Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 25


For the first time in my life I feel at home, the funny thing is that I missed something I didn't even know existed.

Communion with other women they talk so much about femininity of the sacred feminine

As if they all have a heavenly core, a connection to the goddess that only women have.

The funny thing is that I feel connected to my mother like never before, I know that her spirit is close to us.

The bond between these women seems unbreakable, wolves or daughters of the moon go together and help each other.

The mother of Hades is intent on teaching us everything for the great day of Persephone, I soaked up the lessons like a sponge.

Her words entered me so easily, it was an awakening of a dream, I was a priestess, I knew the secrets, the dogmas that the moon asked.

Guiovanna and I prepared Persephone for her big night

The oil and herbal baths, the songs, the hut services for the great night.

I make my daughter's wreath with my own hands, and it looks wonderful.

The festivities have begun and for the first time in my life I feel like myself.

Caterpillars need time in their cocoons to one day become butterflies flying freely.

That's how I felt, a caterpillar quietly emerging from the cocoon.

Dancing and singing with those women made me float, I felt happy.

The women danced and laughed, and from a distance I saw Igor's wolf.

We weren't talking to each other, I asked for space and he gave it to me, staying out of my sight for a long time.

I woke up every morning with flowers on my pillow, or little surprises in the pockets of my clothes.

Today I found a daffodil and a poem

Physics of Love

Mass is not proportional to volume

A girl as small as a violet

This girl who moves like the petal of a flower She attracts me with a force greater than her mass

In a single moment

I fall and roll towards her, without rhyme or reason. Like Newton's apple

With a blow

With a hard blow

My heart swayed between heaven and earth

In a pendulum motion

It was my first love

Kin Shin

My whole body creeps, he knows where to push the buttons.

Before Igor I had never won flowers, before this man I had never won poems before him I had never felt my heart warm.

The women continue dancing but my eyes remain where Igor's wolf is, he is brown almost brown.

I close my eyes, the music, the moon, the wind, everything is part of me now. When we reach the clearing I see some wolves approaching.

The blue-eyed black one, who I believe is Nicolas, takes Guiovanna and the other mated wolves are removing their mates one by one and disappearing into the middle of the forest.

The single wolves transform one by one entering the forest for the race

Three of them run around me taking me to another place in the forest, when I realize I'm alone in the middle of the forest.

Igor appears as if by magic behind the trees.

My heart is racing, my body is shaking.

Igor in the shape of a wolf approaches me, I caress his fur.

He turns and holds me in his arms, I try to escape, but my instincts betray me and I surrender myself to Igor who takes me in his arms to the middle of the forest.


I am an old man in a young man's body, actually I am young and I feel that way.

I am the middle son of Nicolas Lincan and the most inconsequential of the three. Let's say that if Hades is the scholar, half grumpy, half wimp, I am the sexiest and most coveted single businessman in Greece, perhaps even in Europe.

The time Hades spent acquiring knowledge and searching for his Agape mou I spent my time making money.

I never paid enough attention in this tireless search for the woman of Hades' dreams, I always thought that women were beautiful objects to be displayed, I never saw the real importance in having only one woman, a soul mate, someone to share the good and the bad moments with me.

I never needed to have a woman like I need to have Alice, from the first time I saw her, now she is here in front of me dancing to the moon, so free, so liberated.

My heart fills with pride, her slowly gaining confidence, I saw the woman I love blossom before my eyes and now she would be mine, only mine....

I mean.... I have to convince her that I love her, I love her very much.

Unfortunately she thinks I only want her because she is a winning ticket for any wolf on the five continents.

I am sparing no effort to let her know that I love her, and I really want her.

Tonight I have her, and I will prove to her that I want more from her than puppies.

Mating affects all the wolves of the pack, even though our females are infertile sex is something primordial.

I carry her in my arms and on the way we hear howling, whispering, moaning and grunting all through the forest.

I take her to the place I have prepared for us, a tent in a unique place, well away from the madness of mating.

A place where we will see the first of the moon parting and the sun rising, that moment when the universe comes into communion.

The temperature gets colder and night and day meet, bringing us a magnificent image.

-Take me home," Alice murmurs, nuzzling her head against my neck and smelling my scent.

  • We are almost there.

-The cabins are on the other side.

-I know!

  • Then why are you going the other way?

-Because I've prepared something for you.

  • I'm not sleeping with you

  • I didn't think of that (Yes, you did)


-Yeah... I know!

We arrive at the place, I put her down, the sky is starry and the moon is shining in the background, we have a complete view of the place.

-Wow, this place is ....

-Beautiful! My father used to bring us here to watch the sunrise, and a unique experience, one sunrise is never the same as another.

I put on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt that I left inside the tent and sit down inside the tent.

Alice looks at me curiously while I signal her to sit next to me.

-Doesn't the red moon affect you?

-It does, but I can handle it.


-Come, sit here. -I motion for her to sit next to me.

She looks at me suspiciously but sits down.

I hug her and say in her ear

-I will only touch you the day you ask me to.

I feel her trembling in my arms, as if she were holding the whole world.

The first rays of sunlight begin to paint the sky in all colors.

Then Alice says, her voice

-Thank you for the flowers, and the poem, You've been very thoughtful.

-I'll wait for you.

-I don't want you to wait for me, I don't feel safe to be in a relationship, and I don't know if I ever will be. -She sighs deeply.

-Just tell me how I can help you, I swear I will

-That's what you don't understand, I can't hold on to you, I have to do it alone.

-Then it's you who don't understand, you don't have to do this alone, I want to be your companion, I want to share, I want to give you the world, and if you don't want the world I can give you a smile every morning, I only ask that you believe in me.

She smiles.

-I know you're a man who would make any woman happy.

-So why don't you give me a chance?

She bites her lip and tears start to well up in her eyes.

-Because you're Prince Charming and I'm just a Cinderella with no fairy godmother.

I kiss her and hug her affectionately

-Oh my Cinderella, I'm far from being Prince Charming, just let me stay close.

-I don't deserve you, I'm dirty if you knew what he did to me, I'm not worthy of any man.

-What the fuck have you done to your head, angel? -You talk as if a good man is a prize.

  • And it's not, that's what society says.

-I doubt your mother would have raised you that way.

-My mother loved my father so much that sometimes there was no time for me, in fact almost never.

-No one is perfect, people make mistakes, your mother may not have been a good mother, but she was a perfect grandmother.

  • So if I wasn't a good mother, does that mean I'll be a better grandmother?

-No, it means that good people sometimes do bad things without even knowing it.

-So there are no bad people?

-There are, of course there are.

-What do we do with them?

-I usually smash their heads like melons.


-No, of course not. -Now go to sleep.

-I'm not sleepy, I have too much to think about.

-Don't think, just accept me.

-Don't you ever give up?

-From you? never. - She laughs

-I'm here, Cinderella, a prince full of flaws, to fight with you for your ghosts and dragons, and only you let me.

  • If I say yes, let's take things slow?

-Alice, any other wolf in the red moon would be up to his balls in you, but I'm holding back here.

  • The prince turned the frog so quickly.


-I'm a very horny man who stands by the woman he desires like a saint, do I or don't I deserve a vote of confidence?

-Yes, you do.

-So, do you accept me?

She gives me a big smile and shakes her head yes.

The sun was already rising, you could see the separation between day and night in the awakening of dawn, crowning the happiest day of my life.

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