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Chapter 6- Parade of She-Wolves

Salara’s POV

I keep my eyes casted down towards the dirt path that leads to the beautifully built mansion as I make my way towards my husband. I can feel eyes on me the whole way up the front path and towards the house, the intensity of the stare making my heart flip in my chest.

Glancing up when I catch the sight of stairs in front of me, my eyes instinctively seek out Derrick’s as he watches my approach to his home. Butterflies take flight in my stomach as I stare into Derrick’s deep green eyes, the longing I can see nearly making me stumble up the stairs.

Derrick’s hand reaches out to steady me before I can fall face first towards the top step. The feel of his hand on my exposed upper arm sends sparks to dance along my skin, pulling a gasp of surprise from my lips. We stand like that for who knows how long, both of our eyes transfixed on the spot where our bodies touch lightly.

The sound of someone clearing their throat pulls me back to reality and the reason that I am here. “Thank you.” I mumble before pulling away from Derrick’s grasp and making my way over to where Henry stands, giving me a disapproving look.

His arm wraps around my shoulders in a show of ownership, more so to deter Derrick than to actually claim me as his wife. He has reminded me many times throughout our marriage that I am lucky to have him and that he should have chosen better on who he married.

Sending those thoughts to the back of my mind, I try to focus on the conversation that is going on around me, but give up once I realize that I have no idea what they are talking about. The whole time that Henry and Derrick were talking, I could feel Derrick’s angry gaze focused on me.

Unconsciously I go to remove myself from under Henry’s arm, but he squeezes my shoulder tighter to prevent me from moving away. Letting out a quiet sigh, I resign myself to being kept here as if I was his most prized possession, even though I know he doesn’t value me at all.

Knowing that, and how much he despises me being his wife, I don’t understand why he doesn’t just let me go and be with someone who desperately wants me. And then he would be free to find someone who can actually please him in the ways that I have not been able to.

The sound of running feet meets my ears, drawing my eyes back out to the front of Derrick’s packhouse, such a funny name for his home. Dozens of women come running from the side of the house faster than the eye can catch.

I stare out at the yard in aww, finally able to pull out of Henry’s hold so I could turn completely around to watch as more women appear in the front yard, smiles plastered to their faces as they laugh and joke with each other.

All eyes turn to look in our direction, as if just realizing that we were standing here watching them. “Morning Alpha.” They all say in unison, bowing their heads in our direction. I turn around in surprise, catching Derrick’s eyes on mine. A blush creeps up my cheeks and I quickly turn away before he can see it.

Derrick is the Alpha of his pack?

I have read enough romance novels to know that the Alpha is the strongest wolf in the pack and is the leader. How did I end up the mate of the Alpha of a pack? I am nothing special. And what would an Alpha want with a worthless human like me? None of this makes any sense.

A woman approaches the steps. She looks to be around the same age as Derrick, with similar features to him. Could she be a relative of his? “Mother.” Derrick says, moving past me to pull her in for a warm embrace.

Guess that answers that question.

The woman looks far too young to be Derrick’s mother. They must have some really good genes in their family tree. Either that or it’s because they are both werewolves. Maybe they age slower than humans, or just aren’t affected by aging like we are.

“We were out for our morning run and the girls thought it would be a good idea to race back to the packhouse.” She explains, pulling away from her son and laughing. “Winner gets to have dinner with the Alpha.” She said, winking at Derrick.

Jealousy bubbles in my stomach, burning my throat as I fight to keep it down. How dare any of these women think that they can have dinner with Derrick. He is MINE!

My eyes widen, my body stiffening where I stand. Those thoughts will get me nowhere when I am here to tell him to do exactly that. He is not mine to claim because I am not free to be claimed myself.

Averting my eyes from the parade of women standing in the front yard making googly eyes at my mate, I turn my attention back to Henry who is looking over the women with interest in his eyes. I roll my eyes at the sight. Of course Henry is checking out all of the women here after telling me that I can’t have the one man that wants to claim me.

I decide to look back out to the yard, it is better than seeing the hunger burning just below the surface of my so-called husband. I’m sure if I wasn’t here with him he would have taken at least one of these women to bed before returning to make my life miserable.

When I make my way around, I notice a concentrated look on Derrick and his mother’s faces as they stare at each other intently. Are they trying to telepathically speak to each other?

Derrick’s mother suddenly turns away from Derrick and heads back over to the women in the front yard. “Sally will be back later to have dinner with you Alpha.” She says before disappearing with the group of women just as quickly as they appeared.

Derrick’s POV

Watching my mate wrapped up in another man’s arms has been torture for me and my wolf. Hunter has been clawing to be let out since the moment that John mindlinked that Salara had arrived.

Despite the distance, I heard every word that Henry hissed to his wife before getting out of the car. It took every last ounce of self control to keep Hunter contained so he didn’t rip Henry’s throat out for speaking to our mate in that way, and even more self control to even attempt to keep Hunter contained.

Frankly, I am beginning to lean more towards murdering Henry to remove him from my path than I was yesterday. The way that he treats his wife is appalling, made even more so when that woman is my mate.

All but one of our unmated she-wolves showed up for the weekly Luna run this morning and none of them had recognized Henry as their mate. My hopes aren’t high that the remaining she-wolf, Savannah, will be Henry’s mate.

Savannah is the laziest pack member the Evergreen Pack currently has and her hateful attitude is enough to scare off any potential suitors. At the age of twenty-six, she should have found her fated mate already, but each year she returns from the annual Fated Mates Ball with no mate to speak of.

I’m beginning to think that I am going to be stuck with the dreaded she-wolf forever at this point. Either that or I kick her out and she becomes rogue, something no wolf wants to do. Wolves need packs to survive. Without a pack, the wolf part of us tends to take over making us go savage and on a murdering spree.

With a dejected sigh, I turn back to my guests, motioning for them to enter the packhouse ahead of me.

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