5. Micro-Soft-Penis
Rose Damison
I move my head swiftly as I try to copy the program from the board. Professor Elvis's writing speed is equal to the speed of light, too fast to see.
I lean to my right then left to have a glimpse of my incomplete sentence, but other than his huge buttocks, I couldn't see anything. I look around to copy the notes and see Rita playing tic-tac-toe with Shelly. Oh, come on!
I flip my hair back in slow motion as I turn around to ask for notes from our class's topper, Ethan. I first noticed him in my C lab, when he coded the steps to rob a bank on his computer just using codes. And that was so hot!
Ethan is tall, smart, handsome, and possesses a beautiful smile. He had me at 'Hello World' since he helped me with my first program. Sometimes I would simply stare at him while he studies or talks with his friends and because of that, he has caught me staring at him almost every time.
And now, I don't even feel awkward staring at him for long. In fact, I feel insecure when he doesn't catch me.
Ethan sits leisurely on his desk and plays with his pen twisting and rotating in between his long fingers. The way his shoulders are relaxed, I know he has completed the program even before the Professor started explaining the steps.
My nerves do disco when his dark eyes shift to mine and a smirk breaks on his gorgeous face. His eyebrow arches in the air as he holds my gaze and upturns my heart at the same time. I ignore the panic in my pulse and point to his notes, making a small pout.
Ethan quickly scribbles something and passes me his book. I double quickly open his book to see what he has written at the end of the page:
I couldn't help but blush. My lipstick is all gone because of the number of times I bit my lips to suppress my smile. But like a stubborn wave, it keeps on surfacing on my face.
I smile and flip through his note cards just to avoid the intensity of his gaze for a little bit. When I lift my eyes, he’s drinking from his water bottle, still watching me.
His face is such an absolute distraction, while his eyes, they are aesthetic. I tear away our intimate staring as I try to alternate between studying his notes and looking up at the board.
Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Ethan leaning forward on his desk. The cloth of his shirt clenches around his shoulders and biceps, showing a glimpse of what is underneath them.
"Knock, Knock!" I roll my eyes at him as I play along, "Who's there?"
"Date." He whispers near my ear.
"Date who?" I ask in confusion.
"Date me." He purrs huskily, his irresistible lips curve up in a dashing smirk.
I couldn't help but blush openly, I look away from his eyes as I chew my lips in shyness. I don't reply but open his book to scribble, 'I don't date IT-Microsoft nerds' and pass him back.
After all, playing hard to get is a fundamental birthright of every girl. Right?
After a few seconds, he passes me his book back, I look at his reply and my mouth opens wide at his comment. 'There is nothing about me that is micro or soft ;) My hard digits are 655-656-5678, and yours?'
I gaze back at him in surprise, and this time, I get a real wink. My heart backflips at his minute action. I wonder what will happen if he makes a big move?
I close his book and nonchalantly pass him back, acting being all unaffected by his charm and smartness. Ethan narrows his eyes at me as he notices I didn't write my number back. This time I wink back at him playfully.
After the surprise test, I, Rita and Shelly walk down to the cafeteria. "Did you hear, your brother hit a mechanical department guy in the morning?" Rita says showing me a video where Ryan is brutally punching that guy, who tried to talk to me yesterday.
My stomach twists and turns as I see the video, feeling embarrassed again of being his sister. Lately, Ryan has become very violent, he is doing illegal things, hanging out with dangerous people, and getting into fights on senseless matters.
Whenever I see him, his face and hands are always bruised, as if he fought a battle with his fists. Even his anger issues have anger issues with him, and now those issues have turned him into a feral rage cannon.
Sometimes, I get scared to be around him, he becomes a complete different person, like a cyborg on destruction mode. As soon as I came to this college, I become infamous as Ryan's little sister. Because of him, people are scared to be friends with me and started avoiding me.
No guy talks with me or even looks at me as I walk through the corridors. And the ones who try, they end up in videos like this. I feel untouchable sometimes. His reputation is dragging me along with him, as the notorious' sister.
Whereas Ethan is totally opposite to him. He is calm, intelligent, handsome, neat, and respectful. And yes, funny too.
He is a man that I can introduce to my parents and feel proud of him. And suddenly I regret not noting down his number. Shit! It took him a whole one year to ask me out and my dumb ass choose to show attitude.
I denied the only guy who had guts to ask me out.
Crap! Someone just punch me in the face.
I gather my things and walk past our building, where I luckily see Ethan walking in front of me with his friends. His shoulders bulge like an aroused spell as he walks straight like a confident man that I need in my life.
"Ethan!" He immediately turns around and smiles wide at me.
In the sunlight, he’s so much more stunning than I remember. His Adam’s apple bob sexily as he speaks in that deep voice, “Rose.”
I stare at every button of his shirt, the perfectly folded cuffs, thinking of touching it makes me smile and it makes me frown and it makes the knot come back full force in my stomach. I am blushing pretty hard now, and he knows it.
"I want your notebook, my few programs are left to copy." I tell him as he walks in reverse while looking at me friskily. At least I will get his hard digits that he was offering in the morning.
He stops, opens his bag and takes out the book, "This one." He waves the book at me in which he had written his number. I nod. There is a mischievous smile on his face as if he read my thoughts. "Really this one?" He asks me teasingly.
I love it when he teases me. My organs fail, my inside bloom with butterflies, and I feel like to strip him. I don't know, this is crazy.
Something I have never felt before. Something, that nobody made me feel before.
It's like a thrill that drives me to be gaga and act risky. I hop on and grab the book speedily from its end and try to snatch it, but the other end is firmly gripped by Ethan, who is totally in a playful mood.
"Oow... Feisty!" He purrs raunchily.
His wrist is thick and looks so strong, so golden, his skin smooth, his arm dusted with a little bit of hair as I cautiously try to free the book from his strong grip.
"Ethan!" I whine, our fingers brush against each other, and I instantly turn red.
He shakes his head as he vampishly sneers, "What will I get?" I watch him as he takes his lower lip in between his pearl white teeth, slowly like torture.
Surprised by his bluntness, I let out a small laugh, then I blush because of the way his eyes darken when he hears me laugh.
His eyes, I can never seem to stare enough. Something magnetic. Irresistible. I don’t even know what to do, how to respond, what it is he’s trying to get from me.
"I'll tell you what you will get." I hear a strong, fuming, similar voice threatening my nerves, blasting from behind me.
I didn't even get the time to react as Ryan emerges on the spot, somewhere from the thin air of mist and shoves Ethan with force.
He stumbles back with a shock on his face. All the playfulness and teasing vanishes in the air as he looks at Ryan, who is approaching him with like an unstoppable storm. Shit!
"Ryan, stop!" Fear creeps in me and I try to get him off Ethan before he spoils my future dates with him, but Ethan retaliates strongly by pushing him off his personal space.
And in that moment I knew, a demon is summoned from the underground hell, to crush.. my crush.
My heart is pumping, and my thighs are shaking. Everyone backs away, at least two steps back, and forms a circle around us like an unescapable maze.
My stomach feels filled with little earthquakes that just won’t quit, then they turn into a full-fledged roil when Ryan lifts his fist, coiled up like a piston and rams straight into the man's face, that I was adoring a few minutes ago.
"NO! STOP." My screeches doesn't reach to anybody's ears as the crowd howls in excitement with every punch he makes. His eyes, they are cold and sharp, like shards of diamonds as they brutally strikes Ethan, just like his punches.
Someone please just stop him.
Tears roll down my cheek and a tremor runs through me, multiplying every second as I watch Ethan being hooked and thrashed for something that is not even his fault to begin with.