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###Chapter 5

Chapter five.

One week later.

The past week has been the most dangerous weeks of her life, knowing that all the threatening messages and attacked were because of what she saw, and she is not planning on exposing them but atleast they should let her be.

A week passed by and she have recovered from her trauma, the threat message had stopped too, and maybe locking herself in isn't just the right option since she is letting her mom do all the house chores, go to the market and a lot more which is unjustified to her.

So she made another tough decision, today is the day she want to visit the grocery store again but a different one this time, since she can't kept on hiding forever, besides they might have given up on finding her.

She walked out of her room and the sunlight shines into her eyes, it kind of hurt her since it has been long since she last saw the sun, she rubbed her eyes and tie her bandana head tie, and her mom saw her.

"My daughter, you finally get out of that room, I'm so glad." She said.

"I know Mom, I can't keep on hiding forever, it may just be an unplanned attacked and not on me." Vanessa replied.

"That's the spirit dear; I can at least have some rest now." She said.

"Yes, I will do the laundry; I will sweep the compound and go get groceries." Vanessa replied.

Her mom is so excited; Vanessa collected the broom from her mom and sweetly swept the compound neatly.

After that, she does the laundry and she is now getting ready to go to the grocery store.

"Please be careful my child." Her mom said.

"I will mother, take care too." Vanessa replied and made her way out of the compound, this time she put on an earphones so no noise will distract her.

Listening to her favorite song and nodding her head makes her feel like nothing else matters.

She arrived at the grocery store and started getting all the things she needed and in her mind, she is relief that nobody followed her today.

Diego's Mafia empire

Fredrick and Diego were all seated at black couch and in a black room that it's almost impossible for once to see his finger but they are used to it, and living in the dark is almost the same for them in the light, they can do whatever they want.

"So Fredrick, when are you planning to completely take over your father? I mean it has been long you lunch weapons and drugs, plus you haven't train new armies yet, your enemies won't wait for you, guy knows." Diego said.

"You know my brother, he thinks negatively about this, I'm just waiting for father's burial and Ronaldo will fly back to London, so I can take over everything."

Fredrick replied.

"Are you scared of him?" Diego asked.

"Of course not, I just loved him coz right now, I'm the only one he have, dad entrusted his safety and well-being on me so I have to do everything for the main time to please him." Fredrick answered.

"There is not word like Trust among the mafias; this is just a sign of coward."

Diego said, Fredrick was about to speak when Diego's phone rings loudly.

"Hello?" Diego said.

"The girl is back at the market, we are keeping our eyes on her, and she is walking through the grocery store pickup some food." The caller replied.

"Her last food on Earth, I won't tolerate any mistake this time, if you don't kill that girl, then you will die instead, be careful not to do any mistake." Diego warned.

"Yes boss." The caller replied and the call ends.

"Good news, we get the girl on our Track."

Diego announced.

"Wow, that's great news, I thought Ronaldo said he got it under control, we don't have to continue searching for the girl." Fredrick said.

"You are a weak Mafia, while I'm not, this time it surely be a Rest in peace for that stubborn girl." Diego replied.

"Okay, that's very good; your clients from Nairobi ordered for his weapons, he called few hours earlier." Fredrick said.

"Oh, I will deliver it after they kill the girl."

Diego replied and they cheers with a cup of wine.

Back at the market

Vanessa was almost done with the shopping when something hit her in her heart, she feels like she is getting watched by someone again.

As much as she tries to shrug the thought off her head, her brain and heart stayed alerted.

The gangs, Sensing that Vanessa had noticed their presence, the sneaked out using the back door.

"This girl is wise and smart; we can make any slight mistake." One of them said in a thick voice.

"You are right, if we try to kidnap her, she can outsmart us and escape just like she did the first time and look at how they all get killed because of her, master Fredrick's only word is killing, and if we return without her, they will surely kill us." Another replied.

"So kidnapping her is not a good idea right now, I think I have a plan."

Another said.

"What's that?" They all asked.

"Instead of making this attack artificial, let's make it natural." He replied.

"How?" They asked again.

"We should set this place on fire, there are dozens of gas around this area especially the shop she is in, if we set the place on fire, everyone will think is natural and no one will claim damages or the securities won't be involved, and there is no way that girl will escape from the fire." He suggested.

"Wow!" They exclaimed nodding positively.

"You are the youngest but the smartest, we are mafia's, we don't care about how many people die, we have to kill our own target, master Fredrick will give us huge award's." The leader said and they started searching for a gas pipe.

They were able to find it and they wore their mask, cutting the gas connection then they quickly left the shop.

