Chapter Two
I grimace while looking at myself; I honestly don’t hold myself in the highest esteem when it comes to the way I look. I don’t feel that I am particularly all that good-looking, my body isn’t model thin, I mean, I’ve been told that I have curves in all the right places, but I have always wanted to be model-thin, just like Freyja and her friends. I sigh dejectedly and get into the warm shower standing under the scalding hot water for a few minutes allowing the warmth to seep into my skin and work out the kinks and knots that have worked their way into my muscles during sleep, I lather my tart cherry shampoo into my raven-black hair that reaches just past the middle of my back, I rinse the suds out of my hair and repeat the process with the conditioner, while allowing the conditioner to soak into my hair, I wash my body then finish my routine with my cleanser and microdermabrasion face wash. I rinse my hair clean of conditioner before turning the water off and stepping out onto the fluffy rug that sits outside the stand-in shower, I finish my morning routine then head back to my room.
My phone dings with a new notification just as I step into my room, opening it I notice that I have a new text message from Niklaus, my guy best friend who is like a brother to me. There are more similarities between us than I’d care to count. He confessed his love for me back in sophomore year, but I made it clear that I only saw him as a brother, even if it did hurt me to not be able to reciprocate his feelings.
“Happy Birthday, Gorgeous!” I smile as I read his text message. “Let me know when you get to school, I have a huge surprise for you!”
“Just getting ready. I had a rough night last night,” I reply before tossing my phone onto my four-poster cherry oak king-size bed. I finish getting dried off and rub my lotion over my body before putting my underwear on, following with my hip-hugger jeans that I have to dance around the room to get up over my thick thighs and curvy buttocks; I pair the jeans with a black tank top that says ‘Oh, I pissed you off? Suck it up, buttercup, I’m a Bitch! It’s what I do.’ I finish the look with my black lace-up combat boots and leather jacket. I grab my phone off the bed and grab my messenger book bag that has all of my school supplies, and head towards the kitchen.
“Hey, Birthday Girl!” Freyja says with a smile on her face as soon as I come into the room, “you ready for this weekend?” She asks excitedly. My mind is still on the big surprise Nik has for me when I notice that Freyja is still in her sleepwear.
“Uh, Frey, why are you still in your pajamas, and what’s this weekend?” I ask, noticing that she is still in her white with pink heart pajama set, which consists of a light pair of PJ pants and a tank. I skip the thank you for the birthday wishes and answer her question with a couple of my own.
She looks at me as if I just grew two heads. “You seriously forgot that today was pajama day at school, in honor of spirit week?”
I groan as my happy high slightly deflates. I had completely forgotten all about this being prom week and how the whole senior class is supposed to dress in wacky clothes all week. I look at my outfit and debate with myself whether or not I want to change and conclude that it’s not even worth changing back into my sleepwear.
“I honestly forgot, plus I don’t really participate in school sanctioned functions anyway,” I reply, hoping she won’t try to guilt me into changing.
“Seriously!?” She exclaims. “How could you forget that prom is this Saturday? There are flyers literally all over the school.” She says, making it seem like it’s the most important thing, but considering she is Class President, Head Cheerleader, and the head of the prom committee; I guess it would be..
“I don’t pay attention to everything that goes on in our school; you know that,” I reply, grabbing a banana from the fruit dish on the counter. “I wasn’t even really planning on going to prom anyway,” I say as I peel my banana and take a bite.
This comment earns me a huge gasp “How can you not plan on going to prom? It’s our last year of high school; you should be making the most of it!” She exclaims, reciting the same lecture that I have heard from both her and Berik at least twenty times a day the past few months.
I sigh and sit on the counter, knowing exactly where this speech is going, so I decide to at least get slightly comfortable as she starts in on me. “You’re always studying or working.” I recite Freya and Berik’s usual banter in my head, mouthing the words in unison with her actual words, which in turn makes her glare at me, if only looks could kill. “You should at least try to find a date if you’re worried about going stag.” She says with a smile, sounding genuinely concerned but I know that she’s trying to get me to agree to going with her.. “I mean, I’m sure Nik would love to take you.” She says, trying to play innocent.
