FUCK ME BABY - Sex with the teacher part 1
*They say that desire is the result of an intense passion that has no end when faced with the perfect pair, sometimes not everything is a passion that involves love between two distinct and opposite people. Here we are referring to the kind of desire that burns and ignites those involved, that kind of uncontrollable emotion and sensation that one feels when one is with the right person.
A kind of inevitable attraction that forces you to do crazy things just because of desire, that kind of adventure that you realize you don’t regret and that you would do exactly everything again.
It is from this kind of desire that we will portray here, the desire that burns between two people in tales with different couples in each chapter.*
Sex with the teacher part 1
My plans for my birthday celebration night did not involve shots and more shots of tequila and hours on the dance floor of the best nightclub in town with my friends.
I never even imagined that I would end up waking up in a motel with a hot stranger sleeping next to me in bed, I also never imagined that this man was my future professor of economics that I would start the next day...
I observe my reflection in the mirror of my room for the tenth time in a row, the beautiful and powerful woman reflected in front of me looked nothing like the shy Flora.
You have to admit that the strong effects of well”made makeup were very effective in turning you into a mature and beautiful woman.
That’s exactly what I’m doing right now, I take one of my white handkerchiefs and remove the excess scarlet red from the lipstick that my friends insisted on putting me through.
Towing the face with kilos of makeup that would give a false image of me was not my custom, I prefer a thousand times my well”washed skin than filling it with flashy products.
But that night, Tati and Bia got what they wanted so much, and produced me all for a night out where we would celebrate my 20th birthday.
My plans to celebrate my aging were far from getting drunk and waking up with a horrible hangover the next morning, but we won’t just celebrate my birthday, they also convinced me to celebrate my entry into my dream college.
I dreamed of entering the faculty of Economics since I understood myself through people, and almost had a heart attack when I was accepted into one of the best universities in São Paulo.
“Are you sure you’re not too exaggerated?", I frown touching the long false eyelashes stuck in my eyes.
“Of course not! You’re the beast of not showing all this beauty more often...", Bia replies by passing behind me looking for her favorite pair of heels.
“I still wonder why I let you groom me...", I grumble removing some of the makeup, but I am prevented by Tati who holds my hands and says with a smile on her face staring me through the mirror.
“You look beautiful, I know you don’t like to produce so much, but try to stay that way for a few hours, okay?"
I end up agreeing with the head and throwing the handkerchiefs used in the trash bin before getting up from the chair and pulling most of Bia’s borrowed dress.
“If I duck, that thing will show my ass! “I say pulling the black fabric glued to my thighs.
“So don’t do it!", Bia says with a smile as she puts her shoes on her bed.
I roll my eyes and stop stretching the dress, it may be exaggerated, but I kind of liked the result of what the girls did to me.
My concern is not about finding myself ugly or something, I love myself, but I have the great defect of giving importance to the opinions of others about me.
What they’ll think of me when they see me dressed like that, I’m so happy about the new achievement I’m going to risk.
“I’m ready, and you?", Tati asks swirling around the room while displaying the flashy pink dress that fits perfectly with her dark skin tone and bulky body.
“I just need to get my bag and call Uber...", we heard Bia’s voice as we left the room and went to the living room of my small apartment.
My idea of fun would be to study the subjects and subjects that I’m sure I’ll need for college courses, or stay in comfort in my bed watching Netflix and eating bullshit.
After leaving the apartment and taking the Uber, we arrived at the trendy nightclub of the city, when we got out of the car we can see the extensive waiting line to enter the club.
I’m almost giving up when the two push me to the end of the line, I thought the production of my friends had been a big exaggeration, but I see that I’m within the parameters when I see the clothes of other women who also wait in line.
After almost an hour and a half waiting for our turn to enter, we are released by the security of the club, and when I put my foot in the place frown trying to see something when the colored lights are moving according to a beat that the DJ is playing.
Without having the opportunity to observe around, I am pulled by one of the girls to a kind of counter where I see several different bottles of drinks arranged on glass shelves.
I know perfectly well how ballads work even if I have never attended any, my eyes run all around us when I find an empty stool and sit on it.
The noise here is very loud, and to make our requests to the bartender we need to shout so that the blond boy can darken as well.
“I’m warning you that I can’t drink too much, because tomorrow I..."
“You will start your first day at university...we already know, Flora!", I roll my eyes when Bia completes my sentence and hands me my drink when the blonde comes back and winks to Tati who reciprocates the flirting with a smile.
They drink all the transparent liquid from the cups at once, I have never tried vodka or tequila, but they say it is very strong.
And I fully agree when I turn all the liquid in my mouth and almost spit when I swallow alcohol with difficulty.
“One more round, dear!", Bia screams and takes a deep breath trying to get me back from the first dose as he fills the three glasses again.
“Oh my god!", it only seems to get worse when I take the second dose once again.
My throat and stomach burn heavily, sigh with a grimace supporting me on the counter receiving laughter from the girls who have fun with my reaction.
“Enough!", I shout leaving the cup on the counter before I get up and stagger a little when I try to take the first step.
“Wow. it seems that the effect of alcohol is coming too fast...", I recompose myself and give the tongue before following them to a dance floor where a crowd shakes in the center to the sound of contagious music.
I’m a quiet person, but I love dancing, and that’s what I show when I find a space between sweaty bodies and start the movements leaving the shyness aside.
At first, Tati and Bia look at me wide”eyed, but soon recover and also join me on the track, I make movements and steps trying to create a tune with the music, and when the Dj present in the ballad puts Involve Anitta I lose all stride.
“I love that song!", I scream smiling as I dance the original choreography of the song.
And I love it even more when a brunette with braids approaches and nods for permission, I wave back, and together we dance to the sound of the wonderful Anitta.
The colorful lights and smoke effects increase in intensity and speed up the pace of movements listening to the sound of applause and whistles around us.
The ballad seems to fill more and more, until I completely lose sight of my friends, stop dancing, and half worried I open space between people trying to get to the bar again.
But it becomes an increasingly difficult mission because my low height does not help at all, nor the extra inches of heels helping at this moment.
“Excuse me!", I shout to a crowd of friends who seem not to hear me in the middle of trying to make noise.
I try to pass, but I give up and when I turn a large and tattooed body appears in my field of vision, I lose my balance and fall with everything on the floor.
I think of the shame I’m going through right now, but I don’t take the time to blush when a mind”blowing pain in my ankle makes me scream.
Biting my lip grimacing pain, I try to get up with my hands on the floor, but I am easily lifted by someone strong.
“Did you hurt yourself?", I hear a scream behind me and yet without facing the person who still holds me, I try to support the right foot on the ground, but I regret the action when the pain returns with everything.
“I think I twisted my ankle!", I shout turning around and facing a man with black hair, the strands are combed back to perfection.
The environment is dark enough that I can’t see his face, but my curious eyes descend through the high and well-defined body covered by a long-sleeved social white shirt, he is also wearing black and social pants.