1, Hands
Mary fell downward in the darkness. Then she felt hands, not only one or two, but several hands that gently caught her and held her body. Mary felt the hands put her feet down on solid ground and hold her upright until she found her balance. As she steadied herself, she felt the hands let go of her and her blindfold were removed.
Mary blinked against the light and then she heard the first tolling of a bell and loud cheering. Confused she focused her eyes and realised that she was surrounded by aari. She was standing in a room clad in marble with a high ceiling.
Mary looked behind her and there was Tariana, smiling down at her from a ledge that were about three meters above the floor.
“Well done,” Tariana smiled at Mary.
The aari around her shook her hand and congratulated her. There were some she knew, like Procecsa, Mildy and Leana. Then there were her teachers and the ones from the council. Lastly there were a lot of aari Mary had never seen before.
They all looked pleased, and the mood was high. Tariana walked down some steps and came up to Mary. She held her arms out.
“Congratulations, my friend,” she said as Mary accepted the hug from her. “It’s time for the last formal part before we can get the fun part started,” she told Mary.
As she said that, Procecsa stepped up to Mary and Tariana, and five women stood in a circle around them. From nowhere, five large white sheets appeared and the five women used magic to make the sheets into what Mary only could describe as a cocoon.
“Time to shred your linen dress and put on a white one, Mary,” Procecsa smiled.
Tariana and Procecsa helped Mary out of the itching dress and as Mary was about to tell them she didn’t bring another dress, a white dress just appeared, and they helped her dress in it. As Mary felt the white fabric flow around her, she had to fight back tears.
She had made it; she had taken the final step and became the person she wanted to become for so long. In that moment, the white dress represented so much to Mary that it was hard for her to take all her emotions in. As she was dressed and Tariana had braided her hair, Tariana hugged her again.
“You deserve this, you have been so brave,” she said to Mary.
“I’m so proud that I have had the privilege of being your mentor,” Procecsa said, giving Mary a hug.
“Thank you, both of you. I couldn’t have done this without you,” Mary said to them and wiped away a stray tear.
“She is ready,” Tariana said loudly.
The sheets of fabric were removed and the other aari once again came into view. There was a loud round of applauds. Tariana took Mary out into the middle of the room, there a circle formed with them in the middle, surrounded by aari.
“You have accepted the rebirth into a life as aari. We welcome you as the newest member of our family. As a symbol of your power, your dedication and your new life, we give you your badge,” Tariana said in a clear voice.
Leana stepped up to Tariana, holding a white cloth in her outstretched hands. Tariana unfolded the cloth and Mary saw the glistening diamond, surrounded by pearls. Tariana picked up the badge and walked over to Mary and pinned it on the right side of her dress.
Another round of cheers and applauds erupted. Mary couldn’t stop smiling as she placed her fingers over her badge.
“Thank you,” she said, and Tariana smiled.
“Mary came to us from Domne. These days we never get trainees from Domne, and I know many of you were hesitant about how she would do. But not only has she met and surpassed all our expectations. She is the highest scoring student for the past 241 years,” Tariana told everyone. There was a surprised and impressed murmur in the room.
“For her dedication, excellent results and to help her find the right path, the council has decided to offer you the title of protector of the white rose of Treenia,” Tariana smiled and there was another murmur in the room and a lot of nodding.
Mary was floored. It was rare to get a title when you were taken up in the aari. They usually came when you had proved yourself.
Mary knew the name Treenia. She had been one of the Ladies in the old book Mary had gotten from Tenac on her nineteenth birthday.
Treenia had been one of the first Ladies after the country had been divided and she had led with a firm belief that the aari needed to hold every man, woman, and child to the same value. Things like nationality, background, and things like that should not affect the help the aari provided. Mary was a firm believer that Treenia had been right.
“Thank you, I’m humbled by this, and I will do my best to live up to the ideals of Treenia,” Mary said as she was given a rolled-up scroll by Tariana.
“I have no doubt that you will,” Tariana smiled at her.
“As a symbol of your new path, a new name is given to you. It is up to you if you will add it as a second name, or if you choose to be called by it,” she continued.
The room fell silent as everyone wanted to listen to what her new name would be. Mary was focused on Tariana. She wasn’t sure she wanted a new name. But in the worst case scenario, she could just use it as her second name and never use it, she thought.
“Your new name is Ayyanapia, the one with a colourful soul,” Tariana announced and another round of applauds broke out.
“That was all the formal things out of the way. Now it’s time for the party,” Tariana then said and the quiet room became filled with noises as doors were opened and food and drinks were carried in to be placed on tables that had just appeared along one wall.
