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Chapter 17

"You were so good darling, as always" Yusrah beamed still holding her phone and filming a video.

"Awwe thank you. Now stop it" I replied taking a seat next to them. I just finished performing and even when at first I was tensed, the worries vanished when I got into it especially when I saw the girls coming in. I felt the urge to make them proud.

"You were supposed to be 'ohh my God thank you love" Yusrah said as she kept her phone on her lap whilst I roll my eyes

Soon we all fell into a conversation watching the program before it ended. We stood up and went to the organizers and sponsors, took photos with them and some of the famous writers i know. After that, I bid them goodbye and we left the place.

"Let's head to tearoom first before leaving please. Intisaar said we should pick her up there, she's together with Zahra" Juwairiyya said taking out her camera ready to start blogging and I nodded before taking the route to tearoom.

We got there after ten minutes with Juwairiyya still blogging and I and Yusrah went in first leaving her to trail behind.

"You guys are finally here" Zahra sighed as we took seats next to them

"I'm starting to think that's just your line whenever you are to meet with someone. You say this all the time even if we took a minute to arrive" I said with a scowl and she glared at me while inti kept digging into her cream caramel.

"Some people will never be progressive in life. I just posted the video of your performance and some are say g bad things about it. Even the girls that we are in the same level with. I just don't get it, why pretend to like someone but not hail for his success, what has that person done to you? Yusrah shouted fuming and I placed a hand over hers

"Most people don't support your success. Not many have the thoughts of praising you for what you do, people will smile with you but be angry when you do something they can't do. We don't stay back because of these toxic people, you go ahead and do great things in your life. Their compliments shouldn't really matter because what they did is a way of showing you where you are in their lives and where to keep them in yours"

"Your words are always more sensible than you Maimai" She grinned and I slapped her head

"You are rude" I muttered sipping the tea Juwairiyya ordered for us.

I parked into the parking lot before answering hafeez call. Killed the ignition then stepped out and locked the car.

"How are you doing hafeezu"

"I'm doing good Aira" He replied with a groggy voice

"What happened? I inquired stepping into the house

"I have a sore throat"

"Have you taken any medicines? I asked

"No, but I did have the tea remedy you gave me before I left"

'Well that's good? I asked flicking the lights on and going to the kitchen before heading back to the maid's room

"Where is Mami? I asked as the maid Hindu, raise her head from her phone

"She left with Zainab earlier and they aren't back"

"Abba isn't back too?

"Yes he's not" She replied just as the older maid came out of the bathroom. I greeted her and left the room.

"Sorry I had you on hold" I said resuming my call with hafeez

"It's okay. How was your performance?

"It was good, Alhamdulillah. I had a good time with the girls also"

"Masha Allah. Send me the video when you settle down"

"I will insha Allah. Let me freshen up, eat and call you back"

"Okay Ma'am"

'Yes sir"

I ended the call and look over to the messed room which I know is Zahra's doing. She had to go back to school and told me to come back alone, and surprisingly she isn't back yet.

After taking a quick shower and putting on a baggy shirt with leggings, I came down and decided to toast bread and spread Nutella. After putting the bread into the toaster, I called Mami. It's getting late and they're not home.

"Humaira what happened" Mami's voice came through the cell phone

"You guys aren't back. Is everything okay? I asked

"Yes we are on our way. Is Abba back?

"No he isn't. I'm the only one and Inna then Hindu"

"I'm on my way"

'Okay, safe journey"

I took out my Crunchy toast and together with a steamy tea left to the living room. The house is actually nice when you are alone or at least think you are alone. I crossed my legs on the couch and tune in to food while biting into my toast.

Five minutes later and I'm done. I stood up and took the plate and cup to the kitchen, washed them and came back before calling hafeez back.

"Salamu Alaikum" Came his voice and I smiled

"Wa'alaikumus Salam hafeezu"

"You just interrupted my Qur'anic recitation" He grumbled

"Hasbunaallah, go back to reading I will call you back later"

"No no wait. I will recite for you"

"No I don't want. Your voice will be horrible especially since you are having a sore throat" I replied grinning

"You are very mean. Well let me tell you my voice is so beautiful when talking I'm sure you know that so reading the Quran will be melody to your ears"

"Ohh please shut---

"Humaira, Humaira" I was cut off by Mami's panicked voice and I ran out of the house to see her sitting on the floor outside as tears ran out of her eyes

Immediately, my heart started plummeting in my chest "Mami what Happened? I asked running to squat next to her

"Tell me your father has came back. Tell them it's a lie, tell them he's okay " She shouted thrusting her phone onto my hands

With a panicked expression, I carefully placed her phone on my ears

"Hello? I said above a whisper

"Hello is this Mrs Baba Gana?

"No it's his daughter, Humaira Baba Gana"

"Well then please do calm your mother down but we have already lost your Dad. He was involved in a very fatal accident"

The world was quiet for some seconds and then I whisper "No sir I think you are highly mistaken. My father left for work like any other day and he was supposed to be back"

"And so did every other father that died Humaira. They all went out and never returned"

Just as he said that, a wave of agony washed over me and I fell down next to Mami. I look over to her disheveled self before taking a hold of her hands while staring at her, Zainab and I.

The maids rushed outside and Inna helped Mami up. I held her and we walked inside with Mami staring into place. After keeping her on the couch, I took her phone and called Aunty Haleema

"Hello Aunty Leema" I said barely recognising my own voice thankful at that moment that she's in Abuja.

"Yes Humaira is that you?

"Can you please come over. There's a problem at home, it's about Abba"

"What happened?

'Please, just come" I said and ended the call. I decided to call hafeez mother next and after asking her to come over, I ended the call just as Zahra came in.

"Humaira what happened? She asked and I headed upstairs completely ignoring her, not because I want to but because I had to

"Zainab what happened?

I muted their voice as I went into the room and lay on the bed before dragging the quilt up to my chin staring at my bag hanger examining every design on every bag. The door creaked quietly and I heard footsteps before my phone was dropped in front of me. The person heaved a sigh and sniffed before closing the door.

After a few minutes, I looked down to my phone and saw that hafeez was still on call. Gingerly, I took ahold of the phone and placed it on my ear.

"Humaira? He asked noticing my heavy breathings

"Hafeez.. i-- " my voice broke and my hold tightens on the quilt

"I'm here Humaira, I'm here" He replied gently while I flutter my eyes close

"Hafeez please recite the Qur'an for me" I said barely hearing myself

"Sure" He replied and just after that, his voice came in.

With every word of the Quran that he says, my breathing becomes heavier. The words sank deep into me, grazing my bones flowing through my blood and finally making contact with my heart. A void I didn't know of made its presence known as my heart squeezed and clenched while a river of tears decided to make my eyes it's flow. Hot, heavy and fat tears glided down my cheeks hunting me, taunting me for how quickly my life changed in minutes.

I quietly sobbed rocking my body back and forth as I shut my eyes and listened to his voice. With a final sob, I drifted off to sleep with the most amazing voice any being is ever graced to hear.

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