Chapter 7
I got up from the table when I found I wasn't as hungry as I thought I was. My wolf kept begging me to try and finish the nice dinner my dad had cooked but I tried. If I ate more I was going to get sick.
I went into the living room with Scott behind me. "You could have finished your dinner." I told him quietly because I felt guilty.
"I can eat later." He said nonchalantly and sat on a chair. I took the other chair next to him and pulled out my phone while I waited on my brothers to finish eating.
When I unlocked my phone I noticed I had over 20 text messages and 6 missed calls from Ryan.
One of the most prominent things he mentioned was he wasn't signing the divorce papers without having a lawyer looking at them.
I texted him back telling him that he had no option due to the affairs he's been having, and that I mayself had proof of my own.
It took him only a few seconds to reply back. 'What proof could you possibly have, Brooklyn?' He texted me back.
'The bruising on my back and stomach is all your lawyer needs to see to know you are guilty, Ryan!' I turned my phone off when he called me once again. I didn't want to hear what he had to say to me.
But because I didn't answer his call he linked me. "What do mean bruises? What bruises are you talking about?" He actually sounded concerned about me.
I seen Scott look at me out of my peripheral vision. "Would you like a photo?" I asked him calmly. "Yes I would, please."
I turned to Scott but before I could ask he nodded his head. I gave him a smile and turned my phone back on then unlocked it and gave it to him.
"Stand in front of me so he can't see your side profile." I got up and stepped before him.
I hesitated on lifting my shirt up because these bruises weren't pretty at all. "Take your time." Scott told me kindly. I didn't want anybody to ever see these.
I slowly lifted my shirt up and he took in a harsh breath, and I wanted to run away now. He shook his head and raised my phone up, he snapped the photo and I quickly lowered my shirt when I heard feet getting closer. He gave me back my phone and I sat down then sent it to Ryan.
"Don't worry beautiful your better looking brother is here." Zachary said coming into the room his brown hair looking as cool as he thinks he is.
"Hey sissy.." Levi came over and kissed my cheek. "How has your day been?" He asked me, they came in durring dinner so I haven't had a chance to tell them what happened today.
"Not so great bubba!" They all sat on the couch across from us. I lifted my phone up "if I can convince, Ryan, to sign the divorce papers, please ask him to go back home to the Crystal pack. I really don't want him here. We can work on a custody agreement later."
Jordan was the first one to speak. "Are you sure you want to tell him about the baby?" He asked me. "He'll find out eventually." I whispered and looked down.
"He hasn't found out yet." Zachary said and I nodded.
"We don't know how long this will take, Zach. I'll tell him but for now since he don't know I'll keep it to myself until a court date is announced." I finished and they all nodded in agreement with me.
"You need to show them what he's done." Scott said rather coldly. I looked over at him with wide eyes. "It's none of their concern." I told him a little shocked he said anything at all, he was usually quiet durring a family discussion.
He shook his head. "No, because what you just showed me it won't matter to the justice system, but it will to the Alpha or Alpha's of ANY pack."
"What on earth are you on about?" Jordan stood up throwing his hands in the air, my other two brothers standing up aswell. "Show us what?"
Scott gestured to me. "Well go on amoureux, show your Alpha's the damage that ex-mate of yours has caused!" I growled at him for putting me under my brothers watchful eye.
I looked up from glarijg at Scott to see the rest of my family walk in, Scott's aura must have drawn them in to see what was going on.
"I hate you!" I told him and he shrugged his shoulders a smirk forming on his face.
I stood from my chair and lifted my shirt once again. "Are you happy now?" It was so silent in the room a pin drop could probably be heard. I covered myself back up and went to walk out.
"Brooklyn?" My brother growled , I ignored him and walked past everybody and down the hall where my things were at. I grabbed my jacket and my purse and dug for my keys while walking out.
When I got to the front door my uncle was standing there. "Move uncle Richard, please? I want to go home!" He held out my phone and I looked back up at him.
He dropped it in my purse and once he did I fell to pieces. I wrapped my arms around him as a sob left me for what seemed like the billionth time since yesterday.
"It's alright sweet girl!" He wasn't like my other uncles or my mom and dads, he just let me cry. Mom had a guard at my side for protection my fathers wanted to kill Ryan for what's been going on, my brothers too. Bailey just wanted to curse him.
I have no clue what my brothers will do now that they have seen the state of my once beautiful body. "Because of him he has weakened my wolf and my aura."
Uncle Richard nodded his head while stroking my hair.
"What do you know about your mother's past? When she found out she was pregnant with Bailey?" I lifted my head up and shook my head. "Not much, just that she was 17!"
"As all of you kids are aware,your mother is the product of a rape. But what we didn't tell you was how we all met." He shook his head. Uncle Richard grabbed my hand and walked me back to the living room where everybody was still at, he made me sit down then went over to mom and whispered something to her that made her close her eyes.
Bailey teleported in with a sleeping Tyler and Evan who had his hand on her shoulder. He looked around shocked because he wasn't expecting it.
"Let me go and lay him down!" Evan whispered and took Tyler from her then left.
"Sit down, Bailey!" Scott got up offering her his seat and she smiled at him. "I'll be right back." Mom told us and left. About 30 seconds later she returned with Beta Hank, or as we call him Uncle Hank.
"Is it time?" He asked making me and my siblings look at one another confused. He took a deep breath as mom started speaking first.
"When I was 17, I was taken by a man named Alexander Parkman." Everyone of us looked at uncle Hank in shock. "He kept me in an old underground prison over at Black Moon where your uncle's and grandpa are from. He used a combination of sliver and wolfsbane on me after being there for a couple days, I was knocked out for what? 3 weeks a little longer..."
"A little over 3 weeks angel." Dad said and mom nodded then continued. "When I did wake up, he introduced me to Hank, his son." Mom placed her hand on his arm gently "Alex manipulated Hank to..."
"He told me she was a witch who had lost her wolf and wanted another mate." He shook his head "You all I'm sure can see what we are trying to say here." Uncle Hank finished.
"Mom?" Bailey said looking between them both. "What the hell?"
"What the hell exactly." My brothers all said together, I stayed quiet because I have felt the pain I knew all of my parents must have felt from that.
"I have forgiven him. And for what his father did to both him and myself he killed him after he tried to kill our then Alpha who was protecting Josie, Anna and you Bailey."
That we all heard about, how Grandpa Dan fought through the pain after loosing our grandma, we weren't told about Uncle Hank's part in it though.
"He brought me home, where I got to meet my dad and my other 3 brothers." She smiled faintly then looked at me locking her eyes with me. She made her way over to me and crouched down before me.
"The bruises you have, Brooke. I had them too, but only Richard had noticed them and told nobody about them. Not even me until years later. Mine weren't as bad as yours are, but I had some too."
I placed my hand on her cheek because I had a feeling she must have known about them before even seeing them. "I love you." I whispered to her making her smile at me. "I know you do, but I do enjoy hearing it."
"You could say it back!" I retorted with an eye roll. "I don't have to, you are my daughter. Comes with the description." She shot back at me with a giggle.