CHAPTER 4 Turner Legacy
Cebu, Philippines
"Get some sleep, my little blue-eyed angel. Good night," I said and kissed my darling daughter on her forehead after tucking her in. I did the usual; I checked to see if her nightlight was on and made sure the window of her bedroom was closed before exiting her room, keeping the door ajar just in case. She frequently had night terrors, dreams filled with fanged monsters with orange-red eyes and pale skin. Her screams woke me...loud, gut-wrenching screams that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. When I would rush to her bedroom to console her, I would find her sobbing while hugging Wolfie, her favorite stuffed toy. I'd then crawl into bed with her and for the remainder of the night, cradle her in my arms and rock her quivering body until she finally went back to sleep.
I heard the door of our small two-storey townhouse open and close. I have been waiting for my husband since dinner. When he did not return home for dinner, I knew something was wrong. I rushed down the steps, eager to speak to him.
To blend in with the locals, we stayed at a rented townhouse in the heart of the city near the Temple. My husband was wealthy, but had many enemies, so he decided it would be better if his brother stayed at his mansion, to scout and observe, while we kept a low profile. I didn't mind for I myself was born into poverty and a small townhouse for me was a luxury compared to the broken down nipa hut I was raised in.
I am a half-Caucasian, half-Asian woman. My mother fell in love with an American soldier, who, unfortunately, left her when his service in the Phiippines ended. She had hoped he would fulfill his promise and come back for her, yet he never did, leaving her to raise me and my brothers all by herself.
When I met James, she was against it. She believed whatever had happened to her would happen to me. But unlike her and my father who never wed, James and I were married at the small chapel near the dilapidated nipa hut I used to call home. When we were formally and legally husband and wife, James gave my mother everything he promised her; a new home just outside the city, several fishing vessels to ensure my brothers would live comfortably and a small grocery store named after her.
As I reached the bottom of the steps, I noticed through the window there were several cars outside our home. James was already carrying the suitcases he had made me pack a couple of weeks ago. Were we going on a vacation? Now?
"James, what is going on?" I asked, obviously confused.
"Faye, sit down. I need to tell you something," he said. I sat down on our sofa. After he had put the suitcases infront of the door, he sat beside me and took my hands.
"I haven't been completely honest with you, Faye. I thought I could tell you when our daughter was a little older, however, I fear my enemies have found me." He sighed, a deep sorrowful sigh.
"What are you talking about? You stole money didn't you?" I asked him. "That's why you are so rich." He smiled at me and shook his head.
"I wish it was just as simple as that, but no, Faye. I'm wealthy because I come from a long line of wealthy wolves. I am a wolf. An Alpha. My true name is Alpha James Turner not James Maxwell. I just used Owen's surname so they wouldn't find me. Owen is not my brother, but my second in command, my Beta," he slowly said so I could digest all of this new information. "However, I have been betrayed. My enemies are coming, Faye. Unfortunately, they are not after me. They are here to kill our daughter." I gasped at the mention of our daughter.
"Why, James?! Why would they want to kill her? She is only a child!" I exclaimed.
"I am a descendant of the Enchantress, a powerful wolf who long ago led the battle against an ancient enemy. Unfortunately, she was cursed for defying our deity, the Moon Goddess. When she was cursed , the Moon Goddess had told her only a daughter could atone for her sins. However, she gave birth to a son and all sons after also bore sons. Finally, after hundreds of years, a daughter has been born with blue eyes, welcomed by the Blue Star of Aludra. Remember the star I pointed out to you?" James asked me. I nodded my head. "Our daughter is the Enchantress the wolves have long waited for, Faye. Sadly, our enemies have been waiting for her as well...to kill her."
I felt like I had a headache. Wolves, Enchantress, enemies, Alpha...It was too much to take in all at once. If he was a wolf, that meant my daughter was a wolf.
According to James, my daughter is the Wolf Enchantress everyone has been waiting for. For the wolves, she was their hero. For this ancient enemy, she was their nemesis. I buried my face in my hands. It was a lot to process.
We heard a knock on the door and Owen stepped inside. He bowed low which surprised me.
"Alpha James, Luna Faye, you must leave. I have gotten word the Duke has landed in Cebu," he informed us.
"Duke?" I asked.
