6. Upon Meeting A Goddess
TW: This chapter will contain a scene that portrays attempted rape and assault. If you choose to continue reading, be please wary as what is depicted may be unsettling
It was obvious he wouldn't let me go.
Whatever set him off had his blood boiling, and he needed to take it out on someone.
But why me? Why now?
I gathered my strength as quickly as I could and managed to kneel. I was prepared to make a run for it.
But he was right in front of me.
I barely had time to close my mouth before he gripped my jaw with enough pressure to make it bruise. How did he get here without me hearing him?
His other hand grabbed a fist full of my hair. The worst part is, he wasn't angry at me or even glaring. He had this wide, patronising smile on his face. Anyone unrelated who'd seen it would have thought he was a kid at the arcade.
That what his expression told me.
Just a kid playing a game.
And he was having fun.
Steve grabbed me right below my chin and pulled me below the bridge. Kicking and trying to scream didn't help me. I wasn't sure at the time if anything would.
He didn't stop dragging me until we were hidden beneath the bridge. There used to be a river not five years ago. Now, it's just pebbles and weeds. No one from the road above would be able to see anything down here because of the tall plants. Steve starddled me. He went straight for the collar of my T-shirt and began tearing it opened. I dug my nails into his hands and pushed in an attempt to pry them away. Which earned me another slap.
It was more powerful than the first one. A terrifying, loud growl erupted from his throat. As he made me stare him, I noticed that his teeth were bared and his eyes glowed a dark amber.
"Do. Not. Move. You worthless whore!" He spat. I shivered in fear. Normally I would have managed to get away from him when he haressed me at school. Now it was as if I was trying to fight a wall. My hands ached and not just because of the fall. Steve ignored all my requests to stop. He went on until he completely tore my shirt in two, exposing my pink bra. Steve licked his lips.
"To think I almost listened to that guy," he said. Then he chuckled. "And missed out and this?! I don't think so."
No, no! This can't be happening! He reached out for my bra next. I fought his hands away but then he clawed mine. His nails were so bloody sharp the back of my hands were cut. While my brain tried to register what happened my bra was gone.
My breasts were now exposed to this vile guy and no mattered how much effort I put in, I couldn't stop him from viewing them. He tossed my bra to somewhere behind him. I couldn't stop him. He had unimagineable strength. I wore jeans shorts that went down to my knees. I hoped that it cause him trouble to get it off and buy me some time to get away. But he tore it wide open.
That's it. I'm done. Tears streamed down my face as I protested and trashed around. He slapped me again.
My vision was fading. He went for my underwear next. I held on to his finger, thinking I could twist it somehow and cause him enough pain for something, anything, to happen. My wish was granted.
One of his finger morphed into a grey, ashy bone. Steve groaned in pain and kicked away from me, folding his finger and gazing at it in horror. I took the chance and gather my bag and ran. Leave behind the river bed, the bridge, and the area as a whole.
"Denis' bitch! I'll kill you! Don't think that you can get away, you whore!" I heard him yell behind, but I was finally free and wouldn't let his distract me from tapping into my adrenaline.
I found a place to hide inside an unfinished building still under construction. I braced behind a while and attempted to catch my breath. I could feel someone trailing me again.
I didn't have to peek to know it was him. He caught up with me quicker than I thought. Steve's breathing was rasp and hard. "I smell you, little whore." He muttered. Covering my mouth with my hands, I stayed still, willing it into being that my presence is kept hidden. He stood on the other side of the wall directly behind me. Then he started off, not turning as he walked further and further away. Once i became certain he was gone, I drew in a breath of relief and slid to the ground. My eyes ached with the desire to cry but tears wouldn't come. I hated this. I hated feeling so helpless, like I didn't have a choice when it comes to the events going on in my own life.
My bag dropped to the dirt as I scanned it for contents. An extra black graphic T-shirt stayed hidden behind my books. And a football jacket I raided from my Dad's closet. With summer gone and authumn here, I figured carrying something with me to warm myself up would be smart. I didn't think I would have to use it for this.
The zipper was completely destroyed but the iron button held on for dear life. I wrapped the jacket around my waist and tied it twice at the front, making sure the arms fell over my crotch area. I hurriedly rmoved the ripped cloth that was my shirt and slipped the new one it. I felt slightly exposed without my bra, but all in all that's the least. With my back on my back, I left my hiding place and traveled in the opposite direction that Steve went.
