Here we will have three books, the first will be Cam the Seducer, a rich and American CEO and his assistant, he will be madly in love with Caroline and will try to seduce her in every way, but the young lady will not want anything with the boss and this will make the man not give up... In this novel in addition to the novel, there will be an ex-boyfriend of Caroline who will make her life crazy.

In the second book We will have, Juan, the Conqueror, a CEO who will have to get married to continue taking over the company, otherwise his younger brother will take over the company, so he bumps into Carla, a single mother who when she almost loses everything, agrees to marry by contract with the CEO to save herself, and her daughter...

In the last book, Seduction Of Love, We will meet Bryan and Annie.

A rich, arrogant, seductive and somewhat stressed CEO, he hires Annie and the two begin to feel certain feelings, but the two have dark pasts, and try to avoid a romance, but love speaks louder. Will they be together in the end?

Come on board and meet these CEOs and the strong protagonists.

one Book: Cam, the seducer.


I have always been a good student, excellent daughter and wonderful girlfriend, but from a few days to now I have been sure that I am no good for love. I am at the end of my relationship, I feel that I don't love him as I used to. In fact, I don't even know if my love for him is like I once imagined, like in the films where the characters sound cold, have butterflies in their stomachs, anxious, shaking hands, flushed faces and intense looks. I never felt that way about Marcio. I believe the problem is with me, because he always did everything as I imagined. Always such a gentleman, attentive, kind. He's such a sweetheart. When I saw him for the first time, I was enchanted. He was everything I was looking for in a man, but... the last few days, things have been strange between us, cold. We haven't had our night of love yet, because I don't feel ready, and that's been upsetting him, I feel like. I don't imagine the two of us loving each other anymore, feeling each other, because now I don't love him anymore. Now what I feel is just a great affection for him and I have no idea how to tell him that.

Chapter 1

It's February, the start of school for young people, but for me it's time to look for a job. So today I decided to hand out resumes around. As my father is very good, he paid for all my college for me, and I thank him every single day for that, as my old job didn't allow me to afford it, obviously. I went to design school for four years and now I am starting medical school. To become a medical specialist the road is long and I will graduate at 27. I am still young and I know I can do it. When I was 18 I went to Design College and I made it. Now, if I take another course I'll be able to have my dream house, because it's with a lot of effort that we manage to achieve our objectives.

I give my curriculum in several places, because almost everywhere needs a designer, and my teachers told me I'm very good at it. When I get home I take a cold shower, because I sweat a lot. Today, in Uberlândia, it is very hot. After drying my long black hair that touches the height of my breasts, I decide to check my mobile phone. I received a message from Márcio:

[Love, are you home? Can I see you?]

I decide to answer at once:

[I just arrived.]

He sends an emoticon kissing me and says he's coming. I sigh, wondering if I'll tell him about us right away. Maybe it will work out. I put on a pair of long knit trousers and a black tank top with shoulder straps. I like to dress like this at home, comfortable.

I make myself a sandwich with eggs, bacon, mozzarella, lettuce and tomato. I put ketchup on it and eat, satisfied. I've always loved putting ketchup on everything, sometimes my mother, Suzian, says I'm crazy and I get a lot of laughs out of it.

Finishing eating, I wash my plate, drink some water, brush my teeth and hear the doorbell. I open the door and see Márcio. He's beautiful, no doubt about it. I've always admired him. I step aside to let him in and then close the door, turning to him. I see him smiling at me, his brown hair is all back and he's dressed in a sleeveless blouse and dark blue jeans.

  • Hi love, I missed you.

That's a lie, because we saw each other yesterday. I smile, ungraciously, at him and motion for us to sit on the couch. He asks, after sitting next to me:

  • How was your day?

  • It was good, and yours?

  • Good too. My father's shop is growing, we're doing well.

Márcio works in his father's shop, which is very popular here in Uberlândia. Apart from the shop, his father owns a pharmacy which is the cheapest around, so they make a lot of money.

  • I'm happy for you, Márcio. We need to talk.

You know that phrase "we need to talk"? Everybody's afraid of it because mothers always say it and then give us a chorus; or when we do something wrong and we know we'll be punished; or it's also used when someone wants to break up with someone. I know that Marcio has come to this conclusion. I don't want to see him suffer, but I want what's good for me too, I want to be happy, and our relationship isn't like it used to be. This makes me sad, but it's better this way than hurting us for longer.

Marcio looks at me, nervous and says:

  • You can talk.

I sigh and begin.

  • Well, I think you've noticed that our relationship has gone cold lately, it's not the same anymore, we're distant and you've been trying too hard to get into bed with me. I know we've been dating for two years and it was supposed to happen, but... I don't feel like it. I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt you anymore, it hurts me to have to say this, but it's better that we break up. - I pause and say, looking into her eyes that start to tear up. - It's for the best, Marcio. I don't know why this is happening now, but I decided it was time to talk soon. I'm sorry.

I stand up and he stands up together with me, holds my hands and says:

  • Please, Ana, don't do this to me.

  • I'm sorry, but this is my final decision.

Suddenly Marcio's eyes change. He's furious and throws me on the couch violently saying:

  • So, you're going to break up with me and won't even let me taste your body, you slut? You gave it to someone else and you're breaking up with me, is that it? You're going to see me for doing this.

Marcio starts to take off my blouse and I try to stop him, but he's stronger than I am. How can he show me this side of himself only now? Calling me names and treating me like this, is this the real him? Aggressive? Now I know who he really is and I'm sure I should have broken up much earlier.

I feel his lips on my neck and moving down to my breasts. His mouth sucks my breast and I grimace, feeling nothing but revulsion and think - "Now is the time!". I punch his face and push him away from me. He falls to the floor, scared, and I grab a broom that was leaning against the wall and say loudly:

  • Get out of here now, you son of a bitch! If you don't, I'll call the police! Come on, you idiot.

I say, spitting the words at him. I'm angry, my blood is boiling. Who does this idiot think he is to do this to me? I'll beat him up if he doesn't get out of here soon.

  • What are you doing standing there? I told you to go away.

I say, advancing on him, and Márcio leaves my house quickly. I try to calm down, throw my hair back and put away the broom. Thank God she was here in the living room.

I lock the house and take another shower, but this time a long one. I lather my neck and breasts a lot. If I find him again, I'll report him immediately. Why did Márcio do this to me? I'd like to know.

Next Chapter