of all developments to allow us to make calculating decisions.
Wolves...I have always been told our sworn enemies were the wolves. My kind obviously does not want anything or anyone stronger than us, moreso anyone who will be an obstacle in our collection of food.
I, for one, am envious of the wolves. They are living beings, born of flesh and blood, while we are cursed to roam the earth for all eternity, sucking the life force of those whose blood was warm with life.
We finally turned the corner to enter the farthest part of the castle. The butler stopped in front of two huge doors made entirely of silver. It was the only way to keep the wolves out. The butler, then, proceeded to enter the security code so the two doors would open, revealing a silver staircase. We walked up the stairs which led us to another door made of silver which opened automatically as we approached the top steps.
"Master, the Duke is here to see you," the butler announced. He stepped aside for me to enter.
"Thank you, butler. Please leave us. We have important matters to discuss," a scratchy voice said from behind a huge leather chair facing a curtained window. The butler bowed, took his leave and the doors closed behind me. The chair turned and seated there was the Eldest.
The Eldest was the oldest amongst the East Coven Stronghold. He had survived the Cleansing Wars of the famed Wolf Enchantress as well as the most recent of clan wars a hundred years ago when a power struggle ensued caused by the antediluvian clan elders of the Grand Council who wanted to control all coven strongholds. I was his general in the war and had killed the leader of the antediluvians which earned me the title of Duke.
He was wearing a dark blue robe, his black hair slicked back from his face, while in one hand, he held a glass with red liquid. His skin was pale, his cheeks hollow, which contrasted deeply with his thin red lips. His face appeared grim while his empty orange-red eyes reflected the light from the candles around him.
"Duke, I have recieved word the known daughter of Lupa has died by the hands of The Rogue Lord," he said, putting down his glass on a small table beside him. "However, it is unbeknownst if her child lives. She is presumed dead by many." He obviously didn't sound happy with the news which only meant a daughter of Lupa still lived.
"Is there a possibility she is alive?" I asked.
"I have consulted with the seer. She has said there is no change amongst the stars," he answered. "However, she does not see the child, a clear sign she is being protected. I need you to search for her. It will be easier for you to kill her before she becomes of age. I have already sent word to the Eldest of the West Coven Stronghold. He is expecting you." I nodded my head accepting the mission. I was fluent in English and have established a few businesses in the United States. It will be easy for me to find her.
"And the Enchantress?" I asked.
"I will send the Marquess to kill the remaining kin of the Turner clan. I have been given reliable information the one we have long searched for is hiding along the shores of the Philippines," he replied.
"The Marquess? Master, the Marquess is not fit to do this job. A mission with this kind of magnitude requires stealth. I recommend you send the Baron. The Baron has a clan in the Philippines and will provide him the cover he needs. It will be wise if he is sent instead," I advised him. The Marquess was a blood relative of the Eldest thus, he has always been given his favor. Yet, for something as important as this, favorites should never be in play. He slammed his fist on the table, angered by my disapproval.
"If you believe he will fail, then you yourself should succeed," he retorted. "However, if you fail, Duke, I will strip you of your nobility and I will banish you from the coven and make sure no other will accept you. If you decide to make a clan of your own, I will hunt them down and kill them. You will live a solitary life for all eternity," he threatened.
"Eldest, it is not a question of capability, it is a question of stealth. The Marquess has a penchant for massacres. He will not only kill whomever he has been ordered to kill, he will kill the entire town and burn the area to the ground," I argued. "May I remind you, the Marquess was the sole reason for the last clan war. He overstepped his bounds when he torched the village under the protection of the D'Arcy clan. We can not afford another clan war. Our numbers are few as it is." I saw the shoulders of the Eldest droop in defeat. He knew I was right.
"I can not go back on my word. The Marquess will be sent to the Philippines. Since you are so concerned with the safety of our kind, before you embark on your quest in the United States, I order you to go to the Philippines to ensure nothing goes astray. You may now leave." The silver door behind me opened, signaling our conversation was over. I turned and took my leave.
