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Chapter 4

{ Khalid 's Pov }

I laid on the bed with my eyes fixed on the ceiling absentmindedly .

So mother really meant everything she said . . . . . .

Like am really going to get married. . . . .

What sort of worthless arrangement is this ? ?

I was betrothed and I never knew . . . . .

I was just seven years then ! !

Arrant nonsense !

So am finally gonna be glued to one woman for the rest of my life ?

Like once a wedding band is fixed on the 4th finger of my left hand then I will have to be faithful to only a woman .

I scratched my head .

How does the new bride look like ?

Is she curvy or just shapeless ? ?

Thought kept running through my mind .

The soft knock on my door smacked me out of my thoughts .

But who could be knocking on my door at this time of the night ?

I walked to the door gently .

" Who is it ? " I asked softly .

" My prince ! " A very tiny but beautiful voice whispered .

I licked my lips lustfully .

" A bi+ch ! " I thought inwardly and smiled .

Like God really knows what I need right now . . . . .

A hot chick kissing and romancing me .

I quickly swing the door open .

And gasped in surprise . . . . . .

Guess who ? ? ?

" Sherry ? " I called out as I looked at her from head to toe .

She was putting on a flimsy nightie . . . . .

Showing her erected nipples from the transparent nightie blouse .

" My prince . . . . . ! " She said biting her lips erotically .

I felt like grabbing her waist and giving her a good doggy style . . . .

I let her in and slammed the door .

" What do you want Sherry ? " I asked backing her .

" My Prince it 's you that I want ! " She said as I held my breath .

I really can 't wait .

I quickly turned around and grabbed her by her waist as she gasped .

I glued my lips to hers as she reciprocated kissing me hungrily .

I pushed her to the bed as she moaned .

" Am gonna fvck you silly ! " I whispered into her ear and she giggled .

" I can 't wait " She said with a smile .

I quickly tore her blouse roughly as I squeezed her boobs .

She moaned as I squeezed her full juicy boob 's .

Suddenly , , , , , the door swing open and I quickly got down from her .

" Holly Molly ! " Sam half yelled as he quickly backed us .

I gulped nervously as I breathed heavily .

" You fool . . . What are you doing here ? " I shouted at him .

" Am sorry your majesty . . . .I thought you were at the . . . . " He tried saying .

" Shut up . . . . Get out right now " I shouted at him as he quickly rushed off .

Sherry moved closer and tried kissing me but I pushed her aside .

" Leave now ! " I said with a hoarse voice .

" What Your Majesty ? " She asked with widened eyes .

" I said leave ! " I yelled at her as she flinched .

She quickly picked up her already torn blouse and rushed off .

I slammed the door loudly and sat on my large bed .

" YOU 'RE GETTING MARRIED SOON KHALID " my mom 's voice kept on echoing in my ears .

{ Sherry 's Pov }

I walked into my room in annoyance .

Gosh . . . . .

That stupid person assistant of his just made my plans to be ruined .

We almost did it . . . . .

I really have to win his heart because no-one will be the queen if not me .

I shall be placed a golden crown as the new queen of Sudan .

" QUEEN SHERRY " I said as I catwalked around the room .

That throne is ours Khalid .

I smiled broadly .

{ Carla 's Pov }

I walked out of the airport with my swollen eyes as Glenda walked behind me holding my bag .

Actually Father let her come with me to Sudan . . . . .

" My Princess please brighten up already " She said as I tut loudly .

" What for ? " I rolled my eyes .

I look completely like a plantation walker in my boots cowboy hat .

That was the attire I was putting on when I wanted to escape . . . . . . .

" Miss . . . . Sorry but we have to go with a public transport cos your car wasn 't . . . " The driver with us said.

" Fine . . . " I shrugged as I got into the car.

It's actually an old looking car .

" How far is Sudan ? " I asked as the car zoomed off .

" Few kilometers away miss " The driver said .

" Gosh . . . I can 't believe am getting married " I muttered in annoyance .

" My princess why don 't you apply some makeup to look good at least " Glenda said as I shook my head in disagreement .

" No need . . . . " I said as I fixed my eyes outside the window .

Sudan is really a nice place but duh . . . . I don't like being in a strange land .

Well the driver is from Sudan but Father paid him to take me here .

" Do you know who the new king is ? " I asked with a sudden interest .

" Oh you mean King Khalid . . . He 's every woman 's dream man but he 's a playboy" He said as I gasped .

" Playboy ? " I asked as I turned my gaze to uneasy Glenda .

" Yes . . . . He sleeps around with women but he 's kind " He said as I nodded .

" Oh father ! You just got your daughter a playboy as a husband " I muttered under my breath .

I can 't believe I 've gotten into this kind of mess in the name of marriage .

Anyways . . . . I will surely make sure I escape from that palace of theirs .

We drove into the very huge compound .

" Wow ! This place is so big " Glenda almost yelled .

I tut loudly as I walked out of the car .

I glanced at my wrist watch . . . .

" 9:52am . . . . " I said as we walked into the castle .

Honestlly , , , , , , , , , the castle was so big and beautiful .

I wonder what awaits me here . . . .

{ Queen Lydia 's Pov }

Smiles escaped my lips as I looked around the whole house happily .

" And the princess will soon be here " I tapped Khalid as he rolled his eyes .

" I wonder what madness this is because I don't get it " I muttered within myself .

I sighted Sherry as she winked at me biting her lips seductively .

" She 's here " Someone said as two ladies walked in . . . .

We looked directly at the door .

Khalid gasped in surprise...

"Wait.... I thought we are expecting a princess why then do I see two maids with no princess" Khalid said aloud as we gasped.

"Which of you is the princess?" I managed to ask.

"She is...." The other one pointed at the very beautiful one with cowboy hat and boots . . . ...


" Mother is this a charade or what ? These are just mere maids and dirty things " Khalid said in a lousy manner .

Before I could say a word . . . .

The princess as supposed landed a dirty slap on his cheek .

We gasped . . . .

" How dare you ? " She screamed at him . . .

TBC . . . . . . .

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