I look at him as if he's just turned purple and grown two antennae on his head.
"So that's it? Just like that?" I ask, my voice showing my dissatisfaction. "The boss says no and you give up on Vidia? What the fuck are you feeling?"
My voice got louder, I was angry.
"Where I come from, we value family. And this is a family matter and not open to debate." Fernando glares at me.
"And where I come from, we fight for the things we want." I also glare at him. "If you hurt my friend, I'll..." He interrupts me.
"What are you going to do?" Fernando approaches me, practically daring me to threaten him.
"I'm going to destroy your life." I say, moving closer to him. "And after that you'll realize what a shitty mistake you've made and you'll spend the rest of your life living with it."
I go into my room and leave him alone, thinking about my words. I wouldn't let him hurt Vidia, she'd suffered enough and deserved a man to match her.
I was at the party, having a drink as I watched the place fill up. The atmosphere was very familiar and most of them were Fernando's family. There were several of his cousins and aunts, who didn't make a point of talking to anyone.
Soon the arrival of the head of the family was announced. Everyone gets organized and makes way, as if some kind of king is about to enter. I saw the boss coming in, but I was in a terrible position that didn't allow me to see him properly.
I started to get as close as possible. Now I was in a good place, where I could listen and help Vidia if necessary.
The head of the family was on his back and unlike what I had imagined, he wasn't old. He was quite tall, and from his back you could see that he had a well-designed and shapely body, his hair only had a few gray patches, but that made it all the more beautiful. I had a thing for hair like that, what could I do?
I tried to see his face, but I couldn't. Fernando stood up with Vidia, and they walked until they were facing the "boss". Vidia had a gentle smile, but her countenance showed that she was nervous. Fernando again looked like a wall with no feelings, his expression was neutral.
"Filipe, it's a pleasure to have you with us". Fernando said, without showing any reaction.
"Of course I'd come, I'd never miss your wedding." Filipe said, looking sincere. Filipe speaks and seems to be sincere. "So, introduce me to your fiancée". Filipe said, looking at Vidia.
Vidia gives him a smile as they shake hands.
"Beautiful." Filipe compliments, after Fernando introduces them. "What's your surname?" He asks, looking at Vidia.
"Rui, Vídia Rui". She replies with a smile, but seems tense.
"Who are your parents?" Filipe asks and his tone of voice seems to have changed.
Vidia's parents approach, their smiles huge. After introducing themselves, Vidia's father, Raimundo, raises his hand to greet Filipe, but it is not reciprocated. In fact, Filipe has his hands in his pockets and is staring at Vidia's parents. Raimundo has a frightened look on his face and I can already imagine the intensity of the gaze he was receiving.
"They're not Italian. Filipe concludes, looking at Fernando, who gives him a serious look.
The two of them seem to be in a staring contest and I let out a sigh when I see Fernando lower his head.
"Is this some kind of joke?" Filipe asks and I see his voice sound ironic.
I see Mel flash a satisfied smile as she watches her son and Vidia with their heads down.
"That woman is..." I interrupt him.
"Too good for him." I say ironically, completing his sentence as I walk towards them.
I walk lightly, but with firm steps. The only thing you can hear for a few moments is the sound of my heels hitting the ground. When I'm finally close to them, I look at Fernando with a killer gaze. Vidia looks at me confused, but grateful for the interruption.
"And who are you?" I turn to the "boss".
Even more handsome from the front, his gaze was cold, but he stared at me from head to toe. I looked at Filipe and then rolled my eyes, turning my attention back to Fernando.
"What do you choose?" I repeat the question to Fernando.
Everyone pays attention to both of us and seems confused by my question, but Fernando understands it well. Fernando takes his attention away from me and looks at his cousin, then his gaze focuses on Vidia. Then he walks over to Vidia and holds her hand tightly. The two of them move closer to Filipe and I smile when I see the scene.
"I chose her. Fernando begins, his voice firm. "I didn't choose her because of possessions or power, but because I love her. I want your blessing and that of the whole family..." Fernando takes a deep breath. "But if you don't give me that, know that I'm going to choose my fiancée."
My smile widens as I hear those words and Vidia stares at him in amazement. I could confirm without a shadow of a doubt that my friend had fallen in love with Fernando all over again. The look in her eyes clearly described her love and her pride at having finally found her partner.
Fernando had just surprised me. Filipe looks at them both with a serious look on his face and then at me. I don't understand his gaze on me, but at no point do I show that I'm bothered by it. Although it wasn't entirely true, since that man was a Greek god. Applause for the genetics of this family.
"You have my blessing". Philip speaks a little louder, so that everyone can hear.
Filipe shakes Fernando's hand and pulls him close, where he says something I can't hear. Fernando nods and everyone starts to celebrate. I flashed a smile, seeing the happiness in Vidia's eyes and feeling satisfied. I leave, letting her enjoy her moment.
I was at the table waiting for one of the staff to make me a vodka drink, while I looked at Vidia's godmothers celebrating with her. I smiled and laughed at how fake those girls were. Were they not ashamed?
The waiter calls me over, placing the drink in front of me and I start to drink it. The taste of coconut is wonderful and makes the flavor of the vodka disappear. Normally I didn't like it, but it tasted different. I sipped it while watching the party. I finished the drink and ordered another, which soon arrived. I started drinking and saw a man approaching. Italy was to be congratulated, all handsome men.
"Quite a night, isn't it?" The man said, looking me up and down, making it clear that he wasn't talking about the evening.
"Too much." I say, returning the mischievous look.
I was alive, what's wrong with having a bit of fun, even with a man who doesn't know how to talk to women? The beauty made up for it.
"Are you with someone?" He asked, coming closer to me.
But before I could answer, someone materialized next to me.
"Yes, she's with me." Filipe replies.
Filipe had his hands in his pockets and was staring at the man with a threatening look, making him leave immediately. I look at the man disappointed, after all, he ran away looking like a chicken. I rolled my eyes at the scene and faced Filipe.
Filipe was close to me, too close. I could smell his scent and it was of danger, which made him even more seductive. I breathed in that smell, making it clear to myself that I wasn't going to wake up to him tomorrow.
"I imagine it's being the bride's sister." Filipe said, moving towards the spot that had previously been occupied by the chicken, standing right in front of me and very close.
"You've got it wrong." I say and take a sip of my drink. I see Filipe following my movements. "I'm a friend and a godmother." I reply simply, turning to face him.
We were very close, in fact our bodies were almost joined, a small space separating us. I just needed to bend down a little to touch his lips, but obviously I wouldn't do that.
"Do me the honor of escorting you to another place, where the drink is much better."
Filipe looks at my empty glass and takes the opportunity to glance down at my cleavage, biting his lip. The look in his eyes already gave away what he wanted to do, but I didn't have any purer ideas, so I just accepted his arm. With our arms intertwined, he led me into the house.
We went up one floor and Filipe took me into an office. The place was large and had two windows that overlooked the backyard, where the party was taking place. I stared at the beautiful view while I felt Filipe's gaze on me.
I hear his footsteps slowly approaching me. I feel his lips touch my skin, kissing my neck. I shiver at the unexpected touch and sigh.