A few years ago, the seer had seen the Enchantress' birth amongst the stars which made the Eldest order an intensified search of all wolves who bore the Turner surname. She had also said she would be born in a land not far away. The Philippines was nearby. The Eldest did mention a family bearing the Turner name was there. During the years of our search, we had exterminated most of the wolves carrying the Turner surname assuming they were descendants of the Enchantress. However, there remained a descendant. Could it be possible the Enchantress has already been born without anyone of us knowing? If the seer could not see the daughter of Adella, it is possible she could not see the Enchantress as well. Clearly, the Moon Goddess' work.
I would make a quick trip to the Philippines before travelling to the United States to do more research and to keep an eye on the Marquess. He was a liability. He would break the rules which binds us to conceal our existence. But before I keep a close watch on him, I would need to do a little more research. There are certain things that do not add up and I for one would like to get to the bottom of these things before hasty decisions were made.
The butler was waiting for me from outside the two silver doors at the bottom of the staircase. He took one look at my face and knew that our conversation did not go so well.
"I see the meeting did not end in a happy note," the butler said.
"Conversations regarding politics never end well," I replied.
"Has this anything to do with the Marquess? The staff informed me he has left for official business," he informed me. I looked at him, not hiding my surpirse. The Eldest had just told me 'he will send' not "he has sent." Apparently, even as Duke, I was the last to know. Research would have to wait. I needed to follow the Marquess to the Philippines.
"Let us make haste," I said, quickening the pace of my steps. "Butler, have a car brought to the front of the castle in an hour. I will be leaving for the United States. Have my assistant call for a private jet, fueled and ready to leave. Go! I will be able to make my way back on my own."
"But, Sir, it is protocol-", the butler argued, but I cut him off.
"Butler, this is of great importance. I beg you. Have a car ready for me and have my assistant call for a plane," I said, hoping he would reconsider. He nodded his head and turned the corner to do my bidding while I continued to my office.
As soon as I entered my office, I locked the door and ruffled through the papers and books scattered on my desk. There were symbols the seer had provided which she ignored and I have yet to translate. I took the papers which the seer had written on and placed them in my briefcase.
I need to get to the Philippines as soon as possible and see what the Marquess and the Eldest are up to. I may be cursed to roam this earth for all eternity, but I do believe in balance. Also, I do know the Moon Goddess has a sick sense of humor.
She of all Goddesses would make sure my kind would trip and fall on a wooden stake.
The Eldest
A red light flashed near the portrait hanging above my desk. I was being summoned.
The Duke was a great general, however he always adhered to laws. He did not understand the Moon Goddess was a cunning deity and kept a keen eye over her children.
I picked up a candle and walked towards the painting. It was the portrait of the Enchantress I had painted long ago. She was a young beautiful blue-eyed raven-haired beauty. When I first saw her those hundreds of years ago, I didn't realize this rare beauty would mean the demise of my kind. Until now, her smile still haunts my dreams. I moved away from her portrait as my anger consumed me and walked back to my desk. I would not allow another Enchantress to do the same.
The Marquess was already two steps ahead of the Duke. By the time he arrives in the Philippines searching for the whereabouts of the Turner descendant, the Marquess would have already completed his mission with a supply of humans to keep me satisfied.
I pressed a hidden button underneath my desk and the huge portrait of the Enchantress moved to show a large monitor behind it. An elderly sinister face with black and white hair, a long protruding nose, thin long pale lips and bright red eyes greeted me.
Due to technology, the Vampire King no longer physically met with the Eldests. There were only two of us remaining and between the both of us, my nobility was the strongest and my army vast.
"Would you care to update me, Eldest of the East Coven Stronghold?" The Vampire King asked in a low and ominous voice. I caught sight of his dark pointy fangs as he spoke.
"We have been given information of a Turner descendant from a traitor wolf, my king," I answered as I stood before him. "The Flaming Sword has been equipped with a tracking chip. Once we have killed the wolf who bears the Turner name, we will kill all wolves in the area."
He nodded his head, obviously pleased. "Continue your search on the one destined to wield the Flaming Sword, the Red Dragon, as prophesied by the ancient wolf seer I killed hundreds of years ago. I trust you will get rid of the Enchantress? I do recall you were once infatuated with her," he scoffed, reminding me of the humiliation of her rejection. She was utterly captivating. All men who gazed upon her could not help, but swoon in her presence.
"If it is true the Enchantress has been born, she is but a mere child, your malevolence. The Marquess' men will break her neck without remorse," I replied with tenacity.
"Excellent. I will reward you graciously once the Enchantress is no more."