“Come on, Mary, you must be hungry and there are lots of people that wants to meet you and talk to you,” Tariana said and took Mary’s hand.
They walked over to the tables that now were filled with food. Tariana put a plate in Mary’s hands and Mary filled it with the delicious-looking finger food. They walked a bit to the side and as Mary started eating there were aari coming up to them and congratulated her and talked a bit. The council member, aari Gregic, came walking up to them.
“Congratulations, Mary,” he smiled and shook her hand.
“Thank you, aari Gregic,” she smiled back.
“I must say that you surprised us when the Lady announced your talents. But you have shown us you are a valid option to become a candidate for the position as the Lady,” he told her.
“Thank you, you flatter me,” she said.
“I’m only speaking the truth, my friend. I haven’t forgotten what you did for Limia. Showing compassion toward someone that has wronged you is an admirable trait,” he told her.
“It was nothing. How is Limia? I haven’t seen her in a while?” Mary asked, hoping to stop the flattery.
“She is good. Thank you for asking. She has been staying at our home in Archam. We have hope that she will be ready to take the assessment again next year,” he said.
“I’m happy to hear that,” Mary smiled.
“I will leave you to the next of the family that wants to congratulate you. I was lucky enough to receive an invitation to your party, so I’ll see you tomorrow,” he told her.
“I think my mom has invited the entire city,” Mary laughed.
“I’m looking forward to taste her food again. She is an excellent cook,” he said and then walked away.
“That was interesting,” Tariana said to Mary.
“It was?” Mary asked.
“Yes. He has been a firm supporter of Axilla for years,” Tariana nodded.
Axilla was one of the other aari that had control of all five of her elements. She and Mary had lunched a couple of times since Mary’s secret was let out. She had been very nice and talked about her own experiences.
“You think that has changed?” Mary asked.
“Yes, I would say he has found a new candidate to support,” Tariana nodded and put a small tomato filled with onion and spinach filling into her mouth.
“Oh, these are divine,” she then said, eating another one.
Sometime a little later, their plates were taken away by someone and a cup of wine was put into Mary’s hand. Mary didn’t usually drink, but she sipped it while she talked to more people.
Mildy and Elena came by to congratulate Mary and they talked for a while about old memories and Mary really enjoyed herself. As the two aari left Mary and Tariana to themselves again, Mary turned to Tariana.
“I have a question,” Mary said.
“Ask away,” Tariana smiled.
“Where am I being placed?” Mary asked.
“Oh, dear me. I have completely forgotten to tell you,” Tariana said surprised.
“You are being placed in the diplomatic area,” Tariana added.
“What? But you never start in the diplomatic area. That is something you earn,” Mary objected.
“I wouldn’t say never. It’s unusual. But then, not many of our trainees speak four languages and get top marks with special commendations in foreign studies,” Tariana smiled.
“Where else would we have put you?” she added.
“Thank you. I’ll do my best to live up to everyone’s expectations,” Mary said, feeling humble.
“Oh, don’t think of it like that. Go out there, do your best, have fun and learn things,” Tariana told her.
“That sounds fun,” Mary laughed.
“And that is what I want for you now. You have been so focused on your studies. Just enjoy life a little, Mary,” Tariana advised her.
“Okay,” Mary nodded.
“It’s almost two o’clock in the morning, and you have had a long day. Why don’t you sneak out and go back to your room and get some sleep before going back home in the morning?” Tariana said.
“But everyone here is here for me,” Mary objected.
“Most of them have already congratulated you. Now it’s more of an excuse to party and have fun. As you are the last to do the final test, they will go extra wild tonight,” Tariana chuckled.
“Okay, just one question. Where are we?” Mary asked.
“If you go out that door, you will end up in a hallway, take left and take the first stairs to the right. You will end near Sesca’s office. You’ll find your way from there,” Tariana smiled.
“Thank you,” Mary nodded.
“Congratulations again Mary. I’m so, so proud of you,” Tariana said, giving Mary a hug before gently pushing her towards the door.
Mary followed the path described by Tariana and found herself outside her mentor’s office. From there, her feet found their own way. The sanctum was quiet and almost deserted. There were just a few riders walking in the hallways. She almost bumped into a prospect as she rounded a corner.
“My lady,” he bowed before rounding her and walking away.
Mary looked at his back as he vanished down a side corridor. My lady, she thought, and lifted one of her arms and looked at the simple white fabric on it. She was an aari. It hadn’t really hit home until that moment. She giggled, partly because of the butterflies in her stomach, partly because of the vine.
Happily, she skipped the rest of the way back to her old room, took off the dress and got into bed.