Chapter 6 Burning Inferno

Clara POV

I stayed curled up on the ground, as I hummed, the humming stopped when I felt a pinch in my neck. It hurt for a few seconds before pleasure took over.

Why am I feeling like this?

I sat up, and looked around. In the distance I could see a bright light. Standing up quickly, I began to race towards it.

I stopped when I felt another pinch over the same spot on my neck, the same feeling washed over me, I looked up where the light was at and noticed it grew brighter and bigger.

As I ran closer towards it, I heard voices, at first it was muffled but moving closer I made out who it was.

Wyatt, Noah and Chase; "You don't feel that?" that was Noah, I could hear them clearly now as I got even closer.

"Yes, but we had to do it, Noah." Wyatt, his soft voice filled my ears. I smiled as hear them both talk, it was so much better than the silence.

"What if she wakes up and is angry that we marked her without her consent," I stopped when I heard that, they marked me? Is that what I felt earlier?

I looked up at the light and noriced a door. "She'll understand, Noah. You and Wyatt did it to help her heal." A huge smile overcame my features when I heard my brothers voice, if they did it to help me then how can I be upset over that?

As I began walking closer towards the door my anxiety picked up, what if this is a trap?

"Clara, just go through it. It can't be worse than sitting here in the darkness and silence." I heard Clary groan out.

"Oh my goodness where have you been? I thought I lost you." she shook her head, or what I could see or her, she always looked blurry to me.

She still seemed out of it. "The wolfsbane blocked me from you. If it wasn't for our mates we would've died." she stated, I could feel how tired she was, so I took a deep breath and reached for the door handle and opened the door.

"Don't be afraid, Clara. They are waiting for us." I nodded my head and walked through the door.

It was dark again, but I could hear a constant beeping, and my whole body felt like it was on fire. I could also hear soft snoring on each side of me.

When I opened my eyes I noticed a bright light surrounding the room. I closed my eyes, and blinked a few times to get used to the light. Looking around I noticed I was in a hospital room. I tried lifting my arm, but something was keeping it down.

Looking to my left I seen that it was Noah, who held my hand captive. Looking to my right, I seen Wyatt had his hand on my leg because my right arm was in a sling.

I turned back to Noah, and wiggled my fingers a bit, I supposed the slight movement startled him and he tightened his grip, I let out a soft whimper at how tight he was holding my hand.

Noah's eyes shot open and he let go and looked over at me. "Clara, oh thank the Goddess you're awake," he breathed.

"Wyatt wake up brother." he ushered as he leaned over me and moved his shoulder waking him up, his weight on my midsection and upper thighs caused me to wince in pain.

Everything felt like it was burning from the inside out.

"Are you okay?" Wyatt said as he brushed my cheek, the sparks that came from him touching me relaxed me a bit. "Every-Everything hurts;" I rasped out, and started coughing.

My throat felt extremely dry, I was surprised I was able to say anything.

Once my coughing fit was over I closed my eyes, my breathing was heavy and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

When I opened my eyes again, Noah stood there with a cup in his hand. "Here it's water, it'll help" he whispered.

Wyatt helped me sit up I whimpered out, my whole body refused to let me do the simple task of sitting up for a drink of water.

My head was pounding and my right shoulder felt like someone took a bat to it. My left leg was throbbing as I attepted to move it. It was like dead weight overtook it.

Looking up at Wyatt I could feel the tears brimming my eyes, he reached over and grabbed the cup from Noah, and then pressed it to my lips. "Here, drink. We'll talk to the Doctor about adjusting your pain medication."

I took a few sips of the water he offered me, but I just wanted to lay down. "Thank y-you," I whispered.

Wyatt helped me lay back down, I sighed and closed my eyes. My eyelids felt extremely heavy. "No stay awake , Clara. The doctor is on his way." Noah said as he cluched my hand again.

I shook my head, I wanted to sleep, my whole body refused to work with me as I tried moving my limbs. "Stop, you're going to hurt yourself."

The unshed tears started sipping from my closed eyes. "Why can't I move? A-And why does everything hurt? I feel like an In-Inferno has gone off inside me!" my teeth were clinched as I asked. I felt nothing but pain and I hated it.

"Do you remember the attack? The rouges?" I heard Noah ask me, I nodded my head, "I believe 2 of them attacked you, one tore at your shoulder the other on your leg. But the burning you feel is the wolfsbane they drugged you with. It was a liquid form of wolfsbane. It has to run its course until it's completely out of your system." He spoke softly, but I still wanted to sleep. I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the pain as I began to drift off again.

"No clara, stay awake." Wyatt pleaded with me. I heard the door open and then close. Both Wyatt and Noah let my hands go, as a rougher hand took a hold of my right hand.

They lifted my eyes open and shined a light into them. But he gasped and quickly let my band go.

"Her eyes, they shouldn't be that color." I slightly opened my eyes to find all 3 of them staring at me. I went to ask what he was talking about when a surge of pain rippled throughout my body. I let out a scream, I heard glass break but I was too tired to open my eyes again, I simply laid there and let sleep engulf me.

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