Chapter 4
The next three days pass slowly and I try at all costs not to be anxious. But why am I like this? "It's only lunch, Ana" - I tell myself, trying to relax a little.
Those eyes of Cam stay in my mind and I can't get them out. What the hell, what's wrong with this man? He looked at me in an intimidating way and his sexy voice with that American accent saying my last name made me so... embarrassed. This man is going to make my life crazy. He speaks Portuguese super well, imagine him speaking English? I barely know him and I'm super attracted to him, but why?
I push this thought away and something else comes to my mind. My medical school is going great, I'm loving it. It is my dream to go to medical school and I am sure I will do well. After finishing my college class, I get home exhausted, take a shower and as soon as I put on a dress, I see my mobile phone vibrating on the computer table.
I go to it and read the message:
[Dear, I ask your forgiveness for that day. Can we talk?]
In those days that had passed I hadn't even thought about Marcio, what I felt for him was at an end really, and after that horrible behavior he simply disappeared from my mind and my thoughts. Thankfully, Cam is now occupying my mind.
However, in the face of his contact, fear consumes me. I read the message three times. Is he mad? I never want to see him or talk to him again. What he did to me on that occasion was a warning never to let him near me again. Now I am sure that he is a madman and may do horrible things to me. Just thinking about it terrifies me.
I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. I call my father, who is still in the street, and ask him to buy me a new chip.
When he arrives, I thank him and call some friends from college who I trust will not pass my contact details to anyone. I give my new number to my friend in São Paulo too. I inform my parents why I changed my SIM card and they agree with me. I call my college and give them my new number. And, finally, Cam was missing. He took my old number that was on his resume. I need to send him a message to tell him about the number change or else he won't be able to reach me. I pluck up my courage and send him a message.
[Hi, Cam, this is Ana Caroline. Sorry to bother you at this hour. I'm sending this message to inform you that this is my new number. Please delete the old one from your contacts. Have a good night].
I click on send and wait. After a few minutes, I get her reply.
[Good night, Caroline. You didn't bother me at all. Thank you for your message. If I may ask a question, did something happen for which you needed to change your number?]
He sends an emoticon with his hand on his chin at the end, sort of thoughtful. I smile and reply.
[It was nothing, Cam, just some personal reasons, don't worry. See you tomorrow].
He responds by saying:
[Alright, see you tomorrow.]
After letting all the most important people know, I go to bed and set the alarm clock. I go to bed early to wake up rested.
I wake up to the alarm clock blaring. I turn it off and see a new incoming message, from the college. My teacher is having a bad time and now I won't have class until Saturday. I hope the teacher will be okay, but at least I'll get some more sleep, I think happily and go back to sleep.
I wake up again sleepy at eight in the morning. My father is at work and my mother must have gone out, since she doesn't stop at home. I go down to the kitchen and see that there is cheese bread on the table, cake and hot coffee. I take a mug and pour myself milk and coffee, eat some cheese bread and watch a bit of television, since it's been a long time since I last watched.
Then, since I have some free time, I decide to read a book by Jessika Rodrigues, Seduction of Love. I'm at the part where Bryan starts to care about Annie, who is a translator. She works for him and they are both starting to like each other. Annie had an accident and Bryan, without realizing it, has shown concern for her. I am already dating this couple. Bryan is a seductive and gorgeous businessman, this author was inspired by Fifty Shades of Grey, but in a different way. Bryan is not sadistic like Mr. Grey, he is just arrogant, jealous and controlling. Yeah, I read some parts forward, I was curious. I know, I'm crazy.
After reading some more of the book, I go to take my shower faster than usual, I put on a black dress and light makeup with a beautiful eyeliner on my eyes. I leave the meat ready for my mum to just make rice or something else.
I fix my hair and take a deep breath. At exactly the agreed time, I get a message from Cam telling me that he is waiting for me in front of my house. I open the door and see him leaning against his car, waiting for me. At first I'm a little scared that he knows my address, but I soon remember that it's written on my CV. I give a crooked smile as I lock the door and go to meet him.
He looks gorgeous in a dark grey suit, with his hair back with a lock of hair falling into his eyes. His scent makes me dizzy, in a good way, for he has a wonderful aroma. He looks at me, seductively. "Geez, you don't do that, Cam."
- Good afternoon, Caroline. You look lovely.
Your voice and your accent will always make me dizzy.
- Good afternoon, Cam. Thanks, you look nice.
He smiles and kisses my cheek. My cheeks burn with embarrassment and my whole body burns. His mouth is warm and very soft. He looks at me intensely after the kiss and opens the door for me. I thank him and look ahead. Suddenly I see Marcio looking at me from across the street and I have a startle. He's disguised, but I know it's him, I know him well.
What's he doing here? I freeze and start shaking with fear. Cam notices and approaches me, holding my hand gently, and says:
- Are you all right? Are you shaking, Caroline, what happened?
I look into his eyes, shaking even more, and a tear escapes me as I say:
- It's nothing, please, let's have lunch.
I smile crookedly at him, who leads me into the car and drives on.
Is everything really OK?
Yes, I'm sorry about anything.
I smile, not funny, and take a deep breath. Now I'm really screwed. I'm scared to death of Marcio, he might think I was cheating on him. What could he possibly try with me?