Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 26


Zeus, how I love the red moon, the women go completely crazy, me and some single males are keeping an eye on the females that have come for celebration

Blondes, brunettes, redheads wolves from all over Europe wagging their tails at the visitors camp.

Hades was never a womanizer, my partner in crime was Igor who, after he met Persephone's mother, Alice, became celibate.

I will never, never leave my animal side because of a woman.

Sex for us wolves has always been something ESSENTIAL, especially during the red moon.

Hades and the scholar, Igor the businessman, me ?

I'm the youngest son, but I'm the one who protects my older brothers, I'm the one who loses sleep worrying about everyone's safety, I'm the commander the training man but now, I'm just a wolf in search of a hot female.

I spent the day deep in the forest looking for a perfect place for a warm night for me and my victim, I mean prey.

And I found it, a place away from everything and everyone, I set up a small camp with an air mattress and a double sleeping bag, everything warm and cozy, with breakfast included, well, two apples and a bottle of coke can be considered breakfast.

I return home and preparations for the night are in full swing.

Night falls soon, and I watch from afar the women's movements, and then the race.

I am the first to go, the freedom of running in the forest on a red moon day is unbelievable, the wind blowing in my face, the further I go into the forest the more I feel my blood boil, the moon is more beautiful and brighter than the other days, I go deeper into the forest and something catches my attention, something different from the moans of pleasure that are everywhere, crying? No, these are moans of pain.

Could it be that some male has taken the female by force?

I run towards the sound, I would never allow a wolf to take a female against her will.

Thessaly is a place full of mountains and chasms, cracks in the rocks, and in one of these cracks I find her.

With torn clothes and a body full of bruises and dried blood in the corner of her mouth.

When I get close, she cringes, I step back and become a man.

-Are you okay?

She doesn't answer and cringes.

-Feel calm, I won't hurt you.

She looks at me and hugs her knees tighter.

She was not one of ours, I had never seen her, her eyes were green and her hair red, I was a child when I saw a woman like that. So beautiful, so beautiful that she looks like a Klimt painting.

I approach slowly.

-Come with me darling -I see fear in her eyes. I told you, I won't hurt you." She widens her eyes and a sound comes out of her lips


-Hades is my brother. - It's the first time I've ever seen her face calm down. -But I can't call him now, but I'll take care of you.


-Come with me, I'll take you to him. - She extends her hand and I touch her arm, the woman is burning up with fever. - Look, I'm no doctor, but I think you need medical attention, who did this to you?


  • Stay here, don't move, my camp is not far from here, I'll go to mine and get things to warm her up.

I turn into a wolf again and run through the trees as fast as I can, I have no time to lose, the moiras ( The three sister goddesses who determined fate) could only be playing with me, when I entered this forest I just wanted the good fuck and now I am rescuing the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

I try to grab as many things as I can.

When I return I find her unconscious, I need to warm her up, I put her inside the sleeping bag, she was shivering with cold.

I try to put water in her mouth but she can't swallow.

I carry her wrapped up in the sleeping bag.

The headquarters is empty, everyone was celebrating the red moon, I take her to my room, put her on the bed, go to the bathroom and bring a towel and damp, I try to clean her.

She has marks on her wrists and heels as if she had been trapped for a long time.

There are several bruises, on her belly kick marks, she definitely has some broken ribs.

-What monster did this to you?

I've given her painkillers and we'll pray to the gods that she gets better.

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