Chapter 4
I drummed my fingers repeatedly on the glass desk in my father's office wondering why he wanted me here, he was the last person I'd ever wanted to be around, yeah I get that look a lot, like my family is very rich, for the state governor you could say, we just had to put on a show of a loving family in front of the whole cameras since everyone wants to fucking know what is going on in your life.
Privacy is never a word you use to describe the De Laurentiis family, I brushed my overlong black hair away from my face, I needed a haircut, but most importantly I needed to get out of there.
"Dad" I nodded making no move to accept his outstretched hand.
He ignored my insolent gestures. "I'm glad you are here" Why wouldn't he? I was his first son, the heir to all his fortune, the golden sun and the golden star, I'm not going to brag but I do have a very high IQ knowing most things average people don't know, my Dad likes to tag me as the pretty ridiculous genius.
"How is basketball practice going?" He asked curiously, yes I'm an intentional basketball player, I only have to go to college to become a full-time one, if it was up to my Dad and me, I would have dropped out of college, but Mom wouldn't freaking hear of it. She'd buried us both alive.
"Great" I adjust my nerdy glass which was utterly not necessary but I do like to wear them, just to drive the attention away, once I'm in those glasses, you'd have to look at me twice before figuring out I'm a De Laurentiis.
"So why did you call me here?" My muscles flex when I glance impatiently at my wristwatch.
He chuckled. "Ever so impatient are we?" Then his face turned serious. "You were offered a scholarship at Haverford college right?" He required causing me to frown.
I wondered why he was asking about that but I nodded anyway. "Yes. I should be leaving by tomorrow" just Incase he cares to know.
"I'm sorry, it looks like you would have to reject that scholarship after all son, don't get me wrong, your mother and I are so proud of you, you are the son any parents could ever dream of having. You and Mia made us so proud" He paused regarding me cautiously. "I need you to attend the werewolf academy...I can't remember what the animals are naming it but it's something along the way" He finished.
My gaze narrowed down at him as I stood up. "Reject a scholarship? For what? Why the hell would you want me to attend a school full of magical creatures? I could get killed!" Yes, I was terrified, please get past my bad boy looks, which are just an act to push people away, to the outside world, I was everything my Dad wanted me to be, you could guess my father's disappointment, but he usually said he was glad my brain made up for the heart I have. He wanted me to be cold, ruthless, and heartless that was why he gave me the name Ace, but when my mom found out I was a cute, sweet, shy boy at the age of four, she gave me the name Misha.
Of course, Dad rebelled against the idea but he had no choice when it comes to my mother, she had him wrapped around her fingers, just like my little sister, Mia has begun to do. I wanted a love like that.
"Because I don't trust the werewolves, the witches, the wizards, they could all decide to work together to destroy us, humans. That happens a long time ago, I won't let history repeats itself" He replied.
"And how is my being there going to help you?" I paused. "Holy shit, don't freaking tell me you are sending me there as a spy".
He choked back on a laugh. "You? A spy?" He gasped laughing and I felt a blush creep up my face. "Oh Misha, we'd all be dead then. Nope, I'm sending you and Mia there along with other humans who are willing to go, I want you guys to learn the ways of the werewolves so in the future if anything goes wrong, we humans can apply it" He explained.
"Don't you think you are overreacting? The war ended ages ago, I'm sure they've already forgotten about it. I don't feel comfortable living or going to a place like that" My eyes widened.
He snorted. "Do you think I will leave my children unguarded? Your mom is gonna have my head" He smiled at the thought of my Mom.
"I bet she has something to say to that" I smirked at him and it was his turn to look surprised.
"Misha no!" He growled at me. "I told your Mom you guys are willing to go, Mia already agreed after I bribe her" He chuckled, okay maybe we weren't much of a bad family after all.
"You bribed your daughter!" I feigned shock.
"Remember that supercomputer you wanted and the jet power bike?" He asked and my ears perk up at that, damn! He knows my weakness. "I will get them for you"
"Deal" I shoved my phone back into my pocket, and put my glasses on before walking out of his office, I still couldn't wrap my head around what he just told me, so basically I'm going to college in a faraway place, just not any place...a place filled with werewolves, vampires, and other magical creatures.
I don't get a good feeling about that.
My bodyguards followed suit immediately after I step out of the building, I could only hope they won't be following me around in my new school, which would be very embarrassing.
"Where to Mr. Laurentiis?" Asked my driver as the engine rolled to life immediately the reporters rushed towards us.
"Take me to the Daniels" I ordered, turning my face away from the window as the reporters all cake forward, they would only keep repeating those annoying questions, like are you gay? Why don't you have a girlfriend? And shit like that, for fuck sake! I'm only nineteen why won't they give a boy a break?