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Chapter 21

Bela, coming in from the "grandmother" door, ran towards them quickly, Shahid looked at them nervously

"What have you said to them?" He was accompanied by Wahaj and Shamir Bhai

"Call the doctor and get Bella his medicine. Brother Shamir, help him lay down," he was saying worriedly.

When Bela ran to get the medicine, both of them laid her on the bed and Wahaj covered her with a quilt.

And sat down beside them, taking their hands in his, he was looking at them anxiously, when the doctor came, checked them, and left.

That is not a problem

So he got up in anger and grabbed Shahid's throat

"What did you say to them?" He growled slowly

No one can bring his grandmother to this condition except him. He will not give this right to anyone, not even his own real grandson

"Truth" is just one word Shahid said

Shamir looked at the two of them in confusion then at Bella who was looking at the two of them confusedly

"What truth?" he asked

It was the tone

"The truth of the words written in this diary" He held up the diary that was still in his hand

"Fuck the words in this diary" He grabbed the diary and tore the pages out and tossed it aside.

"I believe that you are my friend and she is your grandmother, but I will not allow Shahid to recognize her in this condition?" He was threatening her

He shook his head and Bella looked at her grandmother to hide her smile

Grandmother's rude, bad-tempered grandson loved her very much, but both of them did not accept this.

When Halima Begum regained consciousness, there was no one in the room

He remembered Shahid's words

"I think you know who she is too."

Yes, she knew how to lose someone's heart.

"Grandma, I know this diary belonged to my brother. But the words written in it are not his." Yes, those words were not Shamir's, she was just afraid.

"You are not good, are you?" Where did he come from that day?

"Every time. Why does she cry only because of you? Why are you behind her marriage? Have you ever wondered what this poor thing goes through? What does she feel?" Are you so tired of Bella?" How did he run on them?

"If you are so tight, then tell me, I will take her away from here where she will do what she wants and live the life she wants, no one will dictate to her, no one will impose their will on her. Stop the cycle of finding this boy now and forget about the diary too, understood?"

How much did he shout at them?

He remembered one more thing

Why don't you ask him if this diary is his or not?" He was saying "I'm sure if you ask the owner of this diary, he will tell you that this diary is mine" He said the last four words. Changed and said

She was afraid

If Bella marries him, what happened to her parents will happen to her

Yes, she knew

He wasn't nakama. He was like Bella's father

He was like their beauty

He used to do the same job that Bela's father used to do, which his son used to do. Both of them were ready to do anything for their country and because of this work their son left them and after few months their daughter-in-law also left Bela alone.

Yes, she was afraid that if something like this happened to Wahaj, I don't know what would happen to their Bela?

If he lost his life on one such mission and the only news reached home was that Wahaj Faraz was killed in a car accident, then what would happen to Bela or if his body was not found, what would Bela do?

His tears were absorbed into his pillow

They now had one last decision to make

One last decision.

"Grandma, did you wake up?" Suddenly Shamir came there and sat beside them smiling and holding their hands

"Don't scare us like that, granny" he was saying

"Shamir." They called out his name

"Yes, Nani, I am here," he said softly

"She can't take decisions." Halima Begum said to Shamir with moist eyes. He was sitting next to her holding her hands and she was lying on the bed. "My baby Bella. She can't take decisions." Shamir. You want to take him away from this place so that you can keep him happy. And you will try your best to keep him happy, I know. But that rude boy." She laughed with moist eyes. "He is. He will not want to take her away from this place, just to keep her happy, he will find happiness for her in the house he loves. Bella. Wahaj doesn't even have to make an effort to make Bella happy, he knows that she starts to shine just by being him. Shamir was now looking at his grandmother with wet eyes

He could not say anything, the feeling that Wahaj wanted Bella?

He already knew this, it was reflected in Wahaj's every expression, only Bella could not see it

He just listened to what he said

"Shamir let Bella make this last decision and give her a chance to change it" she was saying or maybe asking he didn't understand.

But he wanted to do something for this girl that would make her happy

Shamir thought that the diary was written by his brother, but the way they both were having sex, he understood who had written the diary.

Now he also had to make a decision

Result or victim?

He had to be selfish or selfless like Wahaj Faraz.

If we go back a few months to when the guys come back from a mission and their boss puts them in a psychiatrist.

It was like his first job after each mission

Dr. Abdul Rahman was a psychiatrist, most of whose patients were either agents or army personnel

"So you are saying that the problem here is not the mission but the girl?" He asked. He was over fifty and most of his hair was gray. He nodded.

"This is his third marriage," the doctor's eyes widened

At which he shook his head, "No, I mean his marriage was broken twice, this is the third time. I want him very much, but I can't tell him, but I can't tell anyone, his honor." It's a question." Then, as if shocked, "You will not tell anyone, will you?" He was asking the doctor suspiciously

So he smiled, "Don't worry at all, my words to you will not reach anyone else's ears in this room."

So he nodded and smiled

"then it's OK"

"If you don't want to mention it to anyone and you don't want to tell me either, then write these things down in your diary, it will reduce your stress a little."

Wahaj shook his head at the doctor's words

"That's right too"

He later mentioned this to his two friends Shahid and Nawaz, on which the next day Shahid brought a diary and gave it to him.

"Take this. Write what needs to be written," he opened the diary

"Who is this?" He looked suspiciously at his friend who was very stingy in spending money

"Whoever's name I have pasted on the cover, now it's yours," he said, baring his teeth.

He wrote that diary in one night

He didn't realize it, and when he realized it was morning he was feeling a little better, but he never once wrote anything that would make anyone think he wrote it.

He had to leave for home, he was at his and Shahid's flat where they used to visit often

He had to go to the hotel with his family today, where he dragged Shahid along with him

"Hello Grandma" he said as usual when he saw them

Shahid also came quickly to him, the waiter bumped into him and the empty glass kept on the tray in his hand fell, so he caught the glass and smilingly put the glass back on the same tray, the waiter said thank you and left.

So he came to his grandmother

(The waiter turned and saw the dangerous old woman and laughingly asked the boy, "I don't think it's his grandson? Or his grandson?" The boy was calling him grandma, na dadi na nani. He turned away.)

"Why don't you two come with the others, late as usual?" He said angrily and put his hands over his face to avoid the sun

So they both shrugged

"So Grandma. You can meet Bela here in Dhup Sanko. And take my bag."

If he didn't go to meet Bela and hand over his bag to Shahid, he wouldn't have stolen the bag from the diary, nor would he have Ellariedly run away without checking his bag on the boss's call.

And Shahid would not forget the diary in the room and it would not fall into the hands of Ms. Halima Kamal Sahiba and she would not start looking for the boy again.

He himself sent this groom to jail (his boss had found out the person who told the white money to the black money, which was him. They wanted to question him, so he sent the police to arrest him, but he found someone else. (wasn't but Bella's new groom who her boss told her had disappeared once again from the wedding)

But he was found to be doing something dirty and mean, and knowing about it, he unhesitatingly put the blade on his throat.

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