Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 9

He used a light plaster and cotton to put around her wound before he said.

"I will love you to shower first before we start doing anything today, thank you," he added politely.

She nodded her head in comprehension and watched how he walked out of the hip bathroom, giving her the space she required to dress in.

Swiftly, she removed the sexy clothes she was clad in and hurriedly stood below the shower as she baths herself clean. It was beautiful to look clean and she adored it.

Opening the cupboard, she removed a clean and probably unused towel to wipe her body with, as she did so, a knock was heard in the bathroom.

When she opened the door, she wasn't surprised when she saw him, but she was caught aback when he offered him a clean white shirt.

"Here, sorry, this is what I can offer for the night, you know, I don't keep female outfits here," he muttered.

It kind of made her chuckle after hearing that, but then, she didn't bother, it was at least good that he had tried offering her some clothes.

"Thank you I'll be out in a minute," she murmured after grabbing the clothes, the next thing he did was to leave immediately he did so.

While she entered the bathroom, she was quick in putting on the shirt and grateful for the fact that he had actually offered her something.

Buttoning every button of the white shirt, it was an oversized one which made her shapes disappear within the clothes, as it was embedded in the sheath of the oversized fabric.

Sighing, she decided to come out of the bathroom, and her heart was kind of beating. This is a night with the Alpha, and unlike the other ladies who had spoken before, it is her own time to experience what the other ladies had witnessed with their own eyes, they say he is the best, especially in handling a lady properly.

Any moment from now, he will be here to access that truth, was he worth another time? but then, she doesn't actually get glued to men she had had an affair with them in the past. No, either it was strictly for business, or she was called for to do a professional dance at the expense of the men.

Yes, she preferred it that way.

Coming out of the bathroom, she scanned the entire room with her eyes, and found it the same as the way it was when she just entered, it was beautiful, and yes, she liked the view.

He sat on the bed, with his legs crossed against one another at the ankle level, and as he saw her approached, he smiles brightly.

He had been waiting for this lady for quite some hours now, and here she is, right in front of his eyes.

He gave a small bright smile, as it curved the edge of his lips.

"You look beautiful," he exclaimed flattering her.

It was a good one because the effect on She was mindblowing, especially as she blushed profusely.

Seeing her this way made him laugh.

"Stop laughing, and I'll advise you to stop flattering me," she murmured.

His reaction was priceless, it felt like she had actually gotten it all right, he was aware of the fact that his sugary words will have such an effect as it had, and seeing her behave this way just gave her enough reasons to laugh out loud.

"Come here, babe, come and squeeze beside me," he mouthed opening his hands inviting her.

She knew well but to play along, this is her game and no one could beat her on it, absolutely no one.

She was excited that the boss had picked her out today, she was extremely glad, and no matter what he did, it made her so excited.

Crawling on the bed, She clutched herself on her open arms as he immediately secured it, gathering her into a bear hug.

At first, she expected things to seed up already, that was her job, and as she stared at him, he kind of loses any interest in taking things to another level.

"What about we have a meal first? I am damn hungry," he muttered.

She raised a brow staring at him weirdly.

Like seriously, this is the first man that has ever invited her over and over to her food. All the rest had been pure business, she didn't even have a minute to discuss with them, and the minute their time had elapsed, she collected her money and left. That was as easy as anyone would know.

"You will offer me food?" she blurted out in shock.

Realizing that she had said her thoughts out loud, she placed her hands around it.

Detaching her body from his, she glared at him as if a bottle of common sense had fallen on his head. That would be acceptable if that was the fact, but now, it seemed like that wasn't the case and he was purely offering for hospitality reasons.

She was not the only one who was shocked by her question, he was amazed that she had actually asked such a question.

"Of course, I will offer you food, or aren't you hungry?" he inquired raising a brow.

Before she could respond, her stomach grumbled indicating that she was actually hungry.

Apart from an early breakfast this morning, she had barely eaten anything again, besides, it was very light that she could say she had had a real meal.

"Alright, I guess the rumbling sign from your stomach indicated that you are hungry, right? just wait a minute, I'll be back," he muttered and dashed off.

Immediately as he shot the doo behind him, her who sat at the bed used her hands to cover up her face, she felt so embarrassed.

Even though she was alone in the room, she felt like millions of eyes lurked at her, while others mocked her for acting stupid.

