Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 21


That place was a little piece of heaven, and very different from what I imagined, each had a task and a function.

Everyone worked in a rotation system, I don't know where I got the idea that this place was like Cinderella's castle, full of employees.

Hades' mother explained to me how everything worked, and said laughing that even the Alpha washed toilets.

Most of the things they consumed were produced there.

Although I doubt very much that the expensive clothes and watches of Hades and his brothers were produced there.

I took a shower, changed clothes and fell into bed, my room or rather my hut was connected to a larger one and a big house.

I confess that I missed Hades for the rest of the afternoon, it was strange but his smell was in everything, including me.

I slept for a while, the sun was already gone when I woke up with Pietro knocking on the door calling for dinner.

At the moment there are about sixty people sitting at the place, long dark wooden tables with benches made of the same material.

I look for my mother quickly and see her in the kitchen, smiling, serving people, her face was peaceful as if she had been there all her life.

The funny thing is that I imagined that being the daughter of who she is she would be treated like Queen Elizabeth.

But actually no, she was one more.

One more person who contributes in an organic way to the place.

Hades is sitting next to his father, his clothes are different, very casual, no watch or designer shoes, just an ordinary man with his unshaven beard and what a beard.

God is not the time for me to have these thoughts (yes I remembered all the places that Hades' beard sawed through my body, and there were many!)


Inside my head a single question remains, if I were not the granddaughter of who I am would he stay with me or marry another.

The worst thing that I knew was that this "we are soul mates" talk was just a talk to eat people!

The thought of Hades sleeping with this Iris woman makes my stomach churn.

Hades comes towards me smiling

(Unhappy, what are you laughing at?)

I get in line for the food, putting several things on my plate that soon becomes a small mountain

-Are you hungry Agape mou?

  • Don't call me that," he smiles sadly. - I was waiting for you so we could have dinner together.

  • You needn't have bothered, I'll eat in my room.

  • Just let me explain.

-Your fiancée has already explained Hades, you don't have to tell me that I was your fun, your bachelor party, your last act of freedom, that much I know! You can marry in peace now, you've already slept with a virgin!

I see Hades' face contort with anger.

-Is that what you think of me, that I would be so vile as to say that I would sleep with you and yet intend to marry another?




-Our little show in the middle of the hall was applauded by everyone and my father-in-law began to speak.




After our little show Hades left tapping his foot and I went back to the room, eating a mountain of food I had brought.

I turned on the TV and slept, in fact I completely blacked out.

I woke up the next day the sun was shining, I wanted to explore the place even alone.

I pick up a trail and start walking. It was funny how those trees and animals seemed to welcome me, like they were welcoming me home.

The place is magnificent, birds were singing and butterflies were flying around me.

Then I reached the end of the trail, who would have thought that there was paradise within paradise

A small clearing with a waterfall in the background and to the right a heap of stones that was clearly once a small hut and today was just ruins.

When I look again the vision came to me like the memory of a dream.

That was my home, mine and Hades',

I run to the ruins, the house of wood and stones no longer existed, it had to be there.

And it was there, carved into the rock that still supported the stones that were still standing.

Our initials.

My fingers glide across the stone.

-I built this place with my own hands. - When I brought you here you made these marks there, and said that our love would survive eternity, this was your contribution while I worked on the house.

The tears start rolling down my face.

-And you laughed saying that I could be helping in another way

-And you replied, that it was already too much help to love me.

Hades hugs me from behind, I feel his wet face against mine.

-Do you understand now that there has never been another woman, understand that I have always sought you out? There is no other Persephone, only you, my Persephone.

I turn and kiss Hades with all the intensity my body is capable of showing.

I didn't know how much I missed those hands pressing my body against his.

The hands get rid of our clothes and disappear in a matter of seconds,

I caress Hades' already hard member

-Do you understand now that there has never been another woman, do you understand that I have always sought you? There is no other Persephone, only you, my Persephone.

I turn and kiss Hades with all the intensity my body is capable of showing.

I didn't know how much I missed those hands pressing my body against his.

The hands get rid of our clothes and disappear in a matter of seconds,

I caressed Hades' already hard and throbbing member in my hand.

The huge man in front of me moaned softly looking deep into my eyes, his thumb runs across my lips then he closes his eyes.

The little I know of Hades he would never ask me to do this so I do it, half-heartedly.

As I press my lips against his member he lets out a groan, and I slowly ease it into my mouth, being careful with my teeth so it doesn't hurt. Hades moves slowly while his fingers tangle in my hair.

I feel powerful, like never before, for the first time in my life I had the pleasure of giving pleasure to the man I love. He is totally absorbed in the pleasure I have given him.

He throws his head back, saying confused words, I get excited, I ram it down his throat like I've seen in some movies, he moans loudly and I choke.

He laughs, I'm not amused, and I stop.

-For heaven's sake keep going, don't stop, but go slowly, everything for us is still a discovery.

I was embarrassed by my lack of experience, Hades is mine and I am jealous of his past, his present, and his future.

Hades notices the shadow of his past in my thoughts and kisses me until I forget.

His mouth descends to my secret place so he finds my entrance, sucking all of mine that my body produces.

I cum on his tongue, Hades feels my body shaking with pleasure, then he gets up, turns me on my back and shoves his member into me hard, the way I like it, without care or reservation, he pulls my hair with one hand making a C with my spine, and doesn't stop putting with the other hand he rubs my clitoris and amazingly I cum again, Hades also climaxes.

Our bodies continue to cling together, while Hades kisses my hair, I try to move away but he holds me by the waist.

-Don't you dare.

  • We have to go back, I have things to do.

-Your only obligation is to be my agape moi.

Hades begins to move again and again we are eating, Thank you Olympus for the virility of my man.

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