Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

My eyes flutter open and I scan the room with my sleepy eyes but I don't know where I am and this is not my room. My head is clouded with sleep and confusion making me forget everything from the night.

I slowly raised my body which felt sore? Not only was my body sore but down there it was also sore which made my eyes wide and a gasp left my mouth. I immediately placed my hand on my mouth so as not to make any noise.

Everything which happened yesterday came back as flashes and my already wide eyes become wider due to shock and surprise but weirdly I am not regretting whatever happened between me and the handsome stranger who is still sleeping like a baby on the bed.

I turned my head slowly toward him clutching the covers to my body, he is sleeping on his stomach showing me his back which is filled with hard muscles. Last night I didn't get to admire his body due to the dimming of the lights and the lust clouding my head but now I can freely admire his back and his black raven hair.

He is looking so handsome even from the back which is making me salivate and want to reach out and trail my fingers through his back but control myself and my fingers.

Sighing, I slowly put my legs on the floor and searched the floor for my dress but it was nowhere to be found so clutching the cover to my body slowly tiptoed towards the bathroom and entered it. After searching everything in the bathroom I finally found the walk-in closet which has clothes and to my luck, there are t-shirts and sweatpants.

They were going to be so large on my body but still, I got the clothes to cover my body other than my dress which is somewhere. I quickly replaced the covers with a t-shirt and sweatpants and opened the bathroom door to flee away from there. I don't want the handsome stranger to wake up and have an awkward conversation with him.

I tiptoed slowly from the bathroom door to the middle of the room where I heard groaning, my body stilled and luck was not on my side like always I guess. I have to face him and have an awkward conversation I don't want to have.

But thankfully I heard soft snoring and I finally took a large gulp of air which stopped entering my lungs due to fear of getting caught running away.

I closed the distance between me and the exit, immediately opening the door and dashing through the corridor and to the elevator. I pressed the button and waited impatiently for it to open. My nerves feel like they are going to burst at any second and I am very anxious about being caught standing here.

It felt like I have done a big sin but I don't feel remorse or guilt for anything which happened last night and weirdly I am calm and at peace.

I exited the hotel keeping my head down and called the taxi. In all the chaos of running away from the handsome stranger, I forgot one main thing. I didn't go home last night. In my 23 years of life, I have never done like this ever and I am anxiously waiting to get punished by my father or mother but this time I am going to stand up for myself.

Everything which happened last night is swirling in my head and eyes making me squirm in my seat. I looked at the rear mirror to see my face had become a shade of red due to me being turned on thinking about the things he did to me.

Taxi stopped at our mansion's gate, thankfully I grabbed my purse and phone when I left the hotel. I paid the taxi driver and slowly entered the gate. I am trying not to freak out and have a panic attack in front of my house.

I took deep breaths and walked through the driveway and opened the huge doors to a beautiful soulless mansion which has seen so many things which shouldn't have taken place in the home and it is not a home it's just a house.

I scanned the living room to see if anyone is there but I was startled by the voice making me jump with fear.

"Miss, Mr.Hayes is in a bad mood, and please hurry up. My job is in your hands." She pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"What the hell did I do that put Mr.Hayes in a bad mood?" It is not new that he is always in a bad mood.

My thoughts were interrupted by the vibration of my mobile which is somewhere in my purse.I searched for it and it took me five minutes to find it. I have 10 missed calls and 10 text messages from Camille.

I didn't check the messages and dialed her number, she answered on the first ring which made me curious because Camille is not the one to pick up on the first ring rather on the last ring.

"Hello! Ada? Are you alright? If you need me just tell me I will be there, no wait I am coming and we will both face it. Okay? Hello! Are you there Ada!" She blabbered nonstop, not giving me a chance to answer her.

" Camille! Stop and explain to me what happened!" I yelled into the phone because of her non stop talking and my headache which is increasing second by second.

" what! What do you mean I explain to you? You have to explain to me what happened with Mr.Hayes." she asked, confused.

"Not you too Camille, please tell me what happened, my head is killing me." I sighed pinching between my eyebrows to ease the pain.

" Don't tell me you don't remember anything which happened yesterday or night!" She asked with uneasiness in her voice.

" Umm, I remember everything, Camille." I blushed hard remembering everything.

"Oh, Okay then but you have to tell me where you ran off to leave me alone in the club?" She grumbled into the phone.

I said okay and tuned everything she said and the only things my mind wants to concentrate on are him and the things he did to me and to my body.

His warmth and feel still send shivers down my spine, I hope I will meet him again and ask his name.

That is the second thing in my mind but right now I have to face my Father who is like a hungry lion who will pounce on me and eat me alive.

I hope I have the strength to fight him. I took a shower within five minutes and wore a business suit with minimal makeup, and went out of the room to go downstairs.No stocked the dining room but my father was not at the table. It's been 40 minutes since he sent a maid to get me. I hope I didn't anger him more.

"Miss Hayes! Me. Hayes is in his study and asked you to see him there." A maid informed me and I prepared myself to face whatever comes my way.

" Okay, thank you!" I took steps towards my father's study and with each step, I erased every emotion and took each step with a blank face void of any emotions and expressions. I didn't want to give my father anything, not anger, hate, resentment, or anything.

I knocked on the door and waited for him to call me in. And I heard his gruff voice saying"come in."

"Good afternoon father!" I greeted him and waited for his answer without taking a chair to sit on, he doesn't like it when one of us takes a seat before he asks us.

" It is not a good afternoon Ada and where were you yesterday night? And I didn't forget your behavior from the office." He fired at me still looking into his laptop, not looking at me directly.

" I...i… I was with my friend." I answered I try not to stutter but it is so hard when you fear your father.

" can I know who this friend is and what she does?" He just cares about people's background and their status, nothing more for him.

" she….she works in her father's company." And he knows who she is but still wants me to admit everything and ask for his forgiveness but today I am not going to admit anything or want his forgiveness. Instead, I asked him the question which is bugging me.

" Did you still give your position to some random person's father!"

Now, he raised his head and looked directly at me with narrowed eyes, and answered sternly and finally.

" Yes Ada, I gave my post as a president to Mr.Parker, and if you have any questions about things you can ask me." He gave me that smile which means you better not ask me anything and follow this too but not today father.

I worked my ass off for this company and I can't let anyone take it from me.

" Yes, father, I have many questions I want to ask you." I can see his jaw clenching and his eyes wide with surprise but he covered his surprise and asked.

" What is it, Ada! I think this is the first time you are raising questions regarding my judgment. Don't you believe your father anymore?" I can see his manipulation in his words, I see it every time but today I am not going to be manipulated by his words or him.

" Yes, father, because I have never been treated like this. I worked day and night for every project and completed everything on time and treated everyone fair but why didn't you give me the chance to prove myself but make me a loser." I asked to control my emotions which consist of anger rather than hurt. He can see those on my face but he dont care about me.

" You won't understand now but as time goes you will understand why I took this decision and I have nothing to say now, Ada." That's it! I am being dismissed like a servant who worked for years but didn't get recognized for her hard work instead gets humiliated.

" This is not fair father and I will fight for my right and I will earn it with respect and pride," I said my last words to him and left his office to his surprised face.

Whoever this Mr.Parker is, he will pay for my father's mistake.

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