"Yes, Luna. He is a high ranking member of the East Coven. My spy at the airport has just confirmed his arrival," he said. He saw the puzzled look on my face so he tried to explain why we needed to run from this Duke. "He is what people call today as vampire."
I abruptly stood up and looked at both men. Vampires were real?! The fanged monsters my daughter would dream about were real?!
"V-vampire?! James, does he mean what our daughter dreams of every night is real?!"
"I'm sorry, Faye, but I couldn't tell you. I had to wait for the right time-"
"Sure, NOW is the right time...when a royal vampire has just landed at the nearest airport and is coming to kill my daughter!" I wanted to cry, but tears hardly fixed anything. I needed to stay strong. "You're wolves right? Can't you d-defend her? She's just a baby." I looked at James and Owen and prayed they would say they could.
"Yes, we can and we will. Yet, as a precaution, it would be better if you and our daughter leave," James said. "A plane is waiting for you. You will take our daughter and fly to an undisclosed destination. Someone will be waiting for you when you arrive."
"And how about you?" I asked him.
"I will stay, Faye. I will distract them so you and our daughter can leave safely," he answered. I thought I could stay strong just a little longer, but after hearing him say he wasn't coming with us, I began to cry. I was going to lose my husband. He stood up and hugged me. "Ssshhhh, Faye. I will always be by your side. Promise me, you will take care of our daughter." He lifted my chin and gazed into my eyes. "Promise me, Faye. She is of more importance than my life. She is the key to our future, not only of wolfkind, but to the human race. She is a legacy. A Turner Legacy."
I stared at his handsome face, memorizing his brown eyes, his prominent nose and his pink lips. This might be the last time I ever see him again.
"B-but you c-can't just leave me...I love you, James," I begged. "A-and our daughter is still a baby."
"Faye, know this. I am hurting inside. I don't want to leave you or our daughter. The years with you have been the happiest of my life. If I live, I will come for you. I promise. But for your safety and the safety of our daughter, you must leave at once." He kissed me on the cheek to reassure me. "Our daughter is an Alpha by birthright. All of mine is hers. The necklace she wears is proof she is a Turner. Now Faye, promise me you will take care of her."
"I-I promise, James." He smiled at me then turned to Owen. "Quick Owen, place their luggage in the car. I will go upstairs for my daughter. Faye, change into something comfortable. Quick." I nodded my head and followed him up the stairs.
I changed into jeans, a white blouse and sneakers. Then I took my handbag and placed all my valuables and all our documents. I didn't know where I was going, all I knew was I had promised James I would do as he instructed.
When I was finished, James already had our daughter in his lap, who was carrying her favorite stuffed toy. She was awake, giggling as her father tickled her.
"Mommy, Daddy said we're going on a vacation," she said.
"He did, did he? Do you have everything you need?" I asked her. She nodded her head.
"I also have her bag with some milk, juice and snacks," James said. "Let's go. The sooner we leave, the better. I will bring you to the airport and see to it you leave safely. You ride with Owen while I ride in the car ahead of you."
We all exited the house, but before I entered the SUV, I took one last look at our home where so many happy memories were made. I silently promised I would come back when my daughter was older and retire here if the future permits.
With a heavy heart, I entered the car and sat beside my daughter who was already in her car seat. My baby was destined to be someone great and powerful. I now understood why she had to be protected at all cost.
Owen glanced at us from the driver's seat. "Everyone okay back there?"
"Yes, Uncle Owen." He smiled at her at the rearview mirror and turned on the ignition of the car. We would be driving in a convoy. One car would be infront of James' car and another car would be driving behind us.
The airport was about a twenty minute drive without traffic. It was night time so I expected the drive to be peaceful and quick.
However, as we turned the corner, I heard the unmistakable sounds of gunfire. I threw myself on top of my daughter, hoping I could serve as a shield.
"Luna, hold on!" I heard Owen say as he swerved into oncoming traffic, speeding away from the gunfire. I looked behind us, completely heartbroken, as we drove further away from James' car which was riddled with bullets. My husband was dead.
I turned my attention to console my frightened daughter who was crying from the attack.
"There, there. Everything will be okay." I caressed her cheek and brushed away some strands of her hair that had stuck to her tear-stained face. Her blue-eyes looked down, noticing something.
"Mommy, you're bleeding."