Karen -
Today we're going to have a lot of fun. Ana and I are getting ready to go to a nightclub. We've been friends since we were little and always studied together. When it came time to choose which course to follow, I already knew what I wanted. In fact, I've always known what I wanted: journalism. My friend Ana always wanted to be a doctor. Then came time to take the entrance exam and when we got the results, it was great news: we both got into the same college. And today, we're going to celebrate. We moved to Seattle a week ago and our classes start in two days. So, we're going to enjoy one last night out before the start of classes. After that, it's just study and work. We got a part-time job at a college snack bar and with that money, we'll pay our rent. Everything is going according to plan, just the way Ana and I always dreamed of since we were little: to finish our studies and move out of our homes at 19 years old, just as we always dreamed.
"I yell for Ana to find out if she's ready yet: 'just a little more'," she responds quickly. Ana and I are completely different, which is why we get along so well. I don't know how my friend is still a virgin at 19. When I told her that I lost my virginity, she said I was crazy for giving myself away at 15. But I didn't care, I was in love with the guy. It was awful, but I let it happen. She always says she's waiting for the right guy. I want to see if this guy only shows up when she's 50 years old. It makes me want to laugh at these thoughts. I'll go see what Ana is still doing that she's not coming out yet. I arrive in her room and when I see the outfit she's wearing, I go back to my room and grab a basic little black dress. I go back to Ana's room and say, "Wear this. You're not going out like that." She tries to complain, but ends up giving in and wearing the dress which, by the way, looks great on her."
She protested, but it didn't work. She looks beautiful, and to complete the look, I put on makeup that emphasizes her beautiful eyes and a pair of high heels. Finally ready to go out, our taxi is almost here. We go to the living room and chat until the intercom rings, announcing that the taxi has arrived. We grab our bags and leave, looking stunning. It's impossible not to attract some guys tonight. When I say that, I see Ana rolling her eyes at me. I burst out laughing, even scaring myself a little. The taxi driver looks at us, confused, and I give him the address to follow. After a while, we arrive. It's packed, but we manage to get in. I look at Ana and say, "Tonight, we're going to have a blast!" We head to the bar and order some drinks. After finishing our drinks, I pull Ana onto the dance floor.
I see some guys looking at us and I really like it. After a while of dancing, we go back to the bar and order another drink. Before the waiter arrives with our drinks, a girl in the club's uniform approaches us and says that we have been invited to the VIP area. "By whom?" I almost scream because of the loud music. She points and I see two gorgeous guys looking at us. I want to go, but Ana says she's not interested, and once again, I convince her. "I'll only go because of you, but I won't hook up with anyone." "Okay!"
We follow the girl to the VIP area, and just when I think we're going to be with the other people, we're taken to a completely private area where there are very few people. The girl leaves us without saying anything, and a waiter approaches us and hands us the drinks we ordered downstairs. "Wow, everyone here is so good-looking and well-dressed," I tell Ana, who is dazzled by the place.
I pull Ana and we start dancing along with the other people there. A blond guy approaches us and introduces himself. "Nice to meet you, my name is Bernardo!" "Pleasure," I shake his hand and introduce myself, "my name is Karen and this is Ana." "Can I join you?" "Sure." He joins us and we keep dancing there. Suddenly Ana says she's going to sit and leave me alone with Bernardo. A slower song starts playing and Bernardo pulls me to dance with him, and before the song ends we're already kissing.
Ana -
I see that the guy is into Karen and I'm not going to stay here being a third wheel, so I say that I'm going to sit down and leave quietly. I sit in a corner of the empty sofa, watching a bunch of couples making out, and Karen and the guy are no exception. They're already all over each other and I don't even know the guy's name. The waiter passes by and I order a drink, it's all that's left for me. Tonight has been enough.
"Hi," a handsome man approaches me.
"Hi," I respond with no enthusiasm.
"Can I buy you a drink?"
"Thank you, but I already ordered one," I insist, until I finally accept.
"Waiter, please," he calls out elegantly.
"Can I help you, sir?" the waiter quickly approaches our table.
"Two drinks, please!"
The waiter leaves and quickly comes back with two drinks, placing one in front of me and the other in front of the guy who sits next to me.
