Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 27


The problem with calm times is that evil is always lurking around waiting for an opening.

Happiness makes us silly and inconsequential, and we end up letting our guard down.

The simple fact of being happy, of loving and being loved causes something called envy; did you know that in Greek mythology there is a god just for this?

Ftono ("envy", "jealousy") is the personification and god of jealousy and envy. He is often compared and linked to the goddess of chaos and discord, Eris, for always causing the same effects as the goddess, using and abusing jealousy and envy to provoke the wrath of gods and human beings.

Envy and jealousy consume you inside and sometimes only sometimes this feeling drives us crazy.

Remember people and gods are born good to society and those who corrupt or rather Ftono are standing by to teach a lesson.

Let me teach you something, when you have enemies you must always be on the alert, evil doesn't take vacations.


I scored my Agape mou, this is the happiest moment of my life.

Then we made love again and again, as intensely as our first time.

Now Persephone is here in my arms while I caress her hair, there is no word in the world to explain what I feel except happiness.

The day has begun to dawn, slowly, Zeus, I wish this night would never end.

I close my eyes for a few moments.

But it doesn't take long for the sound of insistent knocking to cross my ears.

I open the door naked, I'm on my honeymoon, INFERNO!

-Who is the gamemen (f.d.d.p) that dared to wake me up the day after my wedding?

It was Dylan one of the bachelors

-Hades, I know you're busy, but Pietro asks that you urgently return to headquarters.

  • Why on earth would I do that?

  • He found a woman last night.

  • Good, I have to get back to mine.

-No, he found a battered woman in the woods, the doctor said there are at least two fractured columns.

  • I still don't understand what you are doing here.

  • The woman calls for you?

  • What do you mean?

  • The only word she says

  • Who is this Hades? - Persephone's voice echoes behind me

  • I don't know!

Persephone was five foot eight and I was five foot nine

But in that instant it seemed like she was ten feet tall.

-Hades LICAN GET CLOTHED AND LET'S SEE THIS WOMAN, I'd better not find another bride in the closet.

Persephone pats me, not that her small hands hurt me, it's funny enough, but she's very angry.

We arrive at the headquarters house and the couples made the night before begin to arrive for breakfast, it was going to be a day full of festivities because of my mating.

We are greeted with smiles by everyone, they are all happy for us.

I mean Persephone is not at all happy with a woman calling out to me.

Pietro is sitting on the bed holding his wife's hands, she was fast asleep.

-Hades, she is badly bruised, she has marks on her wrists and heels, she looks like she has been beaten, I didn't know who to call, she said her name.

-I don't recognize her!

-You don't? - My little girl is so jealous and beautiful, my Agape.

-No, Persephone! - I pull her up and kiss her on the forehead

-Hades sorry to disturb your honeymoon, but I didn't know what to do, she was shaking and had a fever.

-What did the doctor say?

-Two broken ribs, serious signs of torture and dehydration, whoever it is has suffered a lot in the last few days. And there's another thing, she has a burn mark on her back that looks like a cattle brand with an H in the middle.

-Persephone looks at Peter with tears in her eyes.

Persephone approaches the bed.

-Here - Peter turns his wife a little, showing the still-infected mark.

-I've seen this mark before.

-Where? - Peter asks curiously

-On my mother.


I don't think I had slept like this since childhood, it was the first time in my life that I woke up with a man by my side.

Igor was stroking my hair, and I had never been stroked like that, stroked just for the sake of being stroked, without wanting anything in return,

In fact my body shakes just remembering that man touching me, Helio was violent and treated me like dirt, how could I have thought at some point in my life that he liked me?

I snuggle into Igor's arms

-Good morning princess

-Good morning frog


We hear footsteps outside

-Stay here

Igor gets up and leaves the camping tent and returns a moment later.

-We have to go back to the headquarters.


-They found a woman in the forest, Hades has asked for her urgent presence.

When I leave the tent the place is more beautiful than the night before, the sea is down there and the trees behind us.

-Can we come back another day?

-We can build our hut here if you want.

-But isn't this a special place for you and your brothers?

a It is, but after today it could be our special place.

I kiss Igor on the cheek, and after forty minutes of walking we return to the headquarters.

Persephone walked from one side to the other with tears in her eyes

and when she sees me she runs into my arms.


-What happened?

Hades comes up behind her and holds her in his arms - Alice, we have something to show you.

We enter the room and what I see there brings me bad memories.

Bruises on my face, arms and wrists. Immediately the tears come out of my eyes

-I found her in a crevasse in the forest - Pietro was standing beside the bed.

Persephone tactlessly shows me the mark on his shoulder. I start to cry without realizing it, the horror of all those years comes to my mind.

-It was that man, wasn't it? - Tears stream down Persephone's face.

  • It was - I cringe, hugging my own knees. - I begin to tremble.

Persephone hugs me tightly.

-You don't have to say anything if you don't want to.

-I want to, I feel I need to, but first, how did this woman get here?

-As I said, I don't know anything about her, only that she is very hurt and that she calls for Hades.

  • She was lucky, they don't usually live to tell stories, Sir. Helio prefers young girls, no more than 20 years old. I was the maid, but he buys them with money or with the illusion of a future as a model.

I have seen this story happen over and over again, usually they don't survive.

-And how did you survive? - Peter asks.

I look at Persephone, I don't want my daughter to hear, Hades notices my hesitation.

-Agape mou, I don't think it will do either you or our son any good.

-I want to stay

-I'd rather you didn't stay, daughter.

Persephone looks at me grudgingly, Hades takes her to their hut then I begin to speak, looking at Igor

-Helio kept me by his side for 22 years, I was the maid he seduced, everything I did was because he tortured me both psychologically and corporally, anything was cause for aggression, the first time he hit me was because I missed the point of the egg, after that there was nothing more than beatings and rapes, until I became too old for him to use me, then the younger girls started coming, who almost always came out in body bags.

I was disgusted with him, even though he didn't touch me anymore he took pleasure in watching me wash the dishes every night, to remind me that he could change his mind at any time.

I was the one who cleaned the girls, they begged me for help, I still hear their screams, but my fear of him was greater than anything else.

-Did you ever try to run away?

-All those who try to run away he brands as cattle. "And what he said, while I felt the pain and the smell of burning flesh

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