A part of my brain told me to go home, eat something and lock my room door. But he would be there. Everytime Mom went on a business trip Dad took it upon himself to take days off work to engage in substances. If I went home now, I would take up the part of being his babysitter. And I wasn't in the mood for that.
There was somewhere else I could go. Somewhere that had always calmed my mind. The same place I was heading to before running into Steve.
The main street in town was littered with folks who just got off work as well as teenagers looking for a good time. The day was late enough for the streetlamps to be on, illuminated the shiny hoods of cars as they drove by. I held my head down and carried on through the crowd. A kid bumped into my leg and agitated my cuts, however that barely registered. It was as if I was here yet not there at all. I could see the adults moving and carry on with my journey just fine, but my head was burning.
Laughter startled me and I whipped my head around, terrified that Steve had caught me. Instead it was a group of boys wearing the uniform from a local private school. I continued on my way.
Finally I managed to arrive close to my destination. All I needed to do was cross the road and I would be there. The thought alleviated my mood.
Except, while waiting for the light to change to red, I recognized Manuel and Robin seated inside a McDonald's. They didn't know I was there on the other side of the glass. They held hands over the table, a tray of two fries, burgers, and drinks between them. My heart began beating in my ears again. Once the lights changed I crossed the road quickly and disappeared into the park.
Manuel's senses picked up on Rosé's aura, but when he looked out the window she wasn't there. Nor was she in the establishment. And within a second, it faded. She must have passed by.
"Is something wrong, babe?" Robin asked. He slowly shook his head.
"I thought I saw an old friend." He reached for his soda, mouth aiming for the scraw. The girl he was with smiled a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Um, Manuel."
"What are we?"
He chuckled and squeezed her hand. "We're together, aren't we? What do labels matter?"
Robin thought about it for a moment, then chuckled. "I guess you're right."
As their lips connected, Manuel wondered how long he could keep this up. Only until you transfer, he told himself. Me stealing Robin is my last gift to her.
It retained its beauty during the night as well. I found one park bench that didn't have a light near it or visiters resting on it's wood. My head hit my bag as I laid down and watched everyone doing their own thing. My eyes ached, so did my head. I'm pretty sure having to walk with these ripped shorts caused to get scraped by the fabric. My legs were tired and sending pain signals to my brain. At this point, why am I even alive? I don't have anything to live for except my mother and my Auntie. Not that I didn't love my father, but he has already proven that he doesn't love me, or Mom.
Hopefully Steve stopped searching for me by now. Tomorrow, he would tell Denis about what he did and they would probably laugh at me together. They were both a bunch of wolves in the way that they preyed on the vulnerable.
Tears escaped my eyes. I didn't want to be on this earth anymore. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I wished I could die before then.
I wished I could take revenge of those who hurt me.
I heard a cough and glanced towards an old lady in expensive church getup heading towards me. I sat up straight and wiped my eyes. It was about time I got home. The sky was dark enough as it is.
Before I got up I heard her speak to me. Her voice gentle and low.
"Excuse me, young lady," she said.
I looked up. "Yes? Do you need the bench? I was just leaving."
"Oh, no." She waved it off. "I would prefer it if you stayed. You're the one I'm here to talk to after all."
Had she noticed me bawling?
"I'm fine truly." I managed to fake a smile.
"It would only take a minute," she insisted. "Or is it that there are too many people around?"
Without waiting for my answer, she raised her hand and a dragonfly not too far away stopped mid-flight. Not even its wings moved.
It was the same for everyone else. A dog didn't lower its legs after peeing. Three women sat on the grass talking but their mouths didn't move. I could see the headlights belonging to vehicles. They too stayed as still as the streetlamps. I stayed frozen, but out of choice.
The old lady took it upon herself to sit beside me. I slowly turned to her. Every instinct in me told me to run as far away as possible to keep some distance between us. Common sense told me that wouldn't work.
I believed it was in my best interest to remain where I was and watched her. Maybe this was an hallucination. All the more reason to study her face so I could her to the police in case she does something to me.
"Are you thinking that I will harm you, child?"
I shivered. Now she bore a voice that belonged to a young woman. It sounded foreign coming out of her mouth.
"No. I think you would if you wanted to."
"Lies. You already have the police in mind. You will trust me in time."
"Respectfully speaking, I don't even know who you are."
That's when she looked in me, allowing me to fully see her face. I held in a gasp. Her eyes were as white as the half-moon overhead.
"You can refer to me as Syll," she said. "I am the goddess of repentance. And you, dear, are someone who can help me reclaim my crown as the queen of gods."