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###Chapter 1

Luckiest Girl Alive.

Chapter one

9:30 G.M.T


The plane landed safely at the airport, Ronaldo removed his dark eye glasses revealing his cute brown eyes, his mohawk hair style was nicely done making him look extraordinary handsome, a curvy smile escape from his lips, he just return to Mozambique after years of been in London.

Mozambique is a southern African nation whose long Indian Ocean coastline is dotted with popular beaches like Too, as well as offshore marine parks.

While staring at the atmosphere, he sighted group of people waiting for him, which include his brother Fredrick with a white paper board which says, Ronaldo, he sighed with the view of his elder brother puffing cigarettes, he wish there can be a way he could change his brothers perception about the Mafia gang, even after been born and growing up in the Mafia community, he feels different, like everything is not just right, getting the thought off his head, he slide his left hand into his pocket and his right hand holding his traveling box, he majestically Walked to them.

It's looks as if a president of the country is the one coming out of the plane, guards dressed on black have gathered and surrendered the entire airport.

That's the life of been the son of the most feared Mafia.

Fredrick smiled at him and embrace him.

"Welcome home little brother." He said to him in a thick voice.

"Thanks bro, I'm finally back at home, it's so exciting." Ronaldo replied.

"Yeah, you have missed a lot, special arrangements made for you at home, I bet you can't wait to meet everyone." Fredrick said.

"You still smoke?" Ronaldo asked with a slight coughed.

"Yeah, something I can't stop doing, smoking makes me feel high, and on a hug esteem you know, but because of you, I will let it go for now." Fredrick answered with a chuckle, then smash the cigarette.

"It's so nice to meet you after years Ronaldo." A friend said.

"Thank you." Ronaldo smiled.

The guard opened the back door of the car and the brothers entered the car, Ronaldo stared outside the window.

Mozambique has really changed, no doubt about that since it has been years since he last visited, tall buildings and beautiful market are existing now which were not when he left the city.

He somehow enjoy it, he missed his dad, but staying away from him must be the best decision he ever made, staying on the same roof with a well Known Mafia means one thing, attacks from the enemies on daily basis, meeting dangerous people, and doing drugs and other illegal activities which they took it as normal, but it's just not to Ronaldo.

They are selfish people, betrayers and alot more.

Ronaldo, been a gentleman, selfless and well mannered guy thought that's not the best place for him to live.

After some minutes of driving, the car stopped in front of a big house, though the house is big, but not beautiful, it was roughly designed with odd colours, another fact of being a Mafia.

Ronaldo and Fredrick get out of the car.

"Take his box inside." Fredrick ordered.

"Yes boss." The guard replied and carried Ronaldo's box and walked away leaving Ronaldo and Fredrick.

"Let's go in." Fredrick said.

Ronaldo nodded and together, they walked into the house.

Everything changed but not thier father's house, he really missed him.

But at-least one thing is good about his father's death, now that he died, maybe he may have died together with his Mafia, they can live in peace maybe.

Remembering his father brings a slight tears to his eyes, he recalled how he always wanted him to hold the gun, how he killed several people for betraying him, and how he forced him to watch him kill with no mercy, growing up, one word His dad will always say to him was, KILL.

"Don't cry, tears are for the weak Ronaldo, I promise you, if father's death wasn't natural, I will revenge his death, I swear on his dead body." Fredrick said with so much courage in his voice.

He wanted to talk but he kept quiet, maybe this is not the perfect time.

"When is father's burial?" Ronaldo asked.

"We haven't fix that yet, just go to your room and have a cool bath, I will see you later, I have some important work to do."

Fredrick said and left before Ronaldo could utter a word.

"Strange!" Ronaldo muttered.

He walked to his room and remove his clothes, staring at himself in the mirror, admiring his cute abs, hard Rock chest, and a sexy six packs muscle, the other thing he is lacking, is just a gun.

He entered the bathroom and turns on the shower, the warm water falling on his body makes him feel relaxed, as he scrub his hair with the sponge.

After having his bath, he returned to his room and applied some lotion, he dresses up on a simple white shirt and a black pants.

While combing his hair, his brother knocked.

"Come in." Ronaldo replied.

Fredrick opened the door and entered.

"Why are you dressing on such a decent dress, don't forget who you are Ronaldo, you are the son of a greatest Mafia, you have to dress like one." Fredrick said.

"About that, it's not important anymore, dad is no more existing, is time to let go of that stupid Mafia gang just to have some peace of mind." Ronaldo said.

Fredrick Smirked.

"You are so young Ronaldo, you don't know anything, leaving the Mafia gang is something impossible to do." Fredrick replied.

"Why is that impossible brother?" Ronaldo asked.

"Okay, let's say, I have to revenge on father's death before any other thing, and even after that, Father has been a well feared successful Mafia, he owns the most powerful and popular Mafia gangs group, should I just throw away everything? That means, his hard work have gone in vain." Fredrick replied.

"There is nothing interesting about being a Mafia, you always have to live your life hiding, expecting an attack from known and unknown enemies, you have to become merciless, and to shade innocent blood, brother, you have to engage into illegal activities like importing and exporting of hard drugs which is against the policy of the government, and after everything, you will end up losing your life, I'm begging you brother, I don't want you to be in this kid of situation, father didn't get to grow with his children because of all the scary adventures going on with his life, I don't want you to end up this way." Ronaldo exclaimed, in a soft calming voice, hoping that his brother will have a change of mine, he doesn't want his brother to die just as the way his dad died, he doesn't want him to loose his loved ones and live in fear forever, only if he understands.

"Ronaldo, that's why I said you are just a kid, I'm his elder son, and there is no way I can let his hard work go in vain, look Ronaldo, in this world, there isn't any price for being a good person, being a Mafia will earn me a lot of respect from everyone including the government, I will become untouchable just as father was, and even if I die as a Mafia, I will never be forgotten, just consider that father is still alive, because I will be the exact version of him, I'm gonna be more than him, and make him proud, I hope with time you will understand." Fredrick protest.

"But brother..."

"I will send the guard with your food." Fredrick cut him off and was about to leave.

"There is one most important word to me, "kill, the world is not nice as it looks, you don't know anything, but with time, you will realize that I'm on the right path, and you will be proud that our father died as a Mafia." Fredrick said and walked out of the room slamming the door hard.

Ronaldo sighed, his brother wouldn't listen to him, just as he expected, because Fredrick was the first one to kill whenever thier father ordered them to.

He always had a cold stone heart, he always wished to come home just to convince Fredrick that their father's life is nothing he should be inspired about, but he never listen, just as he refused to listen right now.

He laid on the bed staring at the ceiling.

The seating room

"Boss, a spy was seen in the old warehouse at the ending side of the town, but we got a hold of him." One of his boys said.

He puffed out the traditional cigarettes he is smoking.

"You know the rule, kill him." Fredrick replied mercilessly.

"As you wish boss." He replied.

An hour later

Fredrick got a visitor, he was called and when he arrived at the seating room, he wasn't too suprise to see his fellow Mafia.

"Diego!" Fredrick exclaimed.

"Yes Fredrick." Diego replied and they shocked hands, they both light up a new cigarettes, they never gets tired of it.

"My condolences brother." Diego said.

"My father died as a hero, I'm proud of him." Fredrick replied.

"You are right, he can't be forgotten, I heard your holy brother have returned home." Diego said.

"Yeah, he is resting in his room right now, he is still thesame person he always used to be." Fredrick replied.

"That's so not good, I have something in mind Fredrick, your father's death is not natural." Diego said.

Fredrick stood up in anger, but then, he sat down.

"I knew it, who dare killed my father, I swear on his dead body to kill him, how dare killed him?" Fredrick shouted, with his thunderous thick loud voice, his body shaking in anger, his eyes became red instantly.

"I will tell you." Diego replied and sip the Alcoholic wine.

"The tell me, why the hell are you wasting time, my guns are thirsty for his blood, I'm gonna kill him with each minutes making him to regret his life, tell me the name of that bloody person!" Fredrick Raged.

Diego stared at him.

"Robert killed your father, he killed our greatest Mafia leader, he deserves to die, make sure in every minute he regret ever been alive." Diego yelled with hatred.

"What!" Fredrick exclaimed.

"Yes Robert, believe it, I gat my whole eyes everywhere, I did an investigation and found out he killed your Father because your father realized he has been betraying him, and seeing his drugs to make money, when your father confronted him, he thought the better way to silent everything was to kill him, I still can't believe it." Diego said.

"I can't believe it, Robert of all people! My father treated him like a relative, he entrusted him but at the end he betrayed us! He deserves a punishment, the only punishment for betraying me and my father is death." Fredrick said in anger.

"You are right, just kill him." Diego replied supporting him

"Robert! Your death is near, I swear, you will not live to see tommorow." Fredrick vowed.

"I have to go now, I thought you need to know that's why I inform you about it, I have some other business to take care of, if you need me, you can call me." Diego said.

"Thank you." Fredrick said and bade Diego bye.

He sat on his chair wiping his gun with a clean white towel.

"Robert killed your father, he betrayed you and you father." Diego's words kept ringing in his ears.

He closed his eyes and opened them again, his eyes look bloody red.

"Robert of all people! Father was right, we can't trust anyone in the Mafia Gang, what Robert do, I have to make him and his family suffer for it." He soliloquies.

He look at his gun and loaded full bullets.

"The only punishment he deserves is to die." He said.

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