Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

{ { Princess Carla 's Pov } }

I smelled the roses and smiled .

" Smells so good " I chuckled .

My eyes caught with the window and I walked closer to the window .

" This is a perfect place to escape. . . . I will surely leave this God forsaken palace with an arrogant prince " I thought inwardly and smiled .

" Princess Carla ! Your bath is ready " I heard voices from behind and startled .

It was Riella with two other maids . . . .

" Bath ? ? " I furrowed my eyebrows .

" Yes my princess " They chorused in unison .

I followed them as we walked into the magnificent bathroom .

" My princess please get into the bathtub" They said as my eyes widened in shock .

" OK thanks but you can leave " I said as they smiled .

" No my princess we are going to bath you with strawberry and sweet scented cream . . . " They said as my jaw dropped in shock .

" You guys will bath me ? " I asked with furrowed eyebrows as they nodded .

" Yes my princess . . . You are the queen to be so you should be treated like one " They said as I marveled .

" People with their different cultures " I said within myself .

I got into the bathtub filled with foamy water and rose petals .

I took my fresh bath and they handed a queenly robe to me .

" You are so beautiful Princess Carla " The maids gasped in shock as I stood in front of the dressing mirror with my queenly attire .

" Smiles escaped my lips as I chuckled.

" You think so ? " I asked with a blush .

" Yes princess " They replied .

Honestly I can't believe am as beautiful as this in a queenly attire .

I headed to the door but they stopped me

" My princess you can't leave until dinner " They said as I rolled my eyes.

Gosh !

This palace is such a hell hole more like a cage . . . .

I really have to find a way to escape from here cos I can't bear that their so called Prince's rotten character . . .

He's too arrogant for my liking !

" You are so lucky my princess " Riella said massaging the sweet scent pomade on my feet .

" Lucky ? Why did you say that ? " I asked with furrowed eyebrows .

You're going to become the new queen soon and that's not only a great privilege but also every Sudan woman's dream " She said as I forced a smile .

" She calls this luck ? Tch . . . I can't wait to escape from here " I thought within myself .

Just then , , , , we heard a loud bell and I got frightened .

" What's that sound ? " I shrieked .

" It's dinner time my princess that's what they do to alert the royal house to come to the dinning for dinner " She said .

" Oh really ? " I said with a smile as I got up from the bed .

I yawned hungrily . . ..

Am super hungry , , , ,

The maids followed me out of the room as they directed me to the dinning downstairs .

{ { Khalid's Pov }}

We waited at the dinning for the so called Princess Carla .

That arrogant mean lady . . . .

My cheeks still hurts since she slapped me .

" Can she ever be early to anything mother ? ? I don't know but I really really don't like the idea of having that nuisance of a princess here " I said in annoyance .

" She will be here soon Khalid so stop worrying and one more thing , , , , your idea is neither needed or wanted in this " Mother said as I rolled my eyes .

" How the heck am I supposed to love and live with that saucy lady ? ? " I rolled my eyes .

" Princess Carla is here " I heard someone say as we turned around sharply .

She walked down the stairs majestically in her beautiful attire as her long hair waved around .

For the first time , , , , , I licked my lips lustfully .

Her curvy hips bulged out of the tight but long gown she was putting on .

I guess I couldn't notice her figure earlier due to the cowboy's attire she was on .

My jaw dropped in astonishment as I watched her go down the stairs .

She walked downstairs to the dinning .

" Am sorry for keeping you waiting my queen mother " She said with a killing smile .

" You're welcome my daughter " Mother said with a smile too.

She sat on the chair .

I couldn't stop stealing glances at her even though I kinda hate her.

" My princess ! You have a call " a voice said as we turned around .

It was the thing she called her maid . . . Glenda !

" Call from who ? " She asked cleaning her mouth with the serviette .

" See for yourself my princess " Glenda said as she handed the cell phone to Princess Carla.

" Excuse me " She said as she left with the phone .

{ { Princess Carla's Pov } }

I walked out with the cell phone on my ear.

" My beloved princess ! " Dad's voice echoed from the phone .

My face countenance changed immediately .

"Father ? " I called out in surprise .

" How is my princess doing ? " Dad said .

" Really dad ? Is that supposed to be a question or mockery ? " I cried out .

" My dear child , , , , I know you will grow to love that place OK ? " Dad said as I burst into tears .

" But I don't like it here father , , , , I miss you dad " I cried out .

" I miss your presence too my princess . . . You don't have to worry because I will see you soon on your wedding day cos I will be coming to Sudan " Father said as he hung up .

I quickly wiped off my tears . . . .

I have to find a way to escape from this God forsaken palace .

A wedding must never take place between that arrogant guy .

" My princess what are you saying ? This will get us into trouble if we try it " Glenda said as I scoffed .

" Trouble ? Which trouble is bigger than being in this place ? Glenda we really have to escape this night " I said as I packed my clothes into a small box .

" But what if they catch us ? " Glenda asked .

" They won't Glenda . . . . Am sure that they won't catch us no matter what ? I said .

" But Princess Carla your groom is very handsome and he's rich too " Glenda said as I glared hard at her .

" Enough ! Those words alone irritates me so much " I groaned in anger .

" Am sorry my princess " She said .

I quickly took off the queenly attire and wore a hood .

I picked up the uniform for the maids on my bed .

" My princess ! Where did you get this dress ? " Glenda asked in shock as I quickly covered her mouth with my palms .

" Shhhhh . . . . Please keep quiet ! I don't want anyone to hear this " I said as she nodded .

We packed our dress and tiptoed out of the palace .

{ { Riella 's Pov } }

" Riella please go and get Carla for the queenly practice " Queen mother said .

" OK my queen " I said as I walked upstairs straight to her room.

I knocked on the door three consecutive times but I got no response .

" Princess Carla ? Princess Carla ? ? " I called but no reply .

I swing the door open but she wasn't there .

I searched around the room but I couldn't find her .

Opening the wardrobe , , , I found out that the clothes were gone .

I gasped as I rushed downstairs .

" Where is she ? " The queen asked as I got downstairs.

" She's gone my queen ! " I said as everyone gasped in shock .

" What ? " They screamed . . . .

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