7. Revenge


She must be on crack.

"I-I see." I looked away. "Sadly I don't have as much fighting power as I used to when I worked for Queen Elizabeth. I'll be on my way since I'm unable to help you with your quest." I stood up to leave then realized something. I could no longer feel the cold air on my crotch. My shorts were back to normal.

To verify I removed the jacket and peered down. No rip.

"Even if you doubt me you can't deny what's in front of you."

I turned to stare at her, half shaken, and half impressed. "You... you did that."

"I mean you no harm, Rosé," she said. "Please allow me to heal your wounds."

I was still on the fence about whether to believe her or not. So I dug my nails to my right arm. It hurt. I lifted my gaze. No body moved. Does wasn't a dream or a hallucination.

If this lady had some sort of power it would be in my best interest to listen to her. I sat back on the bench, allowing her to place her wrinkled hand on my left knee.

Once bruised and scraped it was now back to its healthy state. She did the same with my other leg and elbows. All my bodily wounds faded under her touched. I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you! Now I can walk properly again."

Instead of replying she stood up and shifted before my eyes. Her grey hair transformed into a blanket of glowing white silk locks. Her height increased to twice her size. What was once a rich person's outfit now turned into a strapless gown the shade of sunflowers. I could do nothing but whisper, "goddess."

She smiled with lips of a peach colour. "You can call me Syll. Child, I can feel your pain and your regrets. You need not tell me anything. It is not your fault, my dear. The weight of another's actions are not yours to carry."

I shifted my gaze to the ground, knowing her words weren't untrue. There is only so much I myself can control. They were the ones who should be feeling the pain that I felt. They are the ones who should suffer. Yet, that's just wishful thinking. As if the boys, Robin and my father even have a conscience.

"Maybe so," I muttered. "But there is nothing I can do. Compared to them I am... nothing."

An alabester hand extended and caressed my chin. The goddess, Syll, allowed me to look her in the eyes. "Don't say that, don't ever degrade yourself like this. You have more power than you know. With my help, you can release that power and learn to control it."

I blinked. Once then twice. "Um, I think not. I have had nothing supernatural happen to me in my life."

"Hm. Maybe it's due to the fact you haven't been taught how to use it."

Stepping closer, I let her hold both my hands. She turned them over to expose the palms. "It seems you have been awaken. Direct your body's energy to your arms, then focus on your hands. Trust yourself. When you look for it, it will come to you."

"It should have come much sooner."

Syll smiled. "Yes, but it will only let itself be known when you wish for it to appear. Seeing as you now know of its existence, you can call forth your power more easily. Go ahead. Reach for your power."

I willed my eyelid shut and attempted to do as she said. A tingling, but soft, sensation traveled from my feet to my stomach. My body felt as it it were in the clouds instead of on grass. It moved in waves, my torso, then elbows. When I opened my eyes, I wanted to stare at it forever.

A ball of energy developed between my palms. Bright, white and breathtaking. Small dots orbited the ball with a gold tail trailing behind them as if they were the tiniest fireflies.

"There we go," Syll grinned.

"I- I have... what is this?" I asked in amazement. Whatever it was, It came from me. I could feel it. This was produced from my body.

"This is your talent, dear. Your people are known as the Soul Tempesters. They are capable of healing, channeling spiritual energy from one source to another, learning the identities of otherworldly beings, and so, so much more."

"So," I gulped. "This was inside me all along?"

"From birth, yes."

"...wow." I didn't know what else to say.

The goddess removed her hands from mine. The balls still glowed as bright as her eyes. "You have been through enough overall these years. Now, you can finally turn the tide on your enemies."

"Yeah. Before, you said that you were the queen of gods. Forgive me for asking but, is that true?"

A sad smile plaster her youthful face. "Yes. However, not for long."

I asked the orb to go away. It returned to my body through my fingers, leaving just me and her. "What do you mean?"