It is actually strange to do behave this way, especially with the man she just met.

"Hey! you have screwed up already, I guess he is now seeing you as the worst whore he had ever set eyes on," she said shutting her eyes.

To her, she felt like she had acted ruefully and her behavior was worth looking into. To an extent, that was true, she had behaved so poorly, especially when it has to do with her relationship between him and her.

She had been the least professional, more like all this was just a drama, a well-planned sketch that was enacted for the main purpose of the audience.

"Rubbish!" she spat.

She calls herself a professional stripper and an advanced harlot, yet the simple presence of the mafia prince is enough to turn her world upside down.

She rolled her eyes as she did so, it was something so horrible to do, and the mere thought of it was enough to break her heart into million pieces.

"Ok! How can you be drooling over a man you just met?" she whispered to herself, wondering if she would ever even get an answer to the question.

This is supposed to be pure business, and its strictness is supposed to surpass any knowledge of her trying to fall for the man.

Simply thinking about the incident that just happened is something worth talking about, how they met, with him scaring the hell out of her to an extent of making her break a bottle of whiskey.

To say that she was not startled by him earlier that evening is an understatement, she was afraid of him, and she even thought that he might have asked her to pay heavily. Well, he did, but she is happy that they came to a compromising end.

She was deep in thoughts when he returned to the room carrying a box of pizza and a bottle of red wine alongside two bottles for them.

She smiled upon seeing him and was amazed when he noticed that she could help him out, and so she scurried out of the bed, rushing to help him.

He offered her the pizza box, muttering in a small voice making sure that she hears it because the remark was shot at her.

"At least, she wouldn't break a cartoon of pizza," he said provocatively.

She cheeks grew hot, she had the anxiety to punch him at the back, but later on, decided that it wasn't worth it at all.

Sighing, she walked with the cartoon of pizza to the bed.

"When did you buy this? or you had guessed earlier that I was going I come?' she asked raising a brow.

He was fast in silencing her, he didn't want her to talk too much, especially in issues that were as trivial as such.

"Just let it be, the only thing important is that we have something to satisfy our belle for now," he mouthed.

All she did was roll her eyes against what he just said, nothing would have caused him anything to actually speak the truth but no, he wanted it to look so dramatic, and it has.

Sighing, she decided to look at things towards the bright side and not worry much about known what had happened or not.

He had actually sensed this moment and had quickly messaged him to pick him a Pizza box. as fast as possible, and before her could finish her bath, he received a message from him indicating that he had arrived.

As easy as it was, he is happy that he could offer the lady something to it.

He sighed as things were moving favorably towards his side, he adored it, and there is nothing more to even think about other than that.

She crawled on the bed, and Jaxtyn trailed behind her.

Sitting while leaning on the bed, she started opening the cartoon of pizza.

The aroma from it was mind-blowing and she knew already what it was.

Cheese and pepperoni pizza, topped with excess chopped meat to meet their taste.

Sniffing as much as she can, she breathes out muttering,

"I love the flavor," she let out.

He smiled. He had not known what to other, so he had ordered the first thing that was in his mind. Kt turned out that she loved it.

"If it smells good, let's waste no time in having a good time eating it then," he replied.

After hearing this, she used a pen knife attached to the box to do the cutting, and when she did, she set aside and cut off the second piece.

Handing it to the man that sat beside her, he whispered in a cool voice, "Thank you, I appreciated it," he let out.

She wanted to talk but thought it wise to shut her mouth up because she didn't want this blissful moment to turn into a night of quarrel. Besides, things are going on so well to turn it into a misfortune right now.

Dipping her teeth into the slice of pizza, she enjoyed it so well.

"Uhmmm! this is yummy, I love it,"

Her funny expression and mouth watery sounds only ended Jaxtyn laughing so hard as if he was a fool.

His deep and rich sound echoed in his throat. Like seriously, if he could always be beside her, then he would have enough reasons to laugh often.

Sighing, he decided to taste it too, and he had the same expression that had clothed the lady a few seconds back, just that in this case, he exaggerated with his funny sounds.

As before, it was her turn to laugh and it made him happy to know that his joke was that funny. It actually was.

"Alright, we can call that a draw now, I pray we don't have to talk about it now,"

It was comprehensible, and he was quick to adhere to that fact.

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