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Chapter 11

"Hey, girl, you are drunk, isn't it already obvious?" he inquired raising a brow.

His question caused her to laugh. Was she finding it like some sort of joke or what?" he could hardly understand it.

Instead of her replying to him, she made a small and clear movement indicating that she is can kind of serious about having a deal with him this evening.

She grabbed him by the neck and pulled it close to her face, it didn't end there, the next thing is that she kissed him.

Breaking it off, she murmured towards her lips.

"Hey, you have a deal with me, we are to make it hot this night, don't you want me? because I need the money," she exploded.

"Is it the money you need or the fact that you actually can't make love with me?" he inquired.

He knew that it was a question he could stop herself from asking, especially as it was kind of weird.

But then, he had the answer he seeks for. It was kind of blunt, straight and direct which might have ended up bruising his heart, but he asked for it so he was served as hot as it is.

"The money just makes love to me snappy quick so that I can go home with the money," Chelsea said.

"Ahhhh!" the words escaped from Jaxtyn's words.

This lady was being pure strict, in fact, her words were harsh, and felt like the words were not from this earth. It is evident that Chelsea doesn't care about her clients, she was this cheap. It didn't bother Jaxtyn too, there is no point flirting with a harlot like Chelsea, she has made her points clear, if he continues to drool over her fine face and perfect body shape, then it will be at her own risk, yes, it will be purely his fault.

Sighing, he looked at Chelsea's face right now, her eyes were semi-closed, he had the form of a lady who was already asleep, but then, she was so attentive to the feelings that gleamed through her body, although she wouldn't be able to remember all.

Chelsea opened her eyes slightly, and looking at Jaxtyn now, she didn't know what she was doing, her body was more like controlling her rather than the other way round, she needed to do what she actually came here for, if not, she wouldn't have her money at the end of the day.

Searing her lips towards Jaxtyn's own, she initiated the first kiss. It seemed kind of embarrassing, but she didn't care, she just wanted to get done with it.

Him who was surprised that he will actually go on with her plan of having sex with him although she was drunk was mind-blowing, he could barely believe that himself.

Her lips tasted of alcohol, I was raw, he kind of love the texture of her lips, they were soft and fitted perfectly the shape of his own mouth. This is damn crazy but then, he has nothing to do that to accept it.

Slowly, the kiss went at first, and he thought everything was okay, but then, she broke it off panting immediately.

Like seriously, she acted so immaturely, as if she wasn't good at this, it was weird and she wondered if everything is actually okay because he feared that so much.

"What? is anything the problem?" hey. inquired.

He had just started to enjoy himself, maybe it wasn't bad having an affair with a lady like she although she was drunk, but he felt like this will be abuse, as if attacking her when she is unaware, it just made his heartache so much.

They have barely gone anywhere with their first kiss and now, she has broken it off for goddamn reason.

He acknowledged that he has been rude in asking the question, and eventually, had made the last sitting in front of him to be shy.

"Nothing," she replied in her tiny weeny voice.

That was an outright lie, everyone who would look at him right now will know that she has a problem, at least, if she starts by sharing it, It would be a great start for them.

He squeezed in beside him, making room for himself and as he sat beside her, he used his index finger and thing to cock her head with it, pulling it towards herself.

"You know I probably know something is wrong with you right? now, tell me if you wouldn't mind, I bet I wouldn't harm you, instead, I would try to give a solution to your problems," he mouthed.

She's heard his words clearly, and she knew she had to speak up because she was about disgracing herself, and that was going to be so embarrassing.

Yes, although she is slightly unconscious, she wasn't asleep yet, she could hear, slightly see, her eyes were bright although sheathed in its eyelids.

There was no reply from her, causing him to be a little bothered. He didn't want to push further, not even a bit, anything that will make her uncomfortable, he had clearly washed his hands room it, especially when this is her first visit.

Releasing his grip from her chin, The young lady heaved a sigh that seemed to be clutched in her throat for quite a while.

"Are you afraid of me? I mean, is my presence making you feel uncomfortable? I can go if you want it," he said scrambling out of the bed.

He thought maybe that would be the solution, but immediately as he went down, he heard the voice behind her whisper in a tight voice.

"Don't go, please," she begged.

