Chapter 2



I am Jade ROBERT I am 22 years old I was born to a Togolese mother and an English father, we have lived in France since we were little children, we lost our parents a few years ago and my sister Ambre had to stop studying to take care of me, I just got my degree in marketing, my sister is Ambre ROBERT, she was 25 and she was the best sister you could dream of having, she took care of me like a mother, she always did everything so that I lacked nothing and I cursed the day she met this man, this man who brought only suffering and sadness to my sister Mateo DE LUCA, this man who promised him heaven and wonder when he was a married man, a family that hurt us so much until my sister died.

I just had a violent altercation with this savage Gianni DE LUCA who thinks he's allowed everything and who allows himself to gossip about my sister, he's the last person who can afford to talk badly about her

I go to see the doctor who gives me his agreement to be able to bring the little one home I go to the cash desk to ask for the bill but I still come across this rascal laba

Gianni: don't worry I already paid the bill, that's the advantage when you have a rich nephew

Me: well that's the least of it

Gianni: I knew that's what always interested you

I don't answer him, I turn my heels to go see the doctor and be able to go home with my little nephew, but that's without counting on the help of this beast

Gianni: When I speak no one turns their back on me

Me breaking free from his grip: Well I do, go back to hell brother

I leave without giving him a single look, I don't have the patience to put up with this guy, I have to mourn my sister, prepare her funeral and take care of my nephew, I don't even know how I'm going to be able to get out of it on my own, I wipe away the tears of anger, of helplessness that bead on my face

I go to see the doctor who gives me permission to leave with my nephew, I go to pick up my sister's personal effects that were given to me at the hospital, I don't want to be alone in this Moment I pick up some stuff from home and I'm off

When I ring, she opens the door for me, takes the baby from my hands, who does not stop crying and insists that I come home, I sit in the chair next to her.

Me: he hasn't stopped crying for a while I don't know why, I've done everything but she won't stop

My aunt: she senses your nervousness that's why she'll calm down any moment now

As my aunt said she calms down and calms down by sleeping in her arms which relieves me, she goes to bed and comes back to sit next to me

My aunt: how are you feeling?

Me bursting into tears: Lost, really lost, I feel like I'm in a bad dream I can't wake up from

My aunt:….

She doesn't say a word and just hugs me, I let my tears run free for a moment before falling into a heavy sleep.

Gianni DE LUCA

I'm going home after my violent altercation with this savage, education and good manners are a quality that these people really lack

I freshen up and get ready to go back to work, when I'm done I go down to the office to see my dad before I leave, when I open the office he was sitting sipping his whiskey as he has been doing for a while

Me: hi dad

My dad: Hi son, weren't you supposed to be at work at this time?

Me: no I was in the hospital for the delivery of your child, it's a boy if you're interested

My dad: I have nothing to do with these people so I really don't care if he's a girl or a boy or alive

Me kicking the table in front of him: but father, it's your blood, the flesh of your flesh, how can you say such a thing

He brings his whiskey back to his lips and continues his reading as if nothing had happened, I feel my blood do a trick, am red with anger, so I prefer to go out to avoid altercations with him, I am shocked to see how much this man can be insensitive, and cold, I violently close the door of the office and I walk towards the entrance where I meet his wife who speaks to me but to whom I pay no attention

I settle in my car and I take the road to my work only he could allow me to decompress and not to think about everything that is happening

I still haven't introduced myself, I'm Gianni DE LUCA the only son of Mateo DE LUCA, euhhhh I have a brother now I'm the CEO of GDL consulting, I'm 30 years old and I think business is going pretty well so I can not complain

When I arrive at my work, I go straight up to my floor and sit behind my desk, I take the files I was working on to continue but I can't concentrate I think back to this what happened in the hospital with this savage, I can't believe the audacity she has, all of a sudden I hear someone open the door with a bang, when I lift my head, Boff a another rude i get out of my life ASAP

Sofia: Were you here or all day and you were unreachable?

Me: I always told you that my office is not a zoo, either you behave well here or you don't set foot here anymore I won't repeat myself anymore

Sofia: stop getting upset over nothing my baby

Me: I'm not a baby and you go back and close the door behind you

She executes and comes to stand in front of me, dressed in her little blue dress so short that does not leave much room for imagination, perched on her 20cm heels, she puts her endless leg between my thighs and begins by caressing my crotch with , I free her feet, pick her up and put her on my desk

Me: It's time I taught you respect

Sofia smiling: or my darling I am ready to receive the lesson

I turn her around and tilt her so that she can offer me her behind, I caress her legs to her buttocks, I lift her dress and lower her thong, I spread her legs and I introduce myself with a jerk inside her, which makes her squeal a little, I smack her on the buttocks while giving her back thrusts which makes her moan again and again, as I continue her moans turn into cries

Me: will you stop being the rude little thing you are?

Sofia: aaahh…aahhh ouuiiiiiii!

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