Chapter 3
Humaids POV
"seriously I am damn happy about the way you've been taking care of my my company" typed my closest and childhood best friend who currently leaves overseas.
"you are not serious, you are my boss and it's my duty to serve you"I typed back.
"boss or not,we were friends first" he replies. I always loved his Love and Affection for our friendship.
"yes buddy. Friend's forever" I typed back.
"but as your boss I'm promoting you to general manager of bliscit"he typed,he always loved joking which I wasn't Going to fall for today.
"quit joking buddy. how is mummy Zee?" I typed. Referring to his mum.
"do bosses joke? And my mum is fine when will you stop referring to her as mummy Zee?"he asked and that got me chuckling too. Well I love calling her mumy zee which was the same in which my mum calls her.
"Mr humaid Amac I hereby appoint you as the general manager of bliscit and your appointment letter will be sent to your email before dawn and I would love you to resume soon. don't let me down" with this words he had typed down I knew he wasn't joking but i needed to be sure.
"Are you kidding me?" I asked quit uncertain.
"NO I AM NOT,WELCOME TO BLISCIT ABUJA" he typed in block letters.
"Abuja? OMG. you are making me cry" I typed back. Abuja is where the head office of bliscit is Situated and I am the newly Appointed General Manager.
"i guess being arround a woman has made you one, OMG?"he used allot of Annoying laughing Emojis. He will never change.
"yes it sure has. you also have to get your self a woman didi"I knew calling him DIDI would certainly Trigger a button which it did.
He replied me with Angry Emojis which made me chuckle.
"Thank you so much boss , I won't let you down. DIDI"I called him Didi Again.
"quit calling me didi, are you Ammah? And you are welcome Mr Humaid Amac"he replied. He knew when to joke and when To be serious.
"how is little Ammah? I guess she is big now"Ammah is his Sister.
We talked and talked until we decided to call it a day.
Like seriously i feel so happy that didi my childhood buddy and boos, finally upgraded my position in his company and to Abuja,the highest producing company in the county.
"Safeeya" i call so happily, walking into the bedroom.
"Yes,whats up?" Her hausa accent kills me, i have tried my best to train her in speech, in other for her to talk Audibly like she had always wanted.
"I Got promoted" I said happily while jumping like a teenager whose crush had just noticed her.
"Really?" She asked.
" Yes, you know my boss and bestie who hired me?" I quired.
" Yeah,buddy!" She said. buddy has always been the name i called him from day one.
"Yeah him. He promoted me to general manager of bliscit"joy was audible in my voice as I spoke.
"Oh my God" she was so happy.
"And guess what" I asked.
" What?" She said.
" Guess baby, guess" I was so happy.
" I am not good at guessing ,just tell me " she says.
"We are Going to FCT" I Announced.
" FCT ?" She looked confused.
"Abuja,we are going to Abuja" I said.
"Oh wow, we are living Kaduna?" She sounded a bit sad.
" Yes" I say.
" When?" She asks.
"Tomorrow" I said. and she looked kinda sad.
"Seriously?" She asked and i nodded.
"Hmm okay" she sat on the bed.
"Trust me baby,Abuja is a very beautiful city. that was were I and buddy served as NYSC cops before he left for abroad" I Said. seating close to her on the bed.
"But,mama?, Baba? Adda Nazira and Yaya Nazir?. What about them ?" She looked sad.
"Baby they'll be fine, we'll visit them from time to time" I tried to comfort her.
"Okay then, should I start packing ?" She asked.
" Yeah, take only your clothes Because i have already Bought a house in Abuja and everything will be ready before we Arrive. so as for this house,mama can move in" I say and she only nodded.
"Okay,Alhamdudilahi for everything then" she says, though I could sense that she wasn't that happy about us moving.
"And guess what, I'll get you Admitted into school over there, how about NTIC?" I ask and Immediately her mood changed into a sparkling smile.
"Yes baby" I say and I received a very tight hug from her, she was so happy.
"I love you humaid" she hugged me so tight.
"I love you too Safeeya" I pecked her cheeks which made her blush, this was something I always liked about her. she had a smile that could make the Hearts of a millions of men melt.
Safeeya was extremely Attractive, she had curly hair. A beautiful height and she was fair in complexion. Her lips were so Masha Allah (beautiful). she was a mirror of the word beauty and I loved her they way she was.