Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 30


I am about to start following my purpose here, the two women enter the room, and as I was warned they are being guarded like diamonds.

The younger one is more pregnant than any woman I have ever seen in my life. The other is a little older, but still fertile.

They both smile, I mean, the older one smiles, the younger one hides Hades behind her, and I can assure you I heard her growl.

-What do you want with my husband? - The smaller one says looking like a chihuahua

Hades says to her calmly

-Agape, calm down, let's explain -He turns to me smiling- She's not that aggressive it's the hormones

  • Who is the aggressive one here, Hades?

-No one, Agape, no one!


Pietro speaks for her

-She is a daughter of the moon

  • Hey, weren't we the last ones? - Persephone speaks, placing her greasy hands on her waist.

-We are a forgotten society, in search of stray sheep, that's how I went to Rio de Janeiro.

Someone used a great deal of power, and I was caught there by a man who did this to me.


-That's it!

-I think she got the trait of magic from her grandmother Agape

  • That doesn't explain why she only called his name sýzygós mou (my husband).

-Helio tortured her and sent her here as a warning.

-Or sent her here as a spy.

Pietro replies

-My hormones are going too far, Persephone.

  • My hormones may be running wild, brother-in-law, but I'm not going to fall in love with red hair and green eyes.

-She's a self-priestess of the moon, she deserves respect.




The smaller woman leaves with her mother and a question remains in my mind

What is slapping?


I'm not leaving my angel's side, her recovery is going very well, slowly but surely.

What is not well at all is her communication with the other women.

Persephone has gained great power within the pack by breeding the next generation, but Sophia is the key to ending this madness.

Once she recovers I am sure she will lead us to meet the other daughters of the moon and our race will not be extinguished.

Sophia likes me to write to her, sometimes she sings to me, her voice is as clear as crystal.

She has two younger sisters, I helped her call one of them and tell her everything is fine.

And she is so beautiful, her way of being captivates me a little more every day, I want her to accept me and make me her husband.

I feel responsible for her, Hades does too, none of this would have happened if it wasn't for us, now we have to protect her and I made Hades promise the same.


One thing that has always frightened me since I was a child was the fact that I could sense things.

And that woman brought me bad things, I want my children away from her.

My instinct tells me to protect my children, and this has caused many fights with Hades.

He doesn't understand my fear, the problem is that I feel it in my bones.

-I won't have my children here, I want to go to our home.

-Agape, here we will have more people to help.

-Hades, listen to me, I will have my children in our home, our hut.

-It's far away, in the middle of the forest.

-Here too.

-Here we have space.

-There too, look Hades, I feel exposed here, there are too many people, strange people running around everywhere, it's not my place, I don't feel comfortable here.

-But the doctor said...

-The doctor said they can be born small, but he didn't say they would stay here.

  • The pack would have to split up, staying here is safer

  • I don't think so, and if you won't come with me, I'll go alone.


  • A she-wolf needs a nest which can be a tree bark or a beaver den, a nest is a nest - Giovanna enters through the door carrying some pots.

  • Mother Persephone is not a she-wolf.

  • But she is the daughter and granddaughter of powerful wolves, don't doubt your instincts, my son.

Hades leaves grumbling

-You didn't like Sophia either.

  • Don't you think it's strange that she got here the way she did? A young, beautiful, defenseless woman can easily penetrate our defenses, especially if she is who she is.

-Don't worry, Nicolas is also watching.

-Pietro looks hypnotized, she just batted her eyelashes and he fell.


-What's worse is that Hades also fell, he thinks it's the pregnancy hormones.

  • Hades and Pietro are very protective.

-Yes, and among more than a hundred wolves on the red moon she appears exactly in Pietro's way.

  • What are you suspecting?

  • I don't know yet, but I don't trust it.

A voice shouts in my head


I feel my hair shiver and get dizzy, Giovanna comes to my rescue.

-What's going on my daughter?

  • Since that woman arrived I hear something inside me announcing the danger

  • Does that voice speak to you a lot?

-You must think I'm crazy, right?

-No, of course not, the inner wolf is on alert. Always listen to it.

-But I am not a she-wolf.

  • Your wolf blood is purer than many here and after the mark of Hades I don't doubt your store will respond, even more so in gravidex.

I sigh deeply, this is happening more and more every day.

The doctor didn't take long to arrive and we went to the cabin in the woods my home

In the BB's little room he had some men set up the neo natal ICU and the nursery .

Hades is still upset with me because I don't want to stay at the headquarters, and I with him for not trusting my instincts.

I learn that he promised his brother to protect that woman.

I walk around the cabin like a caged beast, if he thinks he's going to stay like this he's very wrong.

I haven't exchanged a word with him in two days, and of course he is sleeping in the living room.

One of the things that the renovation brought to my cabin was a big bathtub, and there is nothing better for pregnancy back pain.

The hot water relaxes my muscles, I close my eyes, and when I open them Hades is standing in the doorway.

-Agape, I don't want to fight anymore.

I don't answer.

-I mean, not fighting, I talk to myself and you just ignore me.

I close my eyes again.

-So it's going to be like this, I disagree with you and you won't talk to me anymore?

Minutes later I hear the sound of someone entering the bathtub.

-What do you think you're doing?

  • Now you want to talk?

  • Get out!

  • Don't you think this water is too hot?

  • No! Get out!

-It's the first time in two days that you talk to me.

  • I still want to not talk.

  • You yell, curse, hit me but don't leave me in this agony of not knowing what you're thinking.

  • I have never yelled or hit you.

  • Then do it, those things hurt less than you ignoring me, at least I know you care.

He moves closer.

-I care, but you don't take me into consideration.

  • Agape, Pietro just doesn't want Sophia to get hurt, she was very hurt, and you have all the women on your side.

  • I have all the women except my partner who is supposed to be by my side.

-Pietro only wants to ensure Sophia's safety.

I get up slowly and step out of the tub and put on the terry cloth robe that Dr. Simon brought along with the baby's things.

I go into the bedroom and start licking myself with Moisturizer, through the mirror I see Hades squirming in the tub.

-Agape, they say sex helps in childbirth.



  • Funny, I've never heard of it.

  • Agape, let me at least go back to my room.

I laughed

-Do you know when you're going back to this room? When that owl is long gone from here.

  • But Agape...

  • I need to finish setting up the nest for the birth, the women are coming, so go.

Hades leaves, tapping his foot, picking up his clothes from the floor.

War was declared, there's just one small detail, did the wretch have to be so hot?

The women and I finished setting up my nest, something bigger than a beaver's den and more comfortable than a tree bark.

A bed big enough for me and the cubs, with things that make me peaceful and smells where I feel safe.

Hades watched everything from afar, I could see his little eyes watching every choice I made.

In these last days of pregnancy, women understand well the meaning of making me feel safe.

They are on guard every moment I close my eyes.

I wake up in the early morning with great pain

The time for delivery had come, and I was in a panic.

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