Chapter 5


"I started the fire" angelasaid,

Alpha davis started laughing "so you have finally decided to tell the truth?".

"Take her outside and flog her fifty times and take the other girls to the place they will stay," Alpha Davis said with an angry tone.

The guard came to carry me outside, I saw the other girl that stole her back was full with blood. Will I be able to survive this? I asked myself.

I received the first stroke it was like my back was broken, I cursed the Alpha that sold me as a slave.

I was crying but what gave me hope was that Erica was not here to witness all this.

The girls stood from afar and were crying. I smiled even though the pain was too much.

Alpha davis was in his room, he paced round the room he was troubled.

"Why do I feel connected to this girl?" Alpha davisasked himself.

Alpha Davis peeped through the window and saw the way they were beating her. "I can't stop them, I gave them the order and I will never go back on my word" Alpha Davis said to himself.

He sat down on the bed but stood up immediately and went downstairs.

I was in pain they have not even gotten to fifty and was this weak.

I looked at the other girl they were done beating her she was so weak but none of the guard helped her they left her alone. It was some maid who came to carry her, I think they should be her friends.

I thought I was going to die when I heard a voice.

"Stop!" alpha davis shouted.

The guard stopped immediately and went back n their kneels.

I was so happy that there was still someone nice in the Palace. I wanted to see my savior I looked back and saw the Alpha. I was so shocked.

I thought I was seeing double because I was weak and my eyes were closing.

"What is he doing here?" I asked myself.

"Let her go" Alpha Davis's aid they, the guard, were surprised because the alpha has never gone back on his word.

"Yes your highness" the guard replied and cut the rope they use to tie my hand.

I was so weak I could not move, the girls ran to carry me.

"Thank you very much your highness" the girls said bending their head several times.

You will think we were related the way they were behaving. I was too weak to say anything.

The girls carried me to the room, my clothes was soaked with blood, they were different marks at my back because of the cane.

The head of the maids came in with some ointment to apply at my back. They pulled my clothes, cleaned the blood and applied the ointment on my back.

"Ahhhhh" I shouted when the applied the ointment, it was even more painful than the beaten I was given, the ointment was too active.

I slept up after they applied the ointment.

"Why did I do that?" Alpha Davis asked himself, people will only see me as a coward with the way I behaved. "There is something about this girl," he said to himself.

Alpha Davis was lost in his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" he said in an angry tone.

Some maids came in with trays of food in their hands "your highness" they all bent down and greeted.

They dropped the food on the table in his office room.

"Send some food to the new maids" Alpha Davis said. The maids were so surprised "yes your highness" they replied.

The head of the maids brought the some clothes for us while I was still asleep. That is the clothes the maids wear in the Palace.

I woke up few hours later, the pain has reduced the ointment should be very expensive but who will want to waste such an expensive ointment on a maid, I said to myself.

I wish I can continue sleeping and never wake up, I said to myself almost crying when one of the girls came to meet me.

"How are you feeling now" she asked, "I'm getting better" I replied with a smile, but I was still weak.

We have not eaten anything since. Few minutes later some maids came in with some food like they read my mind.

"His highness asked us to bring you some food" one of the maids said.

Fear gripped me, first he stopped them from beating me and now he asked them to bring food to us, "what does he want?" I asked myself.

This was the way Alpha Caleb behaved when my parents died but changed when I refused to give him what he want.

Anyway I will just enjoy it while it last and get prepared for whatever that will happen later, I smiled and looked at tze girls they were so happy.

I was eating the food when I remembered Camille, "I hope she is okay?" I said to myself.

It so sad life turned out to be like this, after losing my parents and now me and my sister are seperated from each other.

We were happy family and we loved each other so much, tears dropped from my eyes.

One of the girls noticed my mood she tapped me

"Are you okay?" She asked,

"Yes" I replied even though I was not.

"Don't worry your sister will be fine" she said and smiled.

I looked at her "how did she know I was worried about my sister?" I asked myself.

"Thank you" I said with a smile and continue eating my food.

The next day the head of the maid came to I wake us very early in the morning.

"Wake up you have alot to do" she said with her lovely voice.

She turned and looked at me "you can stay till you get better" she said and walked away.

I watched the other girls change into the dress given to them.

"Bye" I said to them

"Bye" they all replied

"Take care of yourself" one of them said as he hey left the room.

"I will thank you" I replied.

I stood up from the bed I took my bath, applied the ointment and dressed up.

The clothes that was given to me was so fit on my body, it was like they measured me before giving me the clothes.

I sat down on the bed was so boring doing nothing.

Few minutes later one of the girls came in with tray.

"What is that?" I asked curiously.

"Food" she replied with a smile.

"Where did you get it from" I asked with a low tone.

"From the kitchen" she replied

"I hope you did not steal it" I asked her, she kept quiet for some minutes.

"No I did not, I will not want to be beaten like that maid" she replied.

I was a bit relieved but where did she get the food from? I asked myself.

"His highness asked me to bring this to you" she said with a smile.

"Why" I asked with a sharp tone

She was shocked with the way I asked I was supposed to be happy the Alpha was concerned about me but I was scared because of what happened between me and my mate.

"I don't know" she replied

"No problem" I collected the food from her and smiled.

She was about to go when she turned back

"Take" she said.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Ointment" she replied.

"Did the alpha also ask you to give me this" I asked already getting frustrated.

"Yes, he said it will help remove the scar fast" she replied.

"Thank you" I said and she left.

I looked at the ointment it was the same with the first one, I dropped it on the table.

I opened the food the smile of the food was so nice. I took a bite, the food taste so nice it been so long I ate food this good.

I was done I eating I decided to take a nap when there was nothing to do.

The Alpha waa going out he looked round and check if he will see angelabut she was not anywhere around Alpha davissighed and entered the car.

He was going with some guards, his Beta was not around he sent him on a mission to find out about something very important.

He went to have some drink with his friend who was also an Alpha of another pack it been so long they saw each other.

His friend was Lucas he is also very handsome, well built like Alpha davisbut he was not as ruthless as Alpha Jason.

Alpha davisgot to his friend'sPalace. The guard announced his arrival and he entered inside.

His friend was so happy to see him, they hugged each other and sat down.

"How have you been?" Alpha James asked,

"Good and you?" Alpha Davis asked.

They talked about their childhood, they drank and laughed together.

It was time for alpha Davis to leave, they hugged each other and waved goodbye.

It was dark already the girls came back to the room I heard their voice and stood up from the bed.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Fine" the all replied.

They brought some food with them

"Take" one of them said, I collected the food from her.

"Thank you" I said with a smile

"Have you eaten?" I asked

"Yes, we remained this for you because we know you have not eaten anything" the girl said.

"Thank you" I said with a smile.

The room was so hot so she went outside to get the some air. As she got inside, she saw Alpha daviscoming down from is car.

I wanted to go back to the room but it was too late he already saw me.

"Amber" alpha davis called her name.

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