"There is a cruel goddess, Kara. She and I performed a battle then ended in me being kicked out of our realm. Somehow she gained enough strength to overpower me. That is why I need your help. The only way I can grow strong enough to defeat Kara is to absorb the regrets, self-hatred and despair brought on by a Soul Tempester at work. You, Rosé, can provide aid in preventing the horrible destruction Kara can do to this realm if she were to take my seat. If you allow me to teach you how to use your power, we can both carry out your revenge and save people. Two birds with one stone, as the humans say."

I shook my head. "I don't know if I can do that. I'm weak. Even with this new ability, I-"

"Do you plan to remain as a target for the reminder of your days at school?"

I froze. Her tone remained sweet, but her words hit me like a bucket of ice cold water. "No."

"The time is now, child. Do you have what it takes to stand up for yourself?"

What am I doing? I finally have an opportunity to do what I had always dreamed of. Am I still weak? No I am not. I never thought of myself as weak. I was always a fighter, I know that. I could have given up a long time ago, begged to move to another school, runaway to the next town over. The only thing that kept me here was my pride. A pride fueled by hatred and anger. Pride that refused to let a bunch of kids chase me away from the place I attended school. Come on, Rosé. The power is in your hand. Are you seriously choosing to pretend that it doesn't exist?

"I'm in."

"Perfect!" Syll clapped. "It will take some time to stabilize your abilities."

"Before that," I focused my gaze onto her eyes. "I want you to promise me something."

"Name it. I will uphold my vow."

I inhaled a deep breath. "Promise me that you won't do anything to hurt me, or the people closest to me. I apologize if this sounds disrespectful, but please understand things from my perspective. I just met you and yes, I believe your story and you've been very kind to me, but I have no idea whether you will change your mind and destroy me as soon as you get what you want. I've hd enough of people betraying me. So please, give me a reason to trust you."

Instead of getting mad, Goddess Syll simply placed two fingers on her pale forehead.

"I, Syllame Ut'o, Goddess of Repentance, vow to never cause harm to you and your family for the reminder of us working together."

That was good enough for me.

I nodded.

"So, when do we begin?"


It had been two weeks since she came to school. Cameron mentioned that he saw her over the weedend shopping with her mom. At least Tommy knew that she was okay and wasn't sick. Then why isn't she here? He missed her presence.

Denis became slightly agitated at her not being here. He didn't smile as much, nor did he have the patience for Cameron's jokes. Everyone else chopped it up to the upcoming games he had been working hard for. Tommy wished it was only that.

He couldn't lie to himself, he was worried too. Since the day Rosé had that fight he was on edge. Robin, her so-called best friend didn't stop smiling even though Rosé was nowhere to be seen. She hung around Manuel often and sat wherever he did. Denis and Tommy already made bets on how long he could play along with it. As great as Manny was as pretending, that fae carried not one patient bone in his body.

It became the third week since her absence and Tommy had began to wonder if she planned on transferring. He sat outside with one of Alyssa's friends during lunch.

They pushed themselves against each other, tongues' deepening their kiss. Stacy's hand traveled up from his abs to his chest. He groaned softly with his palms on his waist. Then her right hand slid under his belt buckle and grabbed a hold of his rod. He bite her bottom lip, waiting for her to go further even if they were in public.

What he didn't expect was for Rosé to sit directly across from them. At the same table. Tommy felt a familiar aura and opened his eyes but nearly jumped when he saw her. Suddenly, he pushed Stacy aside as though he was a man who got caught cheating. Stacy took a moment to glare at Rosé before departing.

As much as he was happy to see her, Tommy glared. She didn't seem offended, however. Instead Rosé offered him a small smile.

Tommy huffed. "I didn't say you could sit here, girlie."

The brunette shrugged, curly hair bouncing off her shoulder. "I figured I could, since we used to be friends. Good friends." Water streamed down her cheeks, taking Tommy by surprise. "Thomas, you're the only one I can talk to about this. Will you listen to me?"

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