Instantly, he seemed glued to his position, it is obvious that he could not believe what had happened, and it gave him instant hopes then, trying to know what is going on.

Not obeying her commands, he rather stood at the edge of the bed, looking at her with raised brows, while perusing her entire body.

He needs to know what this her behavior is about, if he can be of any help, he would.

"Talk, do you think I have the whole evening here? you have already chopped part of it by making me to believe that I am going to have a chance with you tonight, but that's a lie. You lied to me," he accused her.

She didn't hear a single word from what he just said and it only infuriated him the more, but her innocent figure was enough to make his anger die just as easily as it had climbed, and that was the best part of it.

Climbing on the bed once more, he held she by the shoulders, trying to make her lie.

"You need some rest, lady, goodnight," he muttered.

The moment he tried forcing her to sleep, she opened her eyes almost immediately saying in a chilling voice.

"Please, I want to wee-wee,"

She used that funny expression kid used whenever they want to urinate, and it made him choke almost immediately after hearing it.

He knew that something was wrong with her, and hearing it now instead makes his heart pressure calm down because it had made him be scared for a moment.

"Oh! I'll help you get to the bathroom if you can't walk," he assured him.

She could not believe her ears, and she opened her eyes, trying to figure out what he just said.

"No, I think it will do," she murmured.

He watched the way she slide out of the bed, making unsure steps.

"Are you sure you can go there?" he inquired.

In a sleepy and tiring tone, she replied to him.

"Yes, I can, let me go there, I wi be right back," she exclaimed.

The first step she took after saying that, she felt like she was falling off from a cliff she frightened there hell out of her.

"Ahhhh! I am about falling, somebody helps me," she screamed as she tried falling towards the ground.

Her hallucinations were now getting the best out of her, and before she could reach the floor, He was behind him ready to catch her.

Actually, he had tripped on a rag, and since she was drunk and dizzy, she thought that she was actually falling from a cliff. This must have been a very difficult task for her.

He wrapped her arms around her waist, holding her securely.

What she needs is rest, a high bed rest that does not need disturbance at any cost, and the moment she does that, It will be good for her.

She had spent the past weeks working money to pay her father's debts, she needs it, and the deadline was slowly coming to an end, the earlier the better.

She looked for money so much that she didn't care about her own body, about the possibility that she might be suffering from overstress.

No, instead, the only thing that interested her was money, much money to pay her father's debt was all she needed now.

He felt bad for her, especially seeing her lay down effortlessly this way, her head ached a lot as if she might have bumped it somewhere, but he kind of guessed the only solution for her problems was bed rest, the earlier the better.

"Come on girl, I will help you to the bathroom now, and immediately you leave from there, you will sleep," he instructed her.

She seemed to be a little bit resistant towards what he just said as she objected to his command.

"No! it's not bedtime yet, we need to make this night private, or have you forgotten you hired me for the night?" she inquired trying to reason it out with him.

"I know that you have to be with me the entire night, but then, I am not having an affair with you, not know nor later, unless you are sane, just count it off," he said.

She seemed heartbroken, and she didn't offer any other word to him.

She was sober the entire time that he helped her to enter the bathroom, and even there, she pretended like she didn't want to talk with him.

The only words that kept ringing in her head are the fact that he has openly refused to have sex with her.

This is something that she wouldn't take from a man like him no matter what. Had she known, she would have stayed behind with the other clients and have unlimited bed pleasures with them, at least she would have earned more than what she is actually coming to clamor here.

She has never had an affair with Jaxtyn before, and on their first night, he has the guts to tell her this, so pitiful that she feels like crying.

The tears were visible in her eyes as she blinked severally, trying to avoid it. She didn't want him to see that his words had actually affected her, biting her lips slowly, she tried her best to cover up her pain.

This is going to be a night that she will spend without having to work some cool cash, it pained her because every money that entered her palms was needed no matter how small it is, now, she will lose everything because she came here thinking that a big prize waited for her.

He noticed that her face was a mask of pain, she looked like she will burst out crying. He knew that his words had had a terrible effect on the lady, yet there was nothing he could do, nothing at all.

He had made the right decision by telling her that, and he will stick by it. She needs to be fine and if a night without having a dick clutched between her legs would help achieve that goal, he was ready to go with it.

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