Vanessa who was busy shopping started smelling something weird.

"What's this?" She asked herself and they started hearing people screaming, one of the mask guy appeared with a grin on his face.

"Rest in peace girl." He said and light up matches, that's when she realized that they weird smell, was gas smell.

"No, no, no please." She pleaded

She tried to run but it was too late, the place is already on fire.

The mask guy jumped through the window and threw the matches in the shop making the fire to explore more.

She tried to use her phone but no network.

The door is in fire, smoke has gathered and her body was hot, sweat falling down on her face uncontrollably.

She started coughing hard as the smoke is affecting her more than the fire.

"Is this how am I going to die? I cursed the day I saw that scene, I should have walked away and never turn back when u heard that noise in the forest." She said crying.

She sighted a window that the fire didn't affect and she gathered all her energy and walked to it breathing heavily, she tried to open the window but because of the smoke, it become hard.

She scanned the shop for something big and she saw a big metal, Vanessa started hitting the window hard and in the process, she hit her finger, she screamed but no one could hear her, she was about to give up when she realized the window open small and she placed her nose there breathing, her throat has dried and if she could wish for just one thing, she will wish to get water to drink.

After breathing for some time, she continuing hitting the window, and she smiled faintly as she succeeded in breaking the window, she tried her best to climb up the window and jumped back, she realized that the back side is not affected by the fire, she rest her back on the wall closing her eyes.

Diego Mafia Empire

After waiting in anticipation, the leader of the gang he sent called him.

"Boss, the girl is dead." He said.

"Bring her corpse here." Diego ordered.

"But, boss, we can't get her corpse because we didn't actually kill her ourselves, we set the place in fire and the flames have definitely killed her." The leader replied.

"Are you stupid? That girl is so wise, and she can find a way to escape, don't come back here without her corpse else you know the word, and I will kill you all." Diego spat and smashed the phone.

"Why can't they do anything right!" He shouted.

Fredrick stood up.

"They couldn't kill her too?" Fredrick asked.

"I'm sick of all my gangs, they are so useless, the next time if she escapes, we have to go search for her ourselves." Diego answered.

They began to search everywhere, but they couldn't see her and they were more convinced and confident that the fire burnt her body since they could see the groceries she bought.

"It's so hard convincing Master, he thought we are all dumb, snap this and send it to him, it's an enough evidence for him." The leader ordered and they began to snap the groceries she left at the shop.

Vanessa run with all her strength, trembling on the ground and yet she continues running, she arrive at a small river and she fall into it drinking like she haven't seen water for ages.

She washed her face and felt good, her strength return.

"I won't let Mom see me like this; else she will get worried again." She said and then came up with the idea to dry her clothes so she won't look messy, she already bath at the river so she won't smell bad because of the smoke.

Ronaldo's house their father's burial*

Ronaldo and Fredrick all dressed on black, the burial wasn't supposed to be today but Fredrick shifted it closer so Ronaldo will go back quickly and he will take control of his late father Mafia dynasty.

Ronaldo and other people prayed silently in front of his casket.

"I always wished to be by your side while growing up, it wasn't an easy idea staying far away from you, but I can't grow up where killing, weapons, war, and drugs happen daily, I wish you an external rest, may you rest in the bosom of heaven and may he forgive your great sins, till we meet again father." Ronaldo said and wipe his tears then drop a beautiful while flower in his casket.

"Father, to others you may have died, but to me, you are still alive, I promise not to let your hard work go in vain, I had killed Robert for betraying you, now you don't have to go alone, he will follow you, I promise to be one of the greatest Mafia ever, continue resting father." Fredrick said and drop him a white flowers.

Other veneration was made and he got buried at the end of the day.

Ronaldo felt he has nothing to do more in this bloody country, but his only reason for staying is to protect that innocent girl at all cost.

Vanessa's home

Vanessa returned home after so many struggles.

Her mom was glad nothing happened to her, only if she knew today was worst than last week.

"Welcome backs my dear." She said to her.

"Where are the groceries?" Her mom asked, that's when she remembered she left it at the shop.

"Mom, the shops were closed, maybe tomorrow." She lied.

"Alright then, it's already late, I will go in."

Her mom said and Vanessa hugged her, she is about to make a tough decision for her safety, she entered her room and lock door.

"I can't keep on living in this place with every minute of my life in danger, I was attacked twice, people were losing their lives because of me, but this has come to an end." She soliloquies and pick up a pen and a paper, she write a letter to her mom, pack her belongings and of course some money, then live forever, maybe till everything cools down, but she can't waste another minute here.

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