He hands me mine and I drink it in one gulp, he looks at me and gives a small smile. He stands up and extends his hand, inviting me to dance.
I accept and we head to the dance floor, before we start dancing he introduces himself and tells me his name (Diego) and I simply say "Nice to meet you, I'm Ana" and we start dancing.
Between dances we drink some more and I start feeling a bit tipsy, so I decide it's time to go.
"It was nice meeting you, Diego, but I'm leaving," as soon as I say I'm leaving, he offers to take me home.
I'll give you a ride.
I liked it, but I preferred not to accept. I know him and he's not a good person. Thanks, but I'm with a friend.
That blonde girl who's with that guy?
Yes. He starts to laugh.
I doubt she wants to leave now.
If she wants to stay, it's no problem. I'll take a taxi. I approach Diego and kiss him on the cheek.
Thanks for the night!
No problem! he responds, looking at me intensely.
Before I can leave, he pulls me by the waist and kisses me. We separate when we run out of breath, and I know I'm completely blushing with embarrassment. I move away from him and go to the corner where Karen seems to be getting close to the guy. I get closer and shout so they can hear me.
Why don't you two go to a hotel?
Karen steps back and smiles at me.
Sorry for leaving you alone, friend.
Don't worry, but I'm already leaving.
Just a moment, I'll go with you.
I'm not a party pooper, Karen. You can stay there with your cat. I'll take a taxi, and we'll talk tomorrow. She tries to argue, but I hug her and wave goodbye to the guy whose name I don't remember. I quickly leave that place, walk a little more, and find the exit. I look left and right, thankful that it's crowded. I look ahead and see a taxi stand. I'm walking slowly, but before I can get close to the taxi stand, a car approaches and stops in front of me. My heart races, and I try to keep walking, but I can't move until I look up and see Diego, who's looking at me with a beautiful smile.
Hey, can I give you a ride or not?
I look at him and remember our kiss, which makes me feel a little embarrassed for some reason, I don't know why.
No need, I'll take a taxi.
He then gets out of the car, opens the door, and signals for me to get in. Oh my god, what do I do? I don't even know this guy. I think he understood what I was thinking because he looks at me and then opens his mouth to speak.
I don't bite, my dear, unless you ask me to. He smiles.
After a little while and a bit of his persistence, I end up getting into the car. I fasten my seatbelt and give him my address, and he starts driving. I feel a little dizzy, so I lean my head back and close my eyes. I think I fell asleep. When I open my eyes, I see that he's not driving towards my house.
Where are we going?
I thought we could stop by my place before I take you home.
Seriously? And did you happen to ask me if I wanted to go to your house? He looks at me and smiles again. It was either going to my house or going to his to listen to his friend and my brother having sex. And then? Your brother? He just smiles again and says that guy with my friend is my brother.
From then on, I don't say anything else. I stay quiet until we get to his apartment, which by the way, looks more like a fortress. It's huge. We go inside and straight to the living room. He asks me if I want something to drink. I ask for water, and he disappears for a moment before returning with a tray with a glass of water and two glasses of wine. I take the water and drink it quickly. He looks at me and then hands me the glass of wine, and I accept it. I'm so nervous. I've never been to a man's house alone before. He looks at me and asks if I'm nervous. I say yes, very nervous. He sits next to me, takes my hand, and tells me to relax. I try, but my conscience won't let me. Damn it!
I drink my wine, which is delicious, and I feel more comfortable. I ask, "Do you live here alone?"
"Yes," he replies.
"And do you have a girlfriend?"
"Someone you're seeing? A fling, maybe?" I finish the question, and he quickly responds.
"Ana, I don't like to be tied down to anyone. I like to feel free and be with whoever I want, whenever I want."
His answer surprises me a bit. I decide to stop here. I think it's time for me to leave, don't you think? He shakes his head in a sign of negation.
I try to convince him that it's enough, but he says he wants to know a little more about me, that he was interested in me the moment he saw me entering the club. He then asked the waitress to invite us to the VIP area and spent the whole time admiring me until he found the right moment to approach me. I listen to everything in silence. After he finishes speaking, I ask him what he saw in me, and he responds with another question.
"And what didn't I see?" I blush instantly.