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###Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Back at the forest.

Robert spy came out of his hiding spot after making sure that Fredrick and Diego has left the forest, he tried to see their faces but because of the darkest of night he couldn't.

They only thought Akira was the only person that saw them not knowing that someone else have seen them, but he haven't seen their faces

He decided to inform Robert son, he slide his hands into his pants and brought out his phone.

He look just like a mafia too, his rough dirty dressing has explained it all.

He was the spy of late Robert and everything happened right in front of his eyes.

He placed a call to Anthony, Robert son.

Anthony was arranging his clothes inside his wardrobe, he just returned from London and he is so excited to meet his dad after long time, he called him few minutes later informing him that he is on his way and will be back in no time.

He entered inside the bathroom and had a quick bath then return to the room drying his hair with a towel.

His phone suddenly rings and it's an unknown number.

He kept the towel on the bed and slide to answer.

šŸ“ž"hey, please am I speaking with Anthony?" The caller asked in a fainting voice, Anthony could sense the fear in his voice.

šŸ“ž"Yes, I am, how did you get my number?" Anthony asked and what he heard next shocked him.

šŸ“ž"I'm your father's spy and while he was returning from his Farm house, he was attacked and was killed ruthlessly by two Mafia leader's." The caller said.

šŸ“ž"No, no, there most he mistake somewhere, my father is alive, he can't die, please tell me it's a joke." Anthony pleaded crying.

šŸ“ž"I also wish I'm joking so master Carlo can still be alive, I'm so sorry, how else will I get your number if not from his phone, and if you don't believe me, you can come see for yourself." The caller said and hangs off.

Anthony sat on the floor crying.

"No, my father can't just die, I have to go see for myself, and if it happens that, that guy was joking, I won't take it easy on him." Anthony said and quickly dressed up; he carried his car key and entered his car then drove out speedily out of the compound, with every minute, his fear increased.

After a while of driving, he arrived at the forest and he saw the spy.

Anthony knew from then that he wasn't joking, but he still have an atom of hope that it may not be his own father, he can be anyone but definitely not his father.

"Come with me." The spy said and Anthony restlessly walked with him and what he saw next make his gasped loudly, he then fall on the ground crying.

"No father, this can't be you, you promised to come home just to see me, please open your eyes, don't leave me." Anthony cried.

"Maybe we should call the ambulance, he may be still alive." Anthony said.

"I'm sorry Anthony, but your father is death, they killed him, there is no way he could survive 20 bullets in him with two cut of knife." The spy replied.

"Who did this to him, I will take revenge on my father, and I will report this to the police." Anthony vowed.

"Your father's killers are no normal people, they are mafia's and feared by all, even the government can't do anything to them, trust me, reporting to the police will not help in anyway, this isn't London that law works, right in this country, only those that have power rules and control everyone, even if they decide to kill an entire village, import and export hard drugs, no one can say anything to them, and if someone dare stop them, then death will be his sentence." The spy said.

"Are you telling me to let things go? To let the death of my father go in vain? Is that what you are trying to tell me?" Anthony yelled.

"No, I never said you should forgive this, but instead of reporting to the police, we can revenge on another way not involving the law." He said.

"I will do that only after reporting to the police and if no positive response, then I will go with your plans." Anthony replied.

Police station

Anthony drove into the police station; he parked his car and enters.

"Excuse me sir." Anthony said.

"Yes, how may I help you?" The officer asked.

"My dad was killed by some Mafia gangs please you need to arrest them." Anthony replied.

"Oh young boy and you think we will agree with this? You just came to our office to report that a Mafia killed your father, who knows if you are the one that killed him." The police officer replied and Anthony was surprised.

"He is my dad, how can I kill him, look I'm serious, I want to do this according to the law, I'm reporting a murder case of my father and you are taking it for granted what kind of an officer are you!"

Anthony yelled.

"Don't yell at me, u can decide to lock you up right now and no one can remove you from this cell, so young man, watch your tongue and know who you are talking to." The officer said.

"This is so unbelievable, what should I do? I'm sure they killed him, why can't you understand." Anthony said.

"Because you don't have any evidence, you don't even know their names, so how do you expect us to arrest them without knowing their names and without any concrete evidence, that's not how law works." The officer said.