“I don’t want a prom date. I don’t want a boyfriend or anything of the like, Frey; you know this.” I reply as a knock at the door breaks into our conversation.
Freyja walks into the living room to answer it; as I hop off the counter, I open the fridge to grab the milk and notice that there is no more. “Frey, I thought you were grabbing milk last night on your way home from work?”
“Damn, I knew I was forgetting to do something.” She replies as she and her best friend, Cherie, walk into the kitchen.
“Don’t worry about it; we can go grab it along with some groceries after school. We better get going, or you’ll be late for first-period class.” I say.
“Don’t you have a counseling appointment today after school?” Freyja replies as she puts her Suicide Awareness hoodie on.
I groan at the reminder, “Damn it, I forgot that I had that today.” I say in frustration, not really wanting to go.
Cherie looks from Freyja to me. “Why aren’t you in your pajamas?” she asks, eyeing me up and down with confusion as we walk out the front door.
“I forgot that this week was spirit week, and I didn’t really feel like parading around in my sleepwear.” I retorted.
She shakes her head and goes back to talking to Freyja. “So, are we going to go to any of the after-prom parties?” Cherie asks as we start to head down the six flights of stairs towards the parking garage where Freyja parks her ‘04 silver Jeep Grand Cherokee. I wonder how warm they are in their matching pajamas, especially in the coolness of the spring morning.
I smile at Freyja as we reach the car, noticing that both she and Cherie are wearing their everyday natural-looking make-up; instead of the caked-on crap that most girls our age are wearing, their matching pink eyeshadow shimmers in the sunlight, and their black eyeliner is done up in a smokey Cats eye. “Go ahead and get the milk while I’m at my stupid appointment,” I reply.
“You wouldn’t have gone if I hadn’t reminded you about it, Fal and you know it.” She replies.
I stick my tongue out at her showing off my rainbow tongue ring. “Even while that may be true, you don’t have to rub it in,” I say with a playfully annoyed tone.
Freyja and Cherie both just shrug as we pull out of the apartment parking lot. “So, do you think you’re finally going to let go of your four-year streak of being single and go out with that guy, who follows you around like a little lost puppy dog?” Cherie asks as Freyja pulls out onto the main road heading towards the school.
I looked at her in bewilderment, I didn’t think she paid much attention to what was happening with me. “What guy?” I ask, knowing exactly who she is talking about, just more or less asking for clarification.
She giggles, which has a sweet sound instead of the annoying nasal sound that most girls in our school have. “You know, the guy with the sandy blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, seems to be more of a loner than an athlete and always wears the same leather jacket you wear.”
I smirk “you mean Niklaus?”
She smiles with a light blush creeping into her cheeks and nods “yeah, he’s totally in love with you; you realize this, right?”
I sigh and rub my temples. “Yes, he told me about his feelings for me, a long time ago; and as much as I love him, I love him like a brother.,” I say as I squirm in my seat, trying to get comfortable as Freyja stops at a stoplight.
Freyja pulls forward as the light turns green, as we debate my dating life, or rather the lack thereof. As soon as we pull into the school parking lot, something feels different, a little eerie, as if there is a sinister being around. I look around to see if I can pinpoint where the feeling is coming from but find nothing out of place. Everyone is walking towards the school building in their typical groups; conversations melting into one another. As I grab my book bag off the seat next to me, I feel eyes on me; as I turn my head, I notice someone staring at me from where they stand next to the bleachers on the sideline of the football field. I stare back at him squinting my eyes, trying to get a good look at the guy. I notice that he stands at what looks to be five foot eleven, possibly taller, but that’s about all I can see.
Tearing my eyes away from the creepy guy, I get out of the car and bump into a firm wall-like body. I jump and let out an embarrassing squeak out in surprise as I turn around, coming face to chest with Nik, his six-foot frame towering over my five-foot-three short ass.
“Hey, Birthday Girl!” He says, grinning from ear to ear as he holds out a white envelope.
“Hey! What’s this?” I ask as I reach for it.