"That's how it works, I have reported to you and it's your duty to investigate the whole thing and find the murderer, but you are taking this for granted, shame on you, feeding your selves with corruption, I'm more than disappointed." Anthony said and left the police station angrily.

He entered his car crying and returned back home, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the police station, if the police can't help the society then what's the need for them anyways? No need, he cried as he stared at some of his pictures with his father, he remembered all the memories of his dad and wept, this is so painful to him, even more painful that the police care less about it, seeing his father killed ruthlessly in a pool of his blood without any mercy pains him even more.

He sat on the couch next to him and wipes his tears though more kept falling down.

"The spy was right, involving the police won't solve anything, the killers might have bribed them, I should have known the difference between London and here, I won't let father's death go in vain, if I answer my name Anthony Robert, then I vowed to find them, and killed them, with my own very hands." He soliloquies and he vowed to find them and kill them; they have touched the wrong person.

Ronaldo's house

Ronaldo has found every details about Akira, for now he think she is safe with her telephone with him, they won't be able to track her, he makes sure he always watch her movement.

He was working on his laptop when Fredrick entered the room.

"Hey brother." He said.

"Hey Fredrick." Ronaldo replied not giving him a glance.

"Have you found the girl already? Hope yes coz I don't think I can accept no as an answer, it is already a day and you are this will endanger my life if our enemies found her before me." Fredrick said.

"It's just a day bro, besides I'm working my ass off, just yesterday her location was intact and today, she left the place, maybe she is hiding from us, but right now I'm still tracking her, trust me, I'm trying my best, the place she is around right now he's tight securities." Ronaldo replied.

"I don't care about the security, just strike her and get that girl alive or death, I prefer her death though." Fredrick said.

"I cannot attack her around the securities, I'm not a Mafia, and helping you won't make me one, I'm against this and will be against it always." Ronaldo replied.

"Alright, I will expect a positive response."

Fredrick said and walked out closing the door.

"God, for how long will I keep hiding this? Fredrick won't give up till after I bring this girl to him." Ronaldo soliloquies.

The next day

Anthony's house

The loud ringtone on his phone woke him up from sleep, he realized that he slept on the floor; he opened his eyes holding his head as it hurts badly because of how he cried yesterday.

He checked the caller and it's the spy.

"hello, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Anthony replied.

"So how was did your meeting with the police, hope they helped in finding the killers." The spy asked.

"You were right, they were the worst, I think I will go with your second plan, I can't let my dad's death go in vain." Anthony answered.

"I know how terrible they all, but anyways I have found something that can help us, meet me at the address I will send to you now." The spy said.

"alright." Anthony replied and hangs off.

Just immediately, a message notification beeped into his phone and it's the address the spy sent for him.

"Meet me at bricks Bar by 10:00." He reads and went to his room to wash his body, brush his teeth and wash his face.

It's time for revenge.

Without eating his breakfast, he enter his car and drove to the address sent to him by the spy.

Bricks Bar

Arriving there, He called the spy.

"Come in straight." The spy said and Anthony did as he told him, and there he saw him Seating on a bar chair with a cup of wine. He went to him

"Care for a drink?" The spy asked.

"No, thanks, just tell me about the plan; I'm ready to do it." Anthony replied.

"Alright." The spy said and paused then takes a sip of his wine.

"While your dad left the farm house, I decided to follow him for his protection, without him knowing, and when I arrived, it was late already as they have killed him already, both of them were wearing hoodies so I couldn't see their faces plus the place is dark and thick, but I heard them shouting and running after someone, I couldn't see her face too."

The spy narrated.

"That's a good improvement, if we can find the witness, I'm sure she most has seen their face and she can be of help to us in finding the killers." Anthony said.

"But how do you even know the person is a she?" Anthony asked.

"Because they were yelling, don't let her escape, find her, don't let her escape."

The spy replied.

"That's nice, that means that no matter what, they must be looking for her, they may try to find her because she is their only witness and leaving her alive will endanger their lives if she expose them."

Anthony said.

"You are right, I'm also thinking about that." The spy said.

"We need to find her before them, but you couldn't recognize her face so how can we find her?" Anthony asked.

"There must be a way, we can return to the forest and see if we will get something that can help us in the investigation." The spy replied.

"Thank you so much, if not for you, maybe I won't be able to find out about the killers of my father." Anthony said.

"I'm doing it for Robert; he was a kind master to me."